
Tuesday, January 14, 2014

VOICE OF AUDIENCE – Angst of the fans of Qubool Hai: KSGians

Angst of the fans of Qubool Hai: KSGians
By Fareesh Zaman

When the first famous Dargaah scene in Qubool Hai aired, we were left astonished by the magnificence of it. Asad, the rugged handsome male lead (played by Karan Singh Grover), seeing Zoya, the ethereal beauty all decked up as a bride (played by Surbhi jyoti), for the first time and instantly feeling a connection to her, connected to us as well and Asad-Zoya, AsYa became an iconic pair for us. Later, when they had their first meeting, they simply set the screen on fire with their angry performances and seeing their hatred for each other, we fell in love with them. 

The fact that the lead male role was played by none other than Karan Singh Grover, one of the most talented actors in Indian Television Industry and Surbhi Jyoti, a promisingly talented actress was playing the lead female role, just added to Qubool Hai’s viewers’ base.

The show that had a Muslim background grabbed attention of all the viewers irrespective of age, we just could not get enough of AsYa’s unique story and the family saga that kept us glued to our TV screens. When AsYa’s first romantic background score, “Mitwaa ishq pe zor nahin” was played, we were spell-bounded by the beauty of it and it soon made it to our mobile ringtones! We loved it all, Asad’s irritation at Zoya’s shayari and mischief..Zoya’s exasperation at Asad’s OCD habits..we loved their simple banters for no good reason. 

The sizzling on-screen chemistry of Karan and Surbhi was like no other we had ever seen before.

But just when our most favorite on-screen couple were starting to acknowledge their feelings to each other and to us, the most unnecessary evil characters and illogical tracks kept coming in their way. It all started with the Tanveer track, the lady who was omnipresent and had almost every tool in her dupatta to kill Zoya. We endured that horrible track which came to the point at which our male lead was shown to sleep with her. As sick as it sounds, we tolerated it just in the hope of seeing our Asya together again. That happened in the Ajmer track where Asad confessed his feelings for Zoya, and with beautiful picturization of the scenes and flawless execution, we had no complaints.

But guess we should have know better. Our hopes of seeing our Asya getting married were shattered again when probably the most illogical track ever shown in any Indian drama came across in Qubool Hai. The infamous Zoyaan track just annoyed us to no end, as we still do not understand how on earth two grown-up people could think that they got married without them knowing it! The track that followed was Asad lending Zoya to his younger brother to save their sister’s life. It saddened us to no end to see our perfect show going this sick way.

Thankfully it ended soon because the CVs understood their TRP is not going well with this track. So they wrapped it up abruptly with the promise of a proper closure of the Zoyaan track (which still has not happened) and Asad took Zoya back home.

We sigh a breath of relief and still forgave the CVs after their terrible blunder and just when we thought everything was going to be fine now…bam! Came the rudest shock ever, the news of Karan Singh Grover’s exit from Qubool Hai broke like hysteria among fans. What added fuel to their agitation was the channel head spewing venom unnecessarily against Karan. Accusing him of being unprofessional and coming to the sets in drunken state, was an extremely wrong step taken by the channel and resulted into an out roar amongst the fans.

We were already grieved about not being able to see our favorite actor on screen in our favorite show, but this inconsiderate step taken by the channel just added to our misery and ruined the festive season of new year’s eve for all of us. Karan was accused of being unprofessional, while his co-actors denied this blame and we have also seen his dedication in several BTS segments.

The actor himself stated in his interview that after he came back from his sick leave, he was willing to continue the show for another 3 to 4 months during which the show could have been ended on a happy note for all concerned. Nobody can deny that Karan had health issues for which he was not able to continue longer. Then why the channel did not agree to it, and rather went on a spree to defame the actor, is a question that we are unable to comprehend.

We just cannot bring ourselves to accept anyone else as our Asad, and ruin the essence AsYa has in our mind. Karan lived and breathed Asad and made him lovable to us. It became one of the most cherished characters ever in television and Karan shall always remain the face of Asad. He and Surbhi Jyoti are the only Asad and Zoya for us and as viewers of Qubool Hai, we would love it to end with the same screen burning chemistry of AsYa that it started with and had taken our breath away. 

Check this out: The Difference between KSG and Raquesh (replacement) as ASAD…

Disclaimer: This article has been written by a fan and Telly Tadka has nothing to do with the opinion expressed in it.


  1. Thank you for the article.. very needed one...
    Everyone and every fan should know Wht exactly has happened.. and Zee has defamed...
    KSG was ready to give more months..
    Channel is playing with emotions of thousands...

    Please bring KSG back in QH

  2. And yes Raqesh or bring anyone Can never be Asad..
    No KSG = no Asad

    No KABhI =no Asya

    Please listen to plea of thousands of fans we want only our KSG back

    1. yes bring Karan and see rating willinsallah touch the Asmaan.

  3. Tq soo much for dis article.. its been almost a month KSG's exit.. nd we fans still suffering because of Zee tv's Ego.. specially Mr.Ajay ..... U have no idea how much we r struglin wid our persoanll lives.. open ur eyes nd Bring baq our KSG <3

  4. Without KSG qubool hai hume qubool NAHI HAI.. Bring back our originnal Asad or shut the show.. We want KSG back as asad.. The replacement is not acceptable at all..

