
Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Feedbacks and Messages

Dear Audience Members,

Firstly TellyTadka team would like to wish you all a wonderful Christmas and a Prosperous New Year!

Coming to the point, TellyTadka Team would like to allow you all to post your feedback and suggestions/requests on who you would like to see on Tellytadka, along with which shows you would like us to cover.

Your messages to TellyTadka itself also allows us to keep that spirit alive to 'allow each individual to connect with their favorite stars and shows!'

1. What is something you like and/or dislike about TellyTadka?
2. Do you feel you are able to connect with your favorite shows and your favorite stars?
3. How often do you visit TellyTadka's blog and website & any suggestions...?
4. Have you felt that we have taken each and everyone of you behind the scenes of your favorite shows?

We want to hear from the Fans rather then avoid them!!

Thank You & Once again Happy Holidays,
TellyTadka Team


  1. 1. What is something you like and/or dislike about TellyTadka?

    I like the fact that this whole show connects us fans with our desired celebrity. The interviews are always fun to watch, and I really appreciate that fan messages are forwarded.
    What I think you all can work on is maintaining this site and giving it more of a professional look. It's a bit cluttered, and I think it takes away from the appeal. Also, I think the interviewers need to rehearse before hand....sometimes the impact left by the interviewer is VERY low.. but with some practice, I'm sure it'll be amazing.

    2. Do you feel you are able to connect with your favorite shows and your favorite stars?

    A lof of the time, yes.

    3. How often do you visit TellyTadka's blog and website & any suggestions...?

    I visit the site once or twice a month, and I think it needs some work-appearance wise. It doesn't look very professional, so I would suggest giving it more of a mature look. The descriptions though, are very well written! Keep it up :)

    4. Have you felt that we have taken each and everyone of you behind the scenes of your favorite shows?

    I'd say 3/5 times yes. :)

  2. We, are the fans of Arjun Bijlani.We watch 'Miley jab Hum Tum' specially for him. We don't understand why he is out of XL College & Mumbai. This is so much spoiling. We can't enjoy the show without his activities in XL College. We request the directors & producers to bring Mayank back to XL College permanently Very soon. Otherwise we will stop to watch the show.......

  3. 1. What is something you like and/or dislike about TellyTadka?
    U help us connect with the stars of our favourite shows like LNMDJ and MJHT.I
    wanted to see a gaurav and chandana interview and u guys fulfilled that wish of mine also helped us to wish gaurav on his birthday.
    I dont particularly dislike anything but the interviewer needs to improve a little bit.Also during the interviews sometimes what the actors say cant be heard properly so u can also improve the recordings.
    2. Do you feel you are able to connect with your favorite shows and your favorite stars?
    Yes.Please keep visiting LNMDJ sets and help us connect with our favourite stars
    3. How often do you visit TellyTadka's blog and website & any suggestions...?
    I visit the site once a week.
    4. Have you felt that we have taken each and everyone of you behind the scenes of your favorite shows?
    So far yes.

  4. 1. What is something you like and/or dislike about TellyTadka?

    Like - It helps us connect wid our fav stars n TT always fulfill fans' requests :-)

    Dislike - Not all questions r read out.

    2. Do you feel you are able to connect with your favorite shows and your favorite stars?

    Yes, as u hav interviewed LNMDJ stars

    3. How often do you visit TellyTadka's blog and website & any suggestions...?

    5 times a week

    4. Have you felt that we have taken each and everyone of you behind the scenes of your favorite shows?


  5. 1. What is something you like and/or dislike about TellyTadka?

    I lyk d fact it helps us connect wid our fav stars. but i juz wanted 2 say plz improved audio quality of d interviews.

    2. Do you feel you are able to connect with your favorite shows and your favorite stars?


    3. How often do you visit TellyTadka's blog and website & any suggestions...?

    3 times a week
    suggestions - read all d messages n questions, hav longer interviews.

    4. Have you felt that we have taken each and everyone of you behind the scenes of your favorite shows?

    yes :-)

  6. Unfortunately, we started to watch Miley Jab Hum Tum about six months ago. After that we have become the biggest fans of 'MJHT'. All the characters are good. But we love Mayank most. We think mayank is the best & coolest dude in the show. In some recent episodes his acting was unbelievable. His facial expression tells all the untold feelings. He is superb. We love him very much. We create a Mayank Fan club in our area. We try to gather all of his informations. We celebrated his birth day in our own ways. All of us almost mad for him. We don't miss the show only for him. Some days ago when he left XL College & Mumbai we were shocked. We couldn't tolerate that situation. All of us decided to not watch the show. When he came back Mumbai we changed our decision & started to watch the show. But a fear is always around us that he will leave Mumbai again. We are requesting the directors & Producers of 'MJHT' that -
    1. Pls...bring Mayank back to XL college & Mumbai Permanently.
    2. Pls...make more stories on Mayank & show him more in every episodes.

    Pls....pls....pls....accept our request.
    Telly Tadka pls...pls...convey our message to the directors & producers of 'MJHT'. We believe that Telly Tadka will help us to reach our destination........
    --Sharin Shabnam, Shammi, Shital, Tishma, Orpita, Mona Singh, Rahul, Abrar, Ishita, Mahin Fuad, Farah, Anika, Tarin, Prova, Nowshin, Suresh, Arman, Aryan, Sahid , Kakoli................... & all of Mayank fans.

