
Saturday, December 19, 2009

Episode 23: Gaurav Khanna's message to fans!

Episode 23: Gaurav Khanna's message to all his fans. Stay tuned for our episode next week.

We apologize to all Arjun-Rati fans (ArTi/Mayur) as due to the actors being very busy....we have not been able to get their interview. But we have taken picture for you all. Please do stay with us for the further development on this event. (here is special picture for you all as we went there).

part 1:

part 2:

part 3:

part 4:

part 5:


  1. plz fix d links - dey're not workin

  2. only part 3 is workin

  3. plz fix it - its says 'private video'

  4. You guys can enjoy now...its been fixed.

  5. thnx very much - but dere's no audio for part 3

  6. thank u sooooooo much TT!

    My name was mentioned!!!

  7. i hate TT!!! Y wasn't MY name mentioned!!!!
    Tis is not fair - the same fans get mentioned again 4m d last interview :-(

  8. thank you so much TT for bringing a video of GK for the third time!! guys are the best ppl ever!!! love ya loads!!

  9. plz chek da video...can't hear da audio fr part 3....

  10. Hey Gaurav !!! Thanks for reading my msg and acknowledging me in Telly Tadka interview .. I am honoured .. :D Love you !!

  11. Thanks Telly Tadka for this wonderful interview and Gaurav's message !!! TT, you are doing a great work .. Thanks a ton !!

    But, part 3 is not working after few seconds .. It is stuck .. Couldnt hear the rest of Gaurav's msg .. :( Can you plz fix it ??

  12. Wooohoooooooooooooooo !!! ooo im sooo happy !!!

    GK mentioned ma name ???!!

    haiii im flat !!!!!!! luv yaaa loads GK !!!

    n thnx a ton TT !! luv u guys too !!

  13. thnxxxxxxxxx !!! yaaay !! GK's intrvw ??!!! luvng hm loads n loads more !!!

    Thnx a ton 4 this Fab intrvw TT !!

    u guys rockk !!

  14. Hello

    Firstly, I would like to thank TT. I must say u guyz are doing a fab job. Hope you guyz grow more and continue wih the amazing work.

    Secondly, tnx Gaurav for taking out time for all you fans from such a busy schedule and also reading out my poem.

    Thirdly, congtrats to all his fans.



  15. Telly Tadka u guys are the best!!! Thank you sooo much for another wonderful interview of Gaurav!!!

    And OMG Gaurav said my name!!! I am sooo happy right now, he just made my day!!! You rock Gaurav-- thanks for taking out the time to read our messages-- ur a gem!!! <3<3

  16. My first round of thanks today
    To the awesome TT team I must say
    While the rest of programs feign nonchalance
    You can feel the pulse of the audience
    When we feel we have no choice
    We can count on you to hear our voice
    The work you do is fabulous
    You have always been there for us
    Best wishes for the future of this show
    May you flourish and continue to grow.

    Next I wish to convey my appreciation
    To someone who in spite of his busy work situation
    Took the time to read our messages
    And 2 of our friends’ passages (poems)
    Never thought you would actually read what we wrote
    Never expected that our names you would actually quote
    Thank you Gaurav for your generosity and kindness
    This gesture will be remembered with great fondness
    Wish you the best of luck in all your endeavors
    May you be granted whatever your heart desires
    One more fan you have gained today
    Thank you once again is all I can say.

    To the TT team and Gaurav
    Thank you for making us smile from ear to ear
    Wish you all a very very happy new year.


  17. Thanks TT...i'm gratefull to you guys for giving us all the lovely interviews featuring the cast and crew of my favourite show love ne mila di jodi

  18. Thanks a ton TT for the w'ful interview with GK. he is a awesome actor and so down to earth.
    Un believable.

    Please keep getting us these w'ful interviews.
    You guys truly rock.

  19. Way to go TT, you rock.

  20. Thnx TT!
    Gaurav ROCKS!!!

  21. Thank u soooooooo much TT 4 makin GK read our messages & 4 d wonderful interview

  22. duh seriously YOU GUYS GOT NO LIFE?i appreciate what u do..but dah sersly you got NO LIFE AT ALL KYA?

  23. Thank you Gaurav for taking some time out for the interview and for acknowledging your fans :) We all love you :)

    Thank you TT for the awesome interview


  24. Thank you are a true rockstar...

    Seriously you read my poem..I am beyond ecstatic..

    and I wrote more..

    My two minutes of fame
    When GK took my name
    That moment I will never forget
    Cause GK is such a cute lil poppet!!!

    Oh GK I do pledge to thee today
    My unwavering loyalty,,my unshakeable faith...
    For as long as it takes ..
    For however in as many plays..

    Oh GK have totally won me over
    with your humility and your unassuming manner
    Oh GK a person, you are so understated..
    You have me made me beyond exhilarted..

    May you shine the brighteest
    May you reach the highest pinaccle of success
    May you be simply be the best
    May your career graph continue its unparalleled progress

    and to guys are rockstars too...keep it up...

  25. Thanks TT, U guys are the BEST..

    A big thanks to GK too for doing this..

  26. Thank you TT.And a big thanks to GK too

  27. Thanks TT for gaurav's interview

  28. [Quote]

    i hate TT!!! Y wasn't MY name mentioned!!!!
    Tis is not fair - the same fans get mentioned again 4m d last interview :-(

    [End Quote]

    We have tried our level best to convey each and everyone's message. I, Avani Patel the co-owner of TellyTadka assure you that everyone's message has been handed over to Mr. Gaurav Khanna.

    We hope you can understand that the fact, we are trying our level best. We are fans, and we understand other fans. Do stay with us for further coverage of Mr. Gaurav's upcoming show and his current show Love Ne Mila Di Jodi.

    - Avani Patel
    Co-Owner of TellyTadka

  29. TT Rocks! thnx very much 4 d interview :-)

  30. thanks alot 4 this interview, plz update GK's website & blog 2.

    thank u

  31. It is unexpectedness!

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