Last week in our episode we spoke with AJ, a hard core Mayank Nupur fan "MAYUR Fan" who has made a petition to bring back the characters which they felt....have really gone "out of sync".
For those that wish to sign and join AJ in her efforts to revive the old Mayank-Nupur....then don't await any further. Below is the link for the petition.
Petition Link: http://www.gopetition.com/online/35018.html
If you wish to voice our your petition or come talk about your favorite show, character or an actor..then e-mail us today tellytadka@gmail.com
i highly appreciate the initiative taken by AJ. mayank-nupur are out of sync is an understatement. i do not remember the last time they had a scene where both of them are in character. mayank-nupur are parallel leads is a long standing joke in mjht. they are always treated as second fiddle. mayank-nupur were alive due to the sheer grace of wonderful actors like arjun & rati. it is high time the makers treat them with the respect and storyline they deserve.
i agree Mayank-Nupur are being treated as fillers in the show, it doesn't look like they are leads, no screen space, their characters are being ruined day by day so much that they don't look the MayUr we fell in love with, it's my request to CV's to give them proper track, not to use them just for comedy, and please do justice to Arjun-Rati's talent...
ReplyDeleteits a great move by aj. thanks a lot for taking this initiative. it was highly needed.mayank & nupur are now totally out of their characters especially mayank. can't think of them like this. they are no more the mayur with whom i fell in love. They don't have a proper track, no story. its totally disturbing us fans of mayur that they are treated like fillers. They must be given their part of the story with equal importance.
ReplyDeleteI Thank AJ & tellytadka this petition was really necessary,they have totally exploited Mayank & Nupur's character using them for comic relief After their marriage No Mayur scenes no trust no understanding no storyline all we got was Mayur doing social service for others & the gang making fun of their married life ...its high time the CVs give them a proper track & equal screen space....they should show their marriage & college life....Arjun & Rati are great actors they brought life to Mayank & Nupur justice should be done to the characters & actors....
ReplyDeleteThanks AJ Really it was neccessary, bc they really ruind both of MayUr charcters and we dont get MayUr scene lots of gang scene and we are fed up with this!!!!and they are now married we have to see their life married and they are totally ruind it!!by showing nonsense!!!!
ReplyDeleteThank a lot AJ 4 taking this step....hope the CVs get the msg that we MayUr fans want 2 convey thru this....
ReplyDeleteThank you AJ and Tellytadka. This petition is just an attempt of sincere Mayank/Nupur fans to let the creatives know that these two characters have suffered the maximum in the recent tracks. I applauded the creatives when they dared to show the two getting married so young in the current day and age. There was so much scope to build on that plot. But, all the intermediate tracks(holi,kiss,baby...) have led to them acting like a pair of dim-witted clowns and their marriage has degenerated into a farce/circus act. We request the makers of the show to restore the grace, uniqueness and inherent strength of Mayank and Nupur - portrayed by gems like Arjun and Rati!
ReplyDeletethis is so cool... love ya anu i hope ur efforts are paid off...BTW, already signed the pettion
ReplyDeletegr8 effort by AJ.....i hav already signd there.....
ReplyDeleteThanks to AJ for making this petition and to tellytadka for promoting it. Yes. Now a days Mayank and Nupur are only being used for some random scenes. There is no connection in their scenes or story.
ReplyDeleteThank You TellyTadka for putting up the petition online.
ReplyDeleteAnd all my friends here ...Thank you all for signing and supporting MN petition.
THANX AJ N TELLT TADKA....4 dis efforts...it really neede 2 show cv's how dey ruining talents f arjun n rati.....
ReplyDeleteplzz cv's u hv gems in arjun n rati...dey hv made ur mediocre scenes luk gr888....bt nw dey r used as comic relief....getn mayur married i thot vl take deir realtnshp 2 nxt level whr der vl b immense respect n undersatandin n maturity in dem....bt alas....wat v hv gt....less care...less louve..less reapect...evrythn bein reduced.....
plzzzz its high tym...revive dem...a humble request....
thanx to you and aj for the petition.mayank nupur character has been ruined.they now a days are just used for comic relief.it feels as if they are not the lead but secondry actors of the show.no mayur proper scenes are shown after marriage.only two to three scenes after marriage were sensible
ReplyDeleteyeah this is a very good step taken by a.j we all want our mayur back if not then the cvssss must go to hell for not doing justice.
ReplyDeletei am unable to watch mjht with new mayur.nupur is shown over brave,bossy.mayank is shown as flirt kissing all girls.previous mayank and nupur are not like that.nupur is soft ,sensible and intelligent.mayank is ideal among everyone in the gang.and all things concerned with mayur have only a abrupt end like shaadi,gunur fight ,eve teasing etc.
ReplyDeletei want mjht to concentrate on mayur and give them good track
Heyy evn I ws one of dem 2 post a petition..............dey really need it!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteGr8 post
ReplyDeleteAJ u did outstanding job !!
MayUr r using only 4 comic releife !!
n dey arent treated like lead couples .....plz we want our MN back
we want our fav couple to treat like the same they reated in the begining of the show
Thank u !!
MN fans have got nothing better to do...keep crying for more scenes