  5. Thank you Telly Tadka for voicing our opinion:)..we want Karan Singh Grover back in Qubool Hai and thats final!

  6. Thnk you telly tadka for voicing our opinion. We want Karan Singh Grover as Asad. No Karan= No QH for us. The replacement is not acceptable at all.

  7. replacement cannot act only!! bring KSG back

  8. Thank u so much for this article.without ksg there is NO QUBOOL HAI.Pls bring back our original lion ksg.The replacement is not accepted at any cost.We want KSG back in qh soon with respect.Dont stoop so low zee tv.Have some shame.bring ksg back and save ur face zee.this is final warning.

  9. we want karan back in replacement remove raqesh bring ksg back

  10. we want ksg as our asad we don't accept any replacement(rv) no ksg no qh. ksg ke bina qh hame qubool nahi hai

  11. no ksg no qubool hai ,asad character only made for ksg

  12. plz bring back ksg nobody can replace his acting abilities nobody

  13. no one can replace our ksg, is it very difficult to understand zee tv

  14. KSG is only one who can perform "Asad Ahmed Khan" in best way.. nobody else.........

  15. Karan should be brought back to Qubool Hai. Have stopped watching QH since his exit.

  16. Thank you for posting this article! This is exactly how I feel. This article voices how many viewers feel about KSG exit and QH overall. We want Karan back cause we can`t see anyone else in KSG`s place. That`s why I stopped watching QH after 20th dec. I watched supernatural Tanveer, I watched an unbelieveble way of 2 adult people getting ... - I can`t even say married cause that was not a marriage - with the hopes that QH will go back to being what it was in the first 6 months of telecasting. Sadly, I woke up to see that KSG is no more in QH and that was it for me. If Karan comes back I`ll start watching again.

  17. thank u so much for the article
    this is the voice of all true fans of qubool hai and karan singh grover
    the way channel behaved with karan singh grover ,when he was not well,is unforgivable,untolerable. for us qubool hai ended on 20th dec.we want justice for karan singh grover ,we will fight for him,channel should apologize,

    karan singh grover one and only asad ahmed khan

  18. Just want to say to Zee n QH people you did so wrong by replacing him.. How u can do that how.. U guys knw right... That he is the one who took the show to different level..!! Fans use to watch the show just for him. No matter what crap is shown. We use to watch it any how.. Gussa hoke.. Gaali deke but v use to watch..!! He gave ur show TRP's..!! inspite of his contract ended he worked.. Worked for u guys..!!! He postponed his Medical Checkup dates.. Just for u guys...!! He promised to work for more 3 monthss..!!! apologize to KARAN SINGH GROVER bring him back

  19. Thanks 4 it......Bring Back Karan In D Show, We Wont Accept Rakesh As Asad...

  20. thanks tt!! atleast someone is here to hear our miseries....
    i hope zee too see this and hear our pleas!!

  21. Karan Singh Gr0ver is the m0st versatile act0r I hav ever seen 0n Indian Televisi0n.. He gav th0se extra0rdinary perf0rmances as Asad Ahmed Khan.. His dedicati0n is matter 0f fact t0 all the fans..

    ZEE has new sl0gan "THE W0RLD IS MY FAMILY".. Is this the way t0 treat the family member?? KSG was the 0ne wh0 sh0uted "ZEE TV ZINDABAAD" in public award cerem0ny.. And this is what ZEE awarded KSG with..


  22. First and foremost We the fans thank you from the bottom of our hearts for accepting this and showcasing it on your page. All we want is that he comes back to finish up what had started beautifully and now being ruined by someone else. There is no other who can do better than KSG in that role.

    He Lived Asad, he Breathed Asad and he was Asad during is duration in QH. Right now we have a fake Asad who can't emote well enough nor deliver dialouges well enough. He looks too old for SJ and does not have the patience to tolerate her in real or reel life. The bts says it all. If you can reach out to either the channel or Karan with our message, we would Love you for that. Once again Thank you.

  23. This article is perfectly written!! What we fans want to convey is all written here... Please bring back Karan Singh Grover, Please... Only Karan and Surbhi can play AsYa. QH's best part is AsYa.. i completely watch only for AsYa and for me, i believe that AsYa are none other than Karan and Surbhi.. their chemistry is completely out of this world!! I haven't seen such a couple ever, they sizzle onscreen and burn the screens when AsYa appear, please don't ruin this beautiful couple.. Bring back Karan... So what if the new guy has already shot, if you can replace a character once, there is no harm in replacing back to the original one.. its indeed great and the best choice... We fans just want Karan and Surbhi as AsYa.. We have nothing more to ask for!!
    We went through all the tracks we din't like such as tanveer and the Zoyaan track only because, we believed that one day, we'll get our AsYa back, happy and married.. is it bad to expect?? and we have accepted the fact that KaBhi=AsYa, no matter how good the new guy plays the role, who plays the role makes no difference in our decision... Its intolerable to watch a new face as Asad, it kills our AsYa/KaBhi memories, hence we really cannot watch the new face, not because we hate him, just because we love our AsYa/KaBhi to this extent that a new face is not acceptable, no offense to anyone..
    AsYa were the best couple only because they were played by Karan and Surbhi... If either of them changed, it will never be AsYa for us... So please understand the fan's little heart and bring back Karan...
    Please pass this on the the concerned person, our emotions are well written in this article..
    Thank you

