
Monday, December 07, 2009

Gaurav's Bday bash Coming Soon!!

Warm Hugs to everyone!!!

Yes its cold out here in the united states...believe or not its getting hotter on the sets of Love Ne Mila Di Jodi where the cast came out with TellyTadka and celebrated Gaurav Khanna's birthday.

You may think its December 11th (his b-day) and well yes it is! We had to go ahead of time but no worries TellyTadka Team and & Entire Cast & the Man of the hour - Gaurav Khanna had lots of fun.

One lucky pic for you all. Stay tuned this week for his b-day bash video and more pictures ;)



  1. Dear Telly Tadka you guys are the best always bring us great entertainment. Thank you for bringing us Gaurav's birthday bash: Looking forward to it.

    Thank you once again.

    The Pic looks great but where is Chandana, Simran and Dishank..??..Hope they are in the other pics that you guys post.

    Keep it up guys rock

    Love Telly Tadka

  2. Thanks a lot TT for bringing us Gaurav's b'day bash .gaurav is looking so hot.that smile kills me everytime.Please post some of his pics with chandana.

  3. Thank you so much, Telly Tadka, for the birthday celebration, for the pic & the awesome news !!

    Lovely pic .. Gaurav is looking so cute and handsome ... Looking forward to his birthday bash video ..

    Karan, Perneet & Sujata are looking so great !!

    But missing Chandana, Simran & Dishank .. Hope they are in the video ..

    Once again, advance Happy Birthday Gaurav !!

  4. thanx TT!
    Can't wait 2 c d video!

    plz post more scoops n pics

  5. thanks a lot TT ... Gaurav looks sooo cute ... that smile always kills man ... pls post more scoops and pics sooon ... real soon ... waiting fr the vdo ... pls post sum pics of Gaurav wid Chandana ... pls pls ...

  6. hey...thnx tt for posting such a cute pic....kt n pc luk so great...gaurav as usual looks so hot and not to forget sujata,i thnk she's the coolest mum of indian television
    hope to c more scoops nd pics soon!

  7. Awesome pic, plz post more scoops n pics :-)
    thnx TT

  8. Thanks a lot TT .gaurav looks gr8

  9. you guys are total stars!!...thankyou so so much for all of this!!..stoked to see the videos!!..cant wait :)

  10. Awesome...and FAbuloUS!! cant waitt man!
    Dying to see the video...i wanna see the wholeee cast *sigh* thankss TT

  11. gaurav looks sooooo cute!
    please post more images

  12. savni r da cutest of all

  13. Hey..Happy Bday in advnce to my very fv star Gaurav...I love him from the bottom of my heart as a great actor with such superb caliber!!He is so sweet and dashing at the same time...u make an awesome pair with any actress from any serial but the best ever is with chandana..PriDa rocks!

    Looking forward like anyhting to the bday bsh!

  14. happy bday to GK nice pix

  15. thanx tellytadka fr a wonderful gaurav chandan interview...lukin frwd fr karan perneet interview n gauravs b'day video.....

  16. superb TT thanks a lot for this gaurav looks great
    we love u
