
Saturday, December 26, 2009

Episode 24 - Arjun Bijlani & Rati Pandey Exclusive Interview!

Episode 24 - Arjun Bijlani & Rati Pandey Exclusive Interview!

TellyTadka sat down with Arjun Bijlani and Rati Pandey for and Exclusive Interview which has been in demand "by fans" for a while.

Please leave your comments here on the blog!



  1. Thnx TT!
    Awesum interview, arjun-rati rock!

  2. Thanks so much TT
    Loved this interview!
    Mayur/Arti rock!

  3. When I find the courage to reply... I will certainly post my comment here...I am on ninth cloud right now. I lovveee ArTi!! They are the sweetest onscreen jodi!!
    Way to go TT team!! Love our team work!!

  4. A big hug to the TELLY TADKA Team
    love you for giving us such a sweet Arti interview
    I'm so glad you covered each & every question
    love Arjun & Rati to the core
    U both ROCK.........

  5. YOu guys ROCKED it by taking this interview..!! i think this was their bestest interview till date...i can't keep the grin off my face and can't stop from jumping around..!!
    THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for this bestest ever new year and christmas gift..!!
    There were wayyyyyyy too many moments to count and for me to list here...!
    So natural so wonderful and such a mind blowing interview it was,,!

  6. Yes Gagan, our team work is rocking! I love ArTi to the core and our wishes, dreams have come true. They were such a wonderful pair to watch on and off screen.

  7. AWESOMEEEE :D Finallllllllllyy we gotaa watch mayur/arti interview :d we've been dying for thisssssss :D
    thnk u thank u thank uuuuuuu loveeeeeeeeeeeeyouuuuuuu ArTi/Mayur :D Loveeeeeeeeee you Arjunnnnnn :D

  8. Really Awesome interview they really loooooks Awesome Adorable couple love them..........I was extremelly happy to see them together as i was missing u both lot's & lot's............

  9. OMG OMGGGGG!!!! Finally its OUT! Cant wait to watch it!

  10. The best Interview of history of Telly Tadka. Love ArTi/Mayur, best couple of TV Industry.

  11. arti were awesummmmm.....this is the bestest arti interview & can ne watched many many times.........
    they r the cutesttttttt couple sweetestttttttt adorablesssss.
    i appreciate arti thanks for taking out time the interview.

    love u arti

    thanks telly tadka was this interview

  12. OMG! This interview ROCKED!!

    Thanks a ton TT and ArTi for taking time out to do this interview..

    Arjun and Rati, both of you are soooo sooo adorableee..Match made in heaven..
    And Arjun said MY namee..AHHH dies...
    thanks again, it was just the best ArTi interview x
    Love Kajal x

  13. Thanks to u guys-we got to see such a fantastic Mayur interview after so long.But I was a little upset as my questions were'nt covered.But i understand it was rushed so its okay.

  14. Yes Avani....Gagan Tellytadka has to go long same like team work..yes they are wonderful pair seems made for each other.Rati is so cute sweet so adorable my God so spicy...Arjun is too cool person..bcoz I like him and love him lots...lolz..I cant forget that 20 minutes,I feel I'm lucky to be with hem..Isnt it?
    From Rakesh Shah
    Telly Tadka Mumbai India

  15. Way to GO Telly Tadka! this is BY FAR the Bessst Celeb pair interview on TT, it was small but absolutely memorable and beautiful, love Arjun n Rati, they are totally made for each other, and looks like they are in love *sigh*
    Love each n every moment of this interview..their nok jhoks, masti, passion..everything was outstanding!

    And Im soooo Happy to hear Arjun taking my name and saying that he loves me too! Awww love them both for ever!!!

    U ROCK ArTi n TT ! keep up the good work!


  16. Nikhila Chandran S.S.December 26, 2009 at 7:24 PM

    omg...omg.....thnxx a zillion billion trillion ton......duniya ke saaaaaaaare thnxx to Tellytadka for 1st givin the bestessssssssssst ARTI interview till date....n secondly for includin my dono qns...n thirdly onli bcoz of tht....Arjun said my name 'Ni..khila.."..yipeeee.....bestest sunday of my life....i really really njoyed n lived n ws completely completely lost in ARTI world.har ek moment....unka cute nok-jhoks...stares...close-close moments..hugs...sab..sab..lovd it to d core.....thnxx a ton TT...duniya ke saaaaaare thnxxx to u ppl once again....

