
Friday, January 03, 2014

EXCLUSIVE!!!! "The Color Blue Defines Me"- Surbhi Jyoti answers TT's Tadkedaar Twenties!

With the New Year TellyTadk brings it's readers a fun segment with their favorite celebrities- TT's Tadkedaar Twenties!!!!

The first actor to feature in our brand new segment is none other than Ms. Farookhi!!!! Yes......SURBHI JYOTI aka Zoya Farookhi the fun loving, shayarna and very mischievous character from Zee TV's popular drama Qubool Hai shares her favorites and talks about her friends, her confidante and much more in TT's Tadkedaar Twenties!!!

Telly Tadka: Your Nickname
Surbhi Jyoti: Sona

Telly Tadka: Describe yourself in 3 Words
Surbhi Jyoti: Emotional, Unpredictable and Superb

Telly Tadka: Favorite Food
Surbhi Jyoti: South Indian Cuisine

Telly Tadka: Favorite Ice-Cream
Surbhi Jyoti: Tutti Frutti

Telly Tadka: Favorite type of Music
Surbhi Jyoti: Romantic.

Telly Tadka: A song you are humming these days.
Surbhi Jyoti: “Rang laga de mohe ang laga le” (RamLeela)

Telly Tadka: Favorite Holiday Destination.
Surbhi Jyoti: South Africa

Telly Tadka: Favorite type of Cloth.
Surbhi Jyoti: Sari

Telly Tadka: Favorite Brands (Clothing).

Surbhi Jyoti: I try all.

Telly Tadka: The Color that defines you.
Surbhi Jyoti: Blue

Telly Tadka: Your best feature.
Surbhi Jyoti: Eyes and smile

Telly Tadka: Your best buy till date.
Surbhi Jyoti: My platinum ring.

Telly Tadka: Favorite Film.
Surbhi Jyoti: Wuthering Heights

Telly Tadka: Favorite Actor/Actress
Surbhi Jyoti Actor: Hugh Jackman
                       Actress: Kate Winslett

Telly Tadka: Your Treasures (Most Cherished Person/Thing)
Surbhi Jyoti: Mommy

Telly Tadka: Your friends in the Industry.
Surbhi Jyoti: Shalini Kapoor and Nehalaxmi Iyer

Telly Tadka: Your Confidante.
Surbhi Jyoti: My younger brother Shanu

Telly Tadka: Favorite TV Show
Surbhi Jyoti: Hannah Montana

Telly Tadka: Best ever received compliment.
Surbhi Jyoti: Once my teacher told me that she wants her 2 years old daughter to be like me.

Telly Tadka: Complete the sentence LIFE IS _ _ _
Surbhi Jyoti: A Journey

Telly Tadka: A one liner U always use
Surbhi Jyoti: Maaf kardo (Instead of sorry I say "Maaf Kardo" n I say it frequently).

Telly Tadka: A moment in life you want to relive again.
Surbhi Jyoti: My visit to South Africa and Madurai.

Telly Tadka: Describe your feeling when you were crowned the Popular Face Female at ZRA.
Surbhi Jyoti: Obviously very good yaar...It was an amazing feeling!!!

Telly Tadka: Message for all your fans all over the Globe.
Surbhi Jyoti: I looooooooove you all.....Please keep watching my show and a Bigggggg thanks to all of you for you love and support.

Telly Tadka: Thankyou so much Surbhi for taking out the time and doing the segment with us.
Surbhi Jyoti: Pleasure :-)

Interviewed By: Vijitha Rajan

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