
Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas Messages

Christmas Messages from Jennifer Wingett, Jay Bhanushali, Mayank Anand, Karan Tacker and entire Love ne mila di Jodi cast, and Amit Varma.

Happy Holidays,


  1. Thnx very much TT!

    Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year!

  2. THANK YOU SO MUCH for getting us Jenni's message!!!!

    We love you lots and lots Jenni and hope you have a blast today with your family!

    God Bless you


  3. Thanks SO much TT for jenny's interview!!!! She's SO sweet and cute!!

  4. Thank you so much for Jenni's interview.....She is so beautiful. Happy Christmas Jenni.

  5. Thank you so much for getting Jenny's interview!

    She is so sweet and cheerful. I hope she had a wonderful day with her family in her new house.

    We love you and adore you Jenny!

  6. Sanju
    Thank you soo soo mucg for getting Jenny but i`m not being able to hear do I do that?
    I`m dying to hear her msg
    Merry Christmas you loads!

  7. Thank you so much Telly Tadka for getting us Jenny's message!

    Merry Xmas Jenny...we love you loads and we hope you enjoy with your family and enjoy the new year! Muah!

    Thanks Jenny and TT!

  8. Thanks TT for this! You guys are really the best thing ever!

    Loved that you gave us quite a long Simran message!

    Love you Simi doll! You are the best thing ever!

  9. Would love to see Jenni too!!! We really miss her interviews!

  10. can u plzz upload it again in you tube or gv sm othr link plzzzzzz ?? its nt opening.. i hv tried many many tyms...

    By da way thnx TT !!

    waitn 2 see ma GK !!

    - Luv Niki !! :D

  11. THANKS SOOOOOOOOO MUCH for jennifer's interview!! MERRY CHRISTMAS n a HAPPY NEW YEAR to JENNI!!!

  12. jennnnifer!

    TT..Thank you soo much for speaking to Jenny! thankyouthankyouthankyouuu

  13. I`m still not being able to hear it..i`m dying to hear Jenny`s msg..plzzz if possible upload it on youtube too...thanks a lot


  14. Awwww im sooo happy! the WHOLE LNMDJ cast wished us all for the New year! So sweeet! thank you TT..! u guys rockkk!

    also loved Gaurav Khanna,Jay bhanushali's and Mayank Anand's wishes!! aww

  15. Thanks sooo much Muniza and Avni and the whole TT team for giving us all these wishes from the LNMDJ cast!! Loved the longer messages of Simran and Gaurav especially!! Will definitely be checking out the blogs!! Keep us connected with LNMDJ like you have been!!

  16. Thank you so much TT for giving us christmas wishes from the cast of LNMDJ....They all rock!!!!

  17. Thanks once again TT...The cast of LNMDJ are so all of them

  18. cant c da video....i ve been tryin from last nyt
    plz tt upload it on youtbe plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  19. Sorry for unconvenience, we are uploading the video on youtube, so stay with us.

  20. Thanks TT for giving us wishes from the lnmdj cast.The video is not loading for me so can u please put it on youtube.

  21. haiiiiiiiiiii GK !!!!!!!! aint he oo sooo cute ??!! hehehee..okk.. nw lemme cm 2 my senses ! luvvd his smile ! :D workaholic ?!! oo.. its k.. v all r addicted 2 1 thng or da othr.. most of us here r prida n gaucha holics !! so no probzz !!

    But hope u get 2 spend sm tym hvn fun ..atleast wth ur Love ne costars !!

    Luvd CS..she is so damn beutiful !! luvd her shrt n swt msg !! yaa.. me a cmplete gaucha holic !! heeehee.. :D

    Luvd simmy aka rosh's cute msg n pyjama party ?? oo u r soo like moi !! luv yaa.. u r such a doll !! :D

    Luvd ila aunties msg too.. n DA< KT N PC msgs too.. Love LNMDJ !! u guys rockk !! :D :D :D

    THNX A TON TT 4 Making ma day n ma new year !! luv ya all !!

    :D :D :D

  22. wow !! dat was awsm !! whole LNMDJ cast wishn us happy new year n mery christmas !! wat else can i ask 4 ??!!

    Luvd gaurav msg !! he is soo cute !! :D.. n Chandana msg too..:D.. then ila ,karan , dishank , parneet n cute roshini's msgs too !! luv ya all !! Wish u all a very happy n prosperous new year 4m me !!

    Thanx a bunch TT 4 such a beautiful new year gift !! :D

    I wish each n evry1 in TT a very happy n prosperous new year guys !! luv u !! thnx again ! :)

  23. Thank you very much TT for the lovely wishes from the whole LNMDJ cast !!!!

    Loved Gaurav's msg !!!

  24. U MADE MY CHRISTMAS YAAR............

    THE ARTI INTVW WAS ROCKING TO THE CORE..........THANK U SOOOOOOOO MUCH FOR IT...........i dont hv words .........

    also the love ne mila di jodi cast wishes were like a cherry on the cake..........

    thank u TT.........we owe u big time

  25. amazing yaar thak u ssoo much TT fantastic!1

  26. Thank you TT u guys are fantastic.Love gaurav and chandana for their wishes.