  17. thanks u sooo much 4r this interview
    lovely interview :))

  18. hey that nose hitting part was 2oo gud...

    hey telly tadka teams...i guess avni n rakesh...u guys are dng a fantastic job....can i join u guys as well???? pl. let me knw the procedure. seriously, i wish to interview arti smeday.

    my id:

  19. Hello TellyTadka Team,Plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz take an interview of Rajat Tokas.Plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  20. Wow simply wow maine socha Nahi tha k ye itna cute hoga Thank u Telly Tadka you guys made my sunday evening......:)

  21. from yterday..............we hv been on ARTI LA LA LAND.................

    TT HAS GIVEN US THE BEST ARTI INTVW................and weREALLY APPRECIAte IT..................

    p we hv bcome CRAZY after the arti intvw.......

    this is the BEST CHRISTMAS GIFT EVER............what a way to start the year

  22. omg omg luv telly tadka team
    thanks alot big hug to avani and telly tadka team
    really u amke my day with arti interview
    i think i am late to post quetions
    i was not well tahts why i forget to ask my question to arti
    well next time i will ask my questions
    now big hug and celebration time 4 all krazzy artians arjun rati luvers

  23. thanks sooooooooooooooooooooooo much tt this is the best interview ever.................. !!!! i swear no one can match arti they are the most adorable couple......................... TT YOU ARE THE BEST!!!! THANKS SO MUCH FROM THE BOTTOM OF MY HEART!!! YOU ROCK!!!! ARTI ROCK!!!

  24. Thanks a Ton TT for this interview...
    It was THE BEST ArTi interview I've seen...upar se they answered my question in such a sweet manner..aahhhh was elated during the whole interview..Wish it was longer though:(..I hope next time we get a longer interview..already waiting for it LOLL..made all my cousins & friends watch it..See now even they know about TT..All thanks to ArTi..U guys need to give more & more ArTi interviews like this ..Then I guarantee it wud just go UP & UP in popularity charts

  25. thank you TT.... this interview was the best ARTI interview till date.......ARTI were rocking and they looked so adorable and cute together.......hope their next interview will be longer than this one. once again a big thanx to TT for this fabulous interview. ARTI ROXX!!

  26. This was the bestest ArTi interview ever...honestly..we cudn't have asked 4 ArTi...Arjun was hilarious n rati looked so bright n happy...!! this is wat ArTi fans used 2 dream abt n tt made it possible...we can never thank u guys enough...u guys ROCK!! I comparison wid ny other news show....u guys r the best!! we loveeee u!!!!! thanks a ton...!!!!! mwaahhh....keep going tt...hope u guys reach the greatest heights possible..u made me soooo happy wid this u!!


  28. Arjun Bijlani is my Dream. My love meter is Higher day by day for him. I want to see more interview on u Arjun..............Pls..pls....pls...........Tellytadka take another interview on Arjun Bijlani.

  29. hey arjun n rati...may b u dnt know wat u did for ur fans...i wasss always waitin to see arjun n rati offscreen MOMENTS!!cozz i love u both onscreen!n ya..i also watch mjht jus bcoz of arti//mayur.!THANK YOU !!

  30. TT..thank u for the wonderful interview!!
    Arjun and Rati were amazing!!
    completely sweet inspite of the busy schedule...they managed to answer all our questions!!
    amazing work TT in covering my favourite couple.
    Thanku n Arti !!

  31. It was a completely rocking interview..Am a die hard fan of Arjun and Rati and it was a real pleasure watching it...I m so excited and have been grinning non stop since the interview

  32. Thank u sooooooooo much TT....for the best interview ever.........ARTI interview was too good...want more & more Arti interview like this.........
    u guys did an amazing job.....thanks once again........

  33. thank u TT...

    loved it alot... ArTi are so cute.. Arjun is just unstoppable... such a flirt... I love him...

    Rati is so sweet and gorgeous... Loved the interview!

  34. Thanks TT..... Wonderful interview.
    Loved it. Hope to see many more Arti interviews in the future.

    Thanks to the entire TT team.

  35. ArTi are so amazing....its after ages we go one fullto long ArTi interview...its like barso ki tamanna puri hui thanks alot TT....still not over them!! so so so on cloud nine!

