Most Romantic TV Couples of All Times
“One day you will ask me which is more important? My life or yours? I will say mine and you will walk away not knowing that you are my life. “-Khalil Gibran
And that was exactly how Sujal felt, when he knowingly walked into the trap set by Kashish so that she can put him in jail for a sin he had never committed. That was exactly how Heer felt when she admitted to a sin she had never committed to go to jail so that she can save Prem and his reputation.
And when Ridhima finally confessed to Armaan about her love for him, we were right there with him, going over the moon. And as Angad travelled from the path of hatred to that of confusion, attraction, jealousy and then finally his capitulation, we were with him every step of the way. Every time Angad or Prem or Armaan suffered, we suffered with them. And every time they triumphed in winning their loves, we were right there on the side lines, applauding and sharing in their happiness, as if it were our own.
Who exactly are these people that have taken our hearts hostage?
Well, these are those fictional characters and couples on television, that have been induced with so much reality and feelings into their roles, by those who put them together and also by those who have enacted them, that they made us share and experience in all the emotions that there characters have gone through, may that be love ,passion, hate or misery, just about everything in the name of love. And when it comes to feelings as powerful as those, then it is almost impossible to forget such people or characters, who made us feel that way.
And as someone had so rightly said, “ Anyone can catch your eye, but it takes someone special to catch your heart. “
So, here are some such couples that had that special something, with which they managed to not only evoke but keep alive those beautiful emotions in the hearts of millions of people.

. Angad and Kripa (Kaisa Yeh Pyar Hain)- “You know that when I hate you, it is because I love you to a point of passion that unhinges my soul.” – Julie de Lespinasse. Angad, a rich, cynical Rock Star and Kripa, a simple, small town girl with idealistic values. They were opposites in every sense. At first they couldn’t stand each other. Later, they couldn't live without each other. At first, they hated each other with intensity. And later, they loved each other with an even more intense passion. Turbulence was the name of their relationship. It touched the highest of heights and the lowest of lows but what remained constant was the intensity of love and passion between them. Luke warm is not a word that ever entered their relationship.

Sujal and Kashish (Kahiin Toh Hoga)- “You may not love me today, tomorrow, or ever, but I will love you until it kills me, and, even then, you'll be in my heart.”- Unknown. Sujal, a rich, devil may care business man and Kashish, a sweet girl from a loving family. Their love was a force of nature, a pioneer of its kind, that which can be denied, rejected and revered but that which can never be ignored. Every time, that Sujal brooded and cried for Kashish, almost every girl watching cried with and for him. And each time Kashish came on screen, she set flight to the dreams of every guy watching.

Pratham and Gauri( Khutumb) - But let there be spaces in your togetherness and let the winds of the heavens dance between you. Love one another but make not a bond of love: let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls. “ By Khalil Gibran. Pratham,a very immature and hateful kind and Gauri,a willful and stubborn kind. They got married to make each other pay. And make each other pay they did, first, by trying to do one up on the other and later by falling in love with each other. These real life couple brought their love onto the screen to make it come alive with their own real colors of love and passion.

Kavya and Anjali (Kavyanjali)- “True Love burns the brightest, But the brightest flames leave the deepest scars”- Unknown. This couple brought such sizzling heat and chemistry to the screen that they used to heat up the rooms of the viewers. :) I guess the actors who played this role being a real life couple played a large part in the chemistry that they brought on to the screen. But, in screen life, they also had to go through a world of hurt, turmoil and longing in order to end up together.

Armaan and Ridhima(KaSH) (Dil Mil Gaye) -“Love is not written on paper, for paper can be erased. Nor is it etched on stone, for stone can be broken. But it is inscribed on a heart and there it shall remain forever.”-Unknown. He was a care free, happy go lucky self confidant flirt and she, a conservative, modern girl who wanted to follow the ideals and dreams in her father's footsteps. The first time that they met was on the basket ball court. The rest as they say, is history. From the moment that they met on screen, they set the screen on fire with their awe inspiring chemistry. The way that he loved and wooed her made not just Ridhima but almost every girl that watched, whether young or old alike, fall head over heels for him. And the ways Ridhima looked at him made every boy or man want to trade places with Armaan. Their journey with us was short but a memorable one, that which left us with such a lasting impression, that they would always remain close to our hearts forever.

