
Thursday, January 02, 2014

SARASWATICHANDRA : Kusum- The wandering Shadow of Kumud!!!

A line, a statement that was said time and again in Saraswatichandra when it came to Kumud and Kusum was that they were each others Parchaiyi aka Shadow and since the start of Kumud missing track this aspect has been very well dealt with.

Kusum claimed time and again that she was Kumud's parchaiyi, Kumud and the Desai Family has also confirmed the same at certain instances but with Kusum falling in love with Saras and her love turning into an obsession one finally comes to know that Kusum never actually loved Kumud the way she claimed, or the way others thought she did and finally it's out in the open for all to see.
It's still such a mystery how one can change overnight but I guess anything can happen in the Fictional World. Kusum falling in love with Saras isn't the problem because kab kisse pyaar ho jaaye, ispe kiska zor hai? Even the eldest member of the Family aka Dadaji echoed these thoughts in one of the episodes and it's 100% true because who we fall in love with is not something that is in our hands but yes the way we chose to proceed, deal with it is definitely in our hands. Kusum knows what Kumud and Saras means to each other and yet she has been acting like this spoilt brat, this obsessed woman who cannot see anything beyond the fact that she is in love with Saras and that she wants him in her life at any cost. I mean look at the chaos she has created because of this obsession.....because of this selfishness. With every step she is taking to get Saras into her life, she has only ended up hurting the people who love her.

Kumud's sudden disappearance is still a mystery. Did she actually walk away from all? Does Saras and Kumud have something planned that would infuse sense into Kusum and make her see the truth etc are questions that need answers but irrespective of what the reason is one cannot deny that Kusum managed to wreck Kumud to an extent with the whole Fire Act. Is that what you do to the sister who does nothing but selflessly love you??? Kusum and Kumud are nothing alike is what anybody would say after seeing the recent events in Saraswatichandra. Kumud’s happiness lies in Saras, even after breaking free from a marriage which was nothing but an example of Class 1 torture and abuse, she did not unite with the Man she loves. Instead she keeps sacrificing her love and lover aka Saras for Kusum time and again. She asked Saras to marry him, something she never had the right to do in the first place but still she did that for Kusum, every time Kusum tried to hurt herself due to her obsession with Saras, Kumud spoke up and stood for Kusum and blamed Saras when she knew better. Even today if Kumud has left everybody (The truth is yet to be known) she has done it for only one person Kusum. Well even Kumud is to be blamed for a lot of things, the bottom line being had she made it crystal clear to Kusum and not entertained any of Kusum’s childish demands in the first place things wouldn’t have gotten this bad.

Saras walks away with all accolades as he gives Kusum a reality check and right on her face. Starting with him threatening to tell the truth regarding the letter, to asking Kusum to find Kumud if she truly feels guilty to reprimanding her when she said that she was worried for Kumud by saying that she isn’t worried for Kumud but for herself because not finding Kumud means getting herself in trouble for implanting a fake letter and thus falling in the eyes of the family members. He showed her what love was by showing how Kumud left them all for Kusum when Kusum was busy being blind in her obsession. The way he kept asserting that he belonged to Kumud and only Kumud and if they don’t find her or if she does not come back he would also turn out to be nothing for others.

Saras knows what it is to spend life with one who does not love you. He has seen what the outcome of such a life is. He has witnessed it with his own eye and it’s his Mom who serves as an example. He has made it clear a zillion times to Kumud to Kusum that even if they get married he would never be able to give a life, give love as everybody expects of him. Kusum will turn out to be another Saraswati and he is no way ready to let that happen and its great to see him stick by his decision. Nothing Kumud or anybody else says has made him sway from his decision which is amazing.

One thing that needs to come out in the open and soon is Kalika’s role in all this; she is the one blowing everything out of proportion and it’s high time Saras puts two and two together. And there is also the truth regarding Kumud’s disappearance that needs to come out of hiding.

Over all an amazing episode, Kudos to Gautam Rode for bringing back that intense, passionate Saras on screen, he stood out in every frame today with his expressions, dialogue delivery etc. Kusum may be the most hated character in SC as of now but hats off to Shiny for essaying the obsessive lover with such effortlessness.

Well what did you think of tonight’s episode? Are you liking the way the track is shaping up??? Do leave your feedbacks and comments.

Author: Vijitha Rajan

1 comment:

  1. i like the saras and kusum love story but show me to kusum or danny ki love story build up ki ja rhi hai isliye main ye show nahi dekhngua jb tk kusum or saras ki love story wala track nahi aata or meri traha or bhi fans sayad yahi dekhna chate hai so please comeback the saras and kusum love story
