
Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Rangrasiya: Paro and Rudra becomes each others Shield (Analysis and Symbolism)

Aadab, Namaste and a warm hello to all our Rangrasiya fans out there…. 17 episodes down what is your take on the show? Are you liking the way Rangrasiya is progressing or do you feel that something is lacking? For once we are mighty impressed with the way Nautanki Films is handling the show. The entire team has been doing a fabulous Job and this is one of the best shows we have today.

A lot has happened ever since we gave our first Review and Analysis-Symbolisms. Some fabulous and power-packed performances, an array of fantastically visualized scenes with hidden symbolisms, some amazing twists, some heart wrenching moments etc one can say without a shadow of doubt that the show is shaping really well. What caught our attention in such a way that we were forced to write this piece were the events of yesterday’s episode and not just one or two scenes but the episode in totality.

A quick recap of the episode – Rudra comes to check on Paro and soon after collapses before her. Paro’s traumatic state forces her to take Rudra’s pistol, which she first aims at an unconscious Rudra who lay in front of her and then at herself before Constable Tanveer Ranawat could talk her into dropping the weapon. Rudra is rushed to the hospital treated and asked to rest. Paro is taken to the hospital as well but unknown to her and the others there is danger lurking around her as Tejawat has ordered Paro be killed immediately. Rudra not willing to jeopardize Paro’s life, since she is the sole witness left, gets her transferred to his room where he can keep an eye on her and protect her.

That was pretty much a jist of what happened but did you guys notice that from almost the beginning of the episode till the very end there was one thing that was being highlighted over and over again? What?

Well throughout the episode they kept highlight that Paro and Rudra were each other’s shield or in shudh Hindi “raksha kavach”. If the Glass Sequence was symbolic of how Paro and Rudra would found/will find solace within the other. Numerous happenings in yesterday’s episode were symbolic of how Rudra and Paro were going to be each other’s shield. We have seen Rudra take up the role of Paro’s knight in shining armor earlier when he saved her from the goon…when he saved her from her husband Varun etc, but little did we expect a shy, helpless and timid Paro to be Rudra’s shield. In the later stages of the show maybe Yes; but in just the 17th Episode nope not something we expected.

Symbolism Interpretation:

When Rudra comes back to the office the first question he asks is if there is somebody (Read-A Guard) with the Girl. When the constable does not respond Rudra makes his way to the room where Paro has been held and soon after collapses. At a glance what one sees is that as far as Rudra is concerned Paro was his most prized witness and he wasn’t going to allow anything to happen to her…… But in a twisted way Rudra’s fear that anything can happen to Paro even at the BSD Headquarters forces him to speed his way to her room which leads to him exerting more pressure on his body, which leads to the pain from his 2 days old untreated stab wound to aggravate eventually taking a toll on him leading to his collapse. See the connection??? Had it not been for Paro (Even if her Safety), Rudra wouldn’t have been this haste and rash in dealing with himself  which would probably give him say a day or two before the infections gets worse and maybe even lose his life to the internal bleeding. So unintentionally Paro saves Rudra.

In the next scene- Paro decides to take Rudra’s life because according to her he was responsible for the death of her husband, her happiness and a life she always wanted; but constable Tanveer Ranawat talks her down and when she finally slumps onto the ground and cries her heart out her tears fall on Rudra who lay before her like a dead-body which knocks life back into him. Once again Paro becomes instrumental because the rapid deterioration in his condition was acknowledged and acted upon after this incident.

Coming to the Hospital Sequence the first thing Rudra asks when he regains consciousness post the surgery was about Paro. Even Aman assurance that Paro was fine, that she was being treated in the same hospital and by the same doctor wasn’t enough to put Rudra at ease and had it not been for Rudra, Paro would have been dead and Tejawat would be celebrating his victory. 

Even if Rudra himself could not be there he makes sure that he gets what he wants and puts Aman into action and as we all saw before the Doctor could inject the medicine into Paro’s IV line, Aman comes to meet the doctor and takes him along on the pretext of having to discuss something (Read: Moving Paro to Rudra’s Room). Once again we see Rudra shielding Paro and that too in seconds before she could be harmed.