Prem and Heer (Kis Desh Mein Hain Mera Dil) – “Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies. “ -Aristotle . He was an ideal role model for every role that he played in any relationship. He was the perfect son, brother, lover and husband. He was wealthy, idealistic, brilliant business man from a loving family who always knew that there was only one girl that was made for him and was waiting for her. She was a poor orphan from a loving family, a girl who had always been in love with a guy whom she has never met or seen and was waiting for him. At first sight, their hearts touched and each knew the other to be their soul mate, the one they have been waiting for all their lives. Then began a journey so beautiful, and with such depth, passion and intensity that it would leave a lasting mark on the hearts and minds of its viewers.

Milind and Prachi ( Kayamath) - "We are each of us angels with only one wing. And we can only fly while embracing each other." -Lucian de Croszonza. He was the rough and tough, rags to riches kind of business magnate and she was the sheltered beloved daughter of a rich business man, born with a silver spoon. She was idealistic. He was cynical. She believed in everything good and he did not trust anyone nor believe in anything but himself. And then their union took place as a business deal, only to transform later into a conflagration of a love story, melded gloriously with all the colors of passion, devotion, love and trust.

Prithvi and Damini (Love Ne Mila Di Jodi)- “The worst thing you can do for love is deny it; so when you find that special someone, don't let anyone or anything to get in your way.” –Unknown. He was the tall, strong and silent type and she was the stubborn and head strong kind. He was out for revenge and she did not want to give a damn for him. But, then love had a plan of its own for them and so they fell in love and they fell hard. And then there was no turning back. Set in present times, starting with him playing the role of her body guard and now her husband, this couple continue to sizzle the screen with their intense brooding chemistry and the strength of their characters, which first they used against and then later, totally and wholly in support of the other, to become each other's strength.

Mayank and Nupur (Miley Jab Hum Tum)- “I love you, and because I love you, I would sooner have you hate me for telling you the truth than adore me for telling you lies.” – Pietro Aretino. He was the industrious, intelligent, silent, keep off kind of cool dude of the college and she was the talkative, filmi, small town girl with her head in the clouds. They met and they fought and kept fighting and with no volition of their own, they fell in love. If love transformed Mayank to come out of his shell and to woo his girl in the filmi way she liked, it turned Nupur into the girl who waited with bated breath to hear Mayank say those special words to her. Love blossomed, and so did their feelings and finally led to their union in matrimony. Their saga still continues. Let us see what more colors are added to the bonds of love that tie them together.

Dev and Radhika ( Choti Bahu)- –“And ever has it been known that love knows not its own depth until the hour of separation.”-Khalil Gibran. Their love for each other symbolizes the love of the heavens. The moment Dev's eyes fell on Radhika, that moment was enough for him to know that she was meant to be his forever. And every time that Radhika met Dev, she saw the divine in him. They saw each other and they loved each other. But, there tale has mostly been a tale of separation and waiting. Finally, they are united and one now after facing the tests of time and turbulence. Only time shall tell, what more is in store for them.
But as they say, Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Different couples become special to different people, depending on what touches their heart the most. While it is true some couples may have garnered places in more hearts than others, it is very difficult to really say which couples are really the best, as from each person’s point of view their list is the best.
Here we have presented just a sample of a list that matched our idea of romance due to the way they brought either romance, passion, devotion, faith or the intensity of love to life on screen in some form or the other.
Are there any such couple or couples, whether on this list or not, who have garnered a part of your heart? Please feel free to share.
And remember, “Love is a wonderful thing. You never have to take it away from one person to give it to another. There's always more than enough to go around.” - Pamela de Roy. The more you give the more you receive, so open your hearts to the music of love, joy and happiness. Happy Valentine’s Day!!
Reporter: Raji K
Telly Tadka