  36. Arti!! u drive me madddd!!
    oh TT..thanku thank u thank u for such an artilicious interview ....

  37. thank you telly tadka for such an awesome interview of our fav stars..
    It was nice to see them as arjun and rati, and they totally rock...

    Hope to see more interviews of them in future...

  38. thank u so much for this interview loved it aaawww arti r so cutee

  39. ArTi interview was awesome......arjun and rati rock yaar!!!....thank u sooo much tt....u made my yr!!!...adv.happy new year to whole tt team...gr8 job guys!!!

  40. 2nd best interview after Gaurav- Chandana

    thnx TT!

  41. thank u thank u thank u......thank u tellytadka for the interview...and thank u arti for ur precious time....well u know na that arjun+rati=arti?
    well i wanna thank u arjun from the bottom of my heart for the superb was full of masti....and i had a hard time controlling my laughter....
    and then u took my name too "mahak" and well i have already thanked u for that on ur update that too....bechara blog tarasta hai update ke liye.....
    but seriously thank u for making us enjoy a lot......atleast me....
    thanks a ton.....
    and rati..thanks for ur presence....becoz u too r adorable together....and i am ur big fan...
    thanks a ton for taking out ur precious time and giving this interview.....
    it made me go bonkers.....
    and well i love when u both smile......
    i love when u open ur open it always...
    and i must say that u two r the best actors in this entire world for me.....
    i hope to see both of u on the big screen soon....
    thanks for the that frequently....
    loved the fun filled interview.....thanks to tellytadka and our beloved arti.....

    thanks a ton!!!!!

    love u guys.....u rock! rather u r magical!!!!

    loads of love,

  42. This is the best interview EVER!!
    both of TT and ArTi..

    I m sooo thrilled!! I cant believe we got to see such a fabulous u guys!

  43. thnx a ton Telly tedka..I really loved the interview..Arti rocks!!..Love Mayur!!

  44. I would like to zilion of thanx to TT for such a nice Arti interview.
    i loved them so much
    Arti r rock,awesome and lovely.
    i enjoyed thier iv very much
    hope we will get more arti iv in future
    thanx again to TT. thanx a tonnnn.

  45. Thanks a lot TT for such a nice Arti interview. they are the best couple of TV industry.
    i loved them so much.
    thnax Arjun and Rati 4 their nice reply.
    and again zilion of thanx to TT.
    Hope we will get more ARTI interview from TT in future

  46. OMG am soo excited :D I just loved it to bits :D

    aww Arjun u rock!!
    Rati u r sooo adorable !!

    Love u both...hugs!! Am soo glad TT u got them together for the them!!

  47. It was an awesome interview.Short but sweet.
    Telly Tadka team You all rock, Thanx a ton for your hard work and giving us a chance to see such an entertaining interview,my special thanx to avani and gagan whom we all pestered so much for this.
    Coming to Arjun Rati you two are a darling..So cute, fun and humble.I really like the way you both were so considerate to your fans and gave us such awesome moments in the interview.Its a pleasure to watch you both on screen and off screen.
    God bless you all.

  48. Hey Rati - Arjun, A big hug to both of you..
    You both have no idea how much of happiness you both have given us through this TT interview... I was yearning for this kinda interview from my favs.. and you guys really rocked!! Really both of you are amazing and wonderful... Thank you so much for bringing a big and wide smile on our face, especially mine. I am running out of words, I want to write so much, but I am really short of words for you both. Whatever I want to write, I end up writing in Arjun's blog in the form of my commentary.
    Wish both of you a very Happy New Year. May all your wishes and dreams come true. May you both have all the happiness, success, good health and a lot of pleasant surprises unfolding your way.

    Loads of love and wishes to you both,

    Divya S.

  49. Hey Rati - Arjun, A big hug to both of you..
    You both have no idea how much of happiness you both have given us through this TT interview... I was yearning for this kinda interview from my favs.. and you guys really rocked!! Really both of you are amazing and wonderful... Thank you so much for bringing a big and wide smile on our face, especially mine. I am running out of words, I want to write so much, but I am really short of words for you both. Whatever I want to write, I end up writing in Arjun's blog in the form of my commentary.
    Wish both of you a very Happy New Year. May all your wishes and dreams come true. May you both have all the happiness, success, good health and a lot of pleasant surprises unfolding your way.

    Loads of love and wishes to you both,

    Divya S.

