Dear Audience Members,
Firstly TellyTadka team would like to wish you all a wonderful Christmas and a Prosperous New Year!
Coming to the point, TellyTadka Team would like to allow you all to post your feedback and suggestions/requests on who you would like to see on Tellytadka, along with which shows you would like us to cover.
Your messages to TellyTadka itself also allows us to keep that spirit alive to 'allow each individual to connect with their favorite stars and shows!'
1. What is something you like and/or dislike about TellyTadka?
2. Do you feel you are able to connect with your favorite shows and your favorite stars?
3. How often do you visit TellyTadka's blog and website & any suggestions...?
4. Have you felt that we have taken each and everyone of you behind the scenes of your favorite shows?
We want to hear from the Fans rather then avoid them!!Thank You & Once again Happy Holidays,
TellyTadka Team