 The last scene ….. Finally when everybody was breathing as sigh of relief that Paro and Rudra were in the same room and that everything was safe the Doctor or should we say killer strikes again. He leaves sleeping pills in the name of antibiotics for Rudra and believes that Rudra’ condition will forces him to take the pills and his assumption would have been correct had it not been for Paro. Rudra was inches away from putting the pill in his mouth when Paro’s nightmares grip her. In order to help Paro, Rudra keeps the pills aside and calls for help, once again indirectly it was Paro who saved Rudra and thus herself (Because if Rudra loses consciousness then there is no saving her and we’ve already established that Rudra is Paro’s shield.) it’s twisted but beautifully twisted.

Coming to the last sequences there are no words to describe how beautifully the makers and especially the Director Mr. Sengupta has intertwined Rudra and Paro’s story/lives together. We were left speechless seeing the way the whole scene was executed. 

When Rudra realizes that there was nobody to help, he decides to put Paro at ease all by himself. He first stops her from getting hurt by placing his hand beneath her head when she was about to hit it on the bed stand. Then he climbs on to the bed and holds her down so that she would calm down. Paro’s fingers touch the Rudraksh beads on Rudra’s wrist, she holds on to it with all her strength to derive the power to overcome the fears which is something she does when she gets scared. Rudra mouths the words “Shaant” and soon after Paro is seen more relaxed.

The reason behind Paro’s nightmares is none other than the BSD’S and coincidentally it is a BSD Officer who helps her calm down from the effects of the nightmare which needs no explanation as it is every bit symbolic in itself. Paro holds onto the Rudraksh every time she is scared which means she finds solace in it. So technically she finds comfort, strength in something that is materialistic. Even in this scene though Rudra tries to calm her down it’s only when she touches the Rudraksh and then holds on to it that she completely calms down. She was not holding her Rudraksh but his which symbolizes that soon Paro will find strength and comfort in Rudra. He will be instrumental in easing out her fears and eventually the beliefs that are imprinted in her mind about BSD’s.

Another interesting aspect about the scene was how Rudra held her; it’s the cradling position which is synonymous with comfort and protection. It’s said that when a mother holds her child and cradles him/her the child is automatically assured of his/her safety; which is almost similar to what Rudra does. When he held her in that position he was of course trying to calm her, but in a way he also imparted a sense of protection. Paro needed assurance, she needed to feel safe because that was the only way she would calm down and Rudra once again becomes instrumental for the same.

Rudra and Paro is destined to be together, their fate is to be together and it has been sealed off long back the only thing left is for them to realize it…..this is one journey that is going to be worth all the wait.

Stay Tuned!!!!

Author: Vijitha Rajan


  1. Awesome.....Simply Awesome!!! No words to describe the beauty of the article. Never thought that these many hidden meanings were there in the episode.....Thankyou for such a fab article.

  2. I was thinking the same but kept wondering if I was over reading it but now that you have penned it down and this beautifully I am loving the way the show is turning out to be.....I really wish the original team is retained till the very end because too many cooks spoil the broth...Here everybody knows what to do and they have a great tuning.....which is why the episodes are turning out to be wonderful.

  3. Aapko mein ek jaadu ki jhappi doon ??? <3

  4. What a lovely article .. Both r indeed each other's protector and they will eventually realise it too .. they can even heal each other's wounds once they start understanding each other ... as usual beautifully written symbolisms Viji .. loved the way u hv analysed picture by picture in such detail ..

  5. Beautiful article, very well said.

  6. Wow, very nice article. Loved the symbolisms you spotted. Enjoyed reading the article. Good job.

  7. WOW..!!! Thoroughly enjoyed reading it..!! <3 RangRasiya story is going beautiful at the moment and I would LOVE to see more such scenes in future so that we get such amazing analysis from you :))

  8. aweosme article
    and yes the show rang rasiya is doing fantastic job and sanaya is living in her character paro

  9. Beautiful article ... very well written! Loved the symbolisms you brought out.

  10. well written...very beautiful drama...amazing actors...amazing direction...drama is awesome...