  50. OMG! This has to be the best ArTi interview again. Though I wish it was a bit longer. ArTi rocked in this interview!! They are simply the best. They care for their fans so much :) Telly Tadka team is doing a fabulous job! Keeping taking more interviews like this one and i am sure that u all will reach greater heights. Best of luck to the TT team! I want some more ArTi interviews.

  51. This is only for MAYANK---

    "khuda jane yea mai feeda hoon,
    khuda jane mai meet gaya.....
    khuda jane yea kiu hua
    hai baan gaye ho tum mere khuda..."

    "ankhome jo sapne-the mere tumne rang dia,
    tere khushime hi basti hai meri yea dunia......"

    "tu muskura jahavi hai tu muskura..."

    I want to see more episodes on Arjun Bijlani. Plz.............Telly Tadka !

    thank u fr such an lovely n ARTILICIOUS interview...........hope to c it again soon
    n thank u fr giving us a chance to post our que to dem

  53. Oh i m still on cloud 9...........they are the sweetest couple on Telly today, and i was so glad to see the interview........plz plz have 1 such interview every month.......LOL

  54. Thanks for the interview TT...

    Arjun and Rati.. u both are just awesome... thanks for your time inspite of the busy schedule.
    It was a pleasure to watch you two.

    Thank you so much again and hope to see more such interviews ;-)

  55. hey...thanx a million zillion trillion to telly tadka and all da rest who made dis interview was one of da best best best best best (x infinite) interviews we have ever seen...arti rocked as usual...they r jus da sweetest and the best couple ever seen on television 2day and i jus love dem 2 da end of dis world and back..if dats ;)

    i wish da interview cud have been longer but sum1 had once said dat good things cum in small packages...:)

    thanx 2 arti for allocating deir precious tym 2 giv da interview and finish all da the questions...i totally luved dem...arjun and rati...ur da best and kip ya tonz and tonz....and thanx 4 being da sweetest celebs telly has ever had da luck 2 have :)

    and a BIG BIG BIG MEGA THANX to arti and TT once again :)

    lotsa luv, Amy

  56. hey...thanx a million zillion trillion to telly tadka and all da rest who made dis interview was one of da best best best best best (x infinite) interviews we have ever seen...arti rocked as usual...they r jus da sweetest and the best couple ever seen on television 2day and i jus love dem 2 da end of dis world and back..if dats ;)

    i wish da interview cud have been longer but sum1 had once said dat good things cum in small packages...:)

    thanx 2 arti for allocating deir precious tym 2 giv da interview and finish all da the questions...i totally luved dem...arjun and rati...ur da best and kip ya tonz and tonz....and thanx 4 being da sweetest celebs telly has ever had da luck 2 have :)

    and a BIG BIG BIG MEGA THANX to arti and TT once again :)

    lotsa luv, Amy

  57. don't hv to say much abt the interview as the comment box has everything......rati said that she will gv her fb a/c tt pl let us hv that a/c....monica

  58. Arjun [Mayank], I love u.................I can't express my emotion on u. My eyes are full of tears. I really love u......Wish u a very happy new year.

    Pls...pls....Telly Tadka show more interviews & episodes on Arjun Bijlani.

  59. Thank u sooooooooooo much tt
    AWESOME interview :D..loved it
    and agree with everyone please can we have another int of Arjun-Rati??
    Thanks again TT :D

  60. I am a die-heart fan of Arjun Bijlani. Pls......Telly Tadka give us more shows & interviews of Arjun Bijalni.

  61. hello all .
    i'm a die hard mayur fan . pls telly tadka provide sum more interviews .

    luv ,
    JIYA .

  62. hello all .
    i'm a die hard mayur fan . pls telly tadka provide sum more interviews .

    luv ,
    JIYA .


  64. loved the interview of arti they looked so happy together i have a paper tomorow and all i can think is arjun rati,s interview hey ppl plz i need some guidance how can i mail my msgs to arti like gagan and yamini and all those ppl did u ppl r really lucky plz tell me the procedure so tht i can hav my momont too plz

  65. hi tt!can we have another longer interview of arjun-rati plsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss?

  66. we want more arjun-rati interviews soon!

  67. We want one more Arjun and rati interview please.............

  68. i m really a huge fan of arjun he is my MR. PERFECT.......
    thanks a ton for this cute interview........

    lov u ARTI

  69. Please We want these videos!!!Please upload them again!!!!!Thanks....

  70. Please We want these videos!!!Please upload them again!!!!!Thanks....