  24. plsss bring back ksg....RV s not even 0.1% fitting in Asad....plsss why audience s gettn punished for all this

  25. first of all thank you so much for the article which was very much needed.we want karan singh grover back to Qubool hai at any cost. he the one and only asad ahemed khan. we cannot accept any replacement (raqesh vashisht) . by hook or by crook we want ksg back to qubool hai at any cost!!

  26. Thanks for this article. And we want Karan back in the show. Karan was, is and will always be Asad. The replacement is really bad. He can't do justice to Asad's character and one can clearly see the difference in the two videos. And especially at this point in the story when we are so attached to Asad and Zoya, we cannot see a random guy playing Asad's role. We need Karan back to give us a proper closure. We certainly deserve it.

  27. Thanks for this article , for us asad is ksg only , nd humesha ksg hi rahega , we r not accept the rv at any cost , so please get back ksg

  28. Thank u so much for this article.....very well written....this is not only KSGian thoughts and also the common viewers..Asad role is only for KSG....he is the one who gave life to that we need karan back to QH at any cost...hope it happens soon...

  29. Thank u soo much for this article..the soul of the show is been missing since 301 episode..hope he comes back..

  30. We should go on a protest agnst zee


  32. Qubool hai was the best show bcz of karan and surbhi's chemistry and KARAN was the soul of Qubool hai now he is not der show is dead for me and all qubool hai fans ,zee tv cheated us dey show us stupid story like zoya n aayan accidental nikha so called we didnt wanted we baer dis crap only to see asad and zoya;s nikha means my ASYA KARAN and SURBHI after long time waiting what zee tv did back stab us by der business deals ,see we paid zee tv to entertain us show us story not to play business game ,KARAN is brilliant actor and amazing person as hes co actors says and hes fans including me but zee tv defame him bcz KARAN not playing business with him or hurting hes fans feelings like zee tv did ,and wen we call zee tv dey speak rudely and dey block me frm dr facebook page bcz i ask for my rights and demands dis is how dey response to viewers and dey co works ,our demands still stands WE WANT KARAN BACK IN THE SHOW BETTER CLOSER OF ASYA NIKHA WITH OUR JODI KARAN AND SURBHI ,dun care if raqesh is d show now HE HAVE GO AND KARAN HAVE TO COME BACK bas

  33. qh is nothinh without u karan .plz come back.......plz plz plz

  34. Qubool hain was our addiction because of Karan Surbhi and their chemistry.. Zee TV sacked Karan and defamed him without any reason...We dont accept this and they have to appologize to him and bring him back...and the so called replacement is not at all accepted...KSG is our Asad and we want him back at any damn cost so zee better bring him back after issuing a public appology.. till then we are boycotting zee..Our calls, mails went unheard...if this is how you treat your viewers then i am sorry to say your channel is doomed...Thank u for the article..

  35. serial ka name plate change ker k qubool nahi hai rakh dain shayed rating barrh jaye... :/

  36. bring ksg back or just shut the serial up....thats it

  37. But I didn't like QH. I was crazy about the show when it was 3-4 months in air. But after that it was all nonsense. Everyone got irritated bcoz of the Tanu track. But i was pissed off with Asya track too. They continually sidelined Asad's character. I wanted it for long that he quit the show

  38. But I didn't like QH. I was crazy about the show when it was 3-4 months in air. But after that it was all nonsense. Everyone got irritated bcoz of the Tanu track. But i was pissed off with Asya track too. They continually sidelined Asad's character. I wanted it for long that he quit the show

  39. But I didn't like QH. I was crazy about the show when it was 3-4 months in air. But after that it was all nonsense. Everyone got irritated bcoz of the Tanu track. But i was pissed off with Asya track too. They continually sidelined Asad's character. I wanted it for long that he quit the show

  40. But I didn't like QH. I was crazy about the show when it was 3-4 months in air. But after that it was all nonsense. Everyone got irritated bcoz of the Tanu track. But i was pissed off with Asya track too. They continually sidelined Asad's character. I wanted it for long that he quit the show

  41. But I didn't like QH. I was crazy about the show when it was 3-4 months in air. But after that it was all nonsense. Everyone got irritated bcoz of the Tanu track. But i was pissed off with Asya track too. They continually sidelined Asad's character. I wanted it for long that he quit the show

  42. True .. not able to connect to the new Asad .. want KSG back - want KABHI back :(

  43. Thank you for the article. Yes we wan ksg back and zee tv should apologize for ksg. We are the fan from middle east want only ksg. We have stop watching qh and zee tv will see the power of the fan now and how trp and show will fall.

  44. thnk u for dis article...bring him back !!!! i havent seen QH since 20 dec but i cant get over from asya memories really want to see them together...want my asya/kabhi back...plssss