  7. 1. What is something you like and/or dislike about TellyTadka?
    like it that u make the most of efforts to connect us fans wid our fav celebrities ... dont dislike nything in particular ... jus improve the sound quality of ur tapes ...

    2. Do you feel you are able to connect with your favorite shows and your favorite stars?
    not always bt u do it all fr us rite so downrite appreciate all u do fr us fans ...

    3. How often do you visit TellyTadka's blog and website & any suggestions...?
    once in 2 weeks ... n whenever i get to kno u've put up sumthing on Love Ne ...
    4. Have you felt that we have taken each and everyone of you behind the scenes of your favorite shows?
    yeah ... totally

    p.s. keep visiting the Love Ne sets n keep us in touch wid all our fav actors ...

  8. 1)What is something you like and/or dislike about TellyTadka?

    Something I like about TellyTadka is that you guys have given us interviews of our favorite actors and actresses. I’m a huge LNMDJ and Sameer-Avni fan so I was very happy with their TT interview. Also because LNMDJ doesn’t get a lot of media attention and we fans have always wanted to see some behind the scenes masti and fun.

    2)Do you feel you are able to connect with your favorite shows and your favorite stars?

    I think I’m really enjoying TT and the people they are interviewing and I’m happy that you guys are informing us with the latest news about the shows and actors.

    3)How often do you visit TellyTadka's blog and website & any suggestions...?

    I visit TT almost every day because they always have great news waiting for me.
    One suggestion would be to show us some more behind the scenes stuff like a scene they are doing, we would love to see how each scene is done.

    4)Have you felt that we have taken each and everyone of you behind the scenes of your favorite shows?

    Yes I am very happy with TT and I love the long interviews they give us every weekend.

    Lastly, I would like to thank each and every member of TellyTadka. I always wanted to see and know more about all the LNMDJ actors and you guys have fulfilled it. Hopefully, the actors will start blogging and answering questions. And please show us more Karan-Perneet stuff :pp. Wish you guys all the very best & Happy Holidays :)

  9. hi,

    i love lnmdj & i want sameer & avni another interview pl. TT do it for me. lnmdj show is going off air is that true pl. tell me



  10. 1. What is something you like and/or dislike about TellyTadka?

    I love the fact that you guys give us insights of our fav shows, some of which others dont give us. Like LNMDJ for example. Thanku so much for the LNMDJ cast's interview!

    2. Do you feel you are able to connect with your favorite shows and your favorite stars?

    Yes, and thanku for that! Please keep going to the sets of LNMDJ,MJHT and DMG if possible.

    3. How often do you visit TellyTadka's blog and website & any suggestions...?

    TellyTadka is my homepage! so i come here everyday in hope of some new news!

    4. Have you felt that we have taken each and everyone of you behind the scenes of your favorite shows?

    Yes, mostly. You have given us interviews of Love ne & MJHT stars. I would really request interview from the 2nd DMG cast as well. The new interns, Karan Wahi,Moulshree,Sehban,Neha,Prasad. So plsss do go to their sets as well!

  11. 1. What is something you like and/or dislike about TellyTadka?

    I love how Telly Tadka is a site totally for fans and you listen to our requests and fulfill them. You don't discriminate between shows and try to cover whatever fans demand :) Also i like how u appreciate fans through their VMs

    This is not really a big dislike but an improvement can be made on the sound quality of the videos, most of the time it is good, but sometimes there are problems, however i know u guys try ur best and it is sometimes difficult to interview stars in a quiet place.

    2. Do you feel you are able to connect with your favorite shows and your favorite stars?

    I feel that TT is a great place to connect with my favorite show and stars. I love how u guys cover LNMDJ and it's entire cast. Loved ur interview of Gaurav and how u actually took our messages to them and he even acknowledged us!! Will always love u guys for that.

    3. How often do you visit TellyTadka's blog and website & any suggestions...?

    I try to visit every day, but i especially visit on weekends when u guys have great episode updates! Just would like to request u guys to update episodes more often if possible :)!!

    4. Have you felt that we have taken each and everyone of you behind the scenes of your favorite shows?

    Yes you guys are the best for taking us behind the scenes of LNMDJ in terms of the star cast but i would also like if u guys could actually show us a shooting of a particular important scene!

    All in all u guys at Telly Tadka, Muniza, Avni, and all the reporters are doing a great job and i am very thankful to u all!!! Really looking forward to interacting with the some of my favorite stars on the blogs you'll have started!!!

  12. 1. TT helps us connect to our favourite stars . like savni ,mayur ,sajan. the interviews are so much fun too watch. we feel like we are present there. and i would love too see more interviews
    What u should work on is audio as sumtimes you cant hear what stars are saying

    3.3 times week

    4. You have intrviewd MJHT LNMDJ but not DMG PLZ if possible can you interview sid and tamana too. Try having more interviews with karan and parneet . i reaaly enjoyed their interview.

    love Telly tadka
