
Thursday, July 05, 2012

Na Bole Tum Na Maine Kuch Kaha - Episode Review 7/4/12



Bemisaal Budhvaar saw Megha’s last day at Prabhat Leher office -----Megha packing up her things and folding the newspaper with Mohan’s article proving Amar’s innocence, seemed to symbolize that she was closing one chapter of her life and boxing it. Megha’s sadness while reminiscing all the bitter sweet memories of her encounters with Mohan in this very office, makes me think that the fear of perceived failure and suffering keeping in mind all her issues,  has transformed her into a coward and compelled her to bury her dreams of a life with Mohan in that carton. What Megha is not realizing is  the fear of suffering is worse than suffering itself. And no heart ever suffered when it went in search of its dreams-------------Dreams nourish the soul just as food nourishes the body. The pleasure of the search and of adventure feed our dreams”-----Paulo Coelho.

I think the latter part of the quotation is exactly the path that Majnu Monu is taking, hence he seems to be fearlessly charging   forward towards the realization of his dreams------undeterred by Megha’s words and spurred on by his will . Mohan’s silence and  distraction seemed to rile Megha , as she seemed to be directing her words and efforts to catch his attention( albeit unknowingly) at every moment spent in PL office. Monu’s distraction was understandable, as it seemed that he finally managed to get some concrete evidence in hand regarding Manav’s cancellation of license which he’s planning to publish in the form of a news paper article in a race against time in order to expose Manav and stop the wedding from taking place. Distracted or not--- our Majnu Monu’s eyes literally lit up when he was asked to get a farewell gift for Megha-----the 2 M’s in the charm bracelet seemed to have provided another opportunity to Monu to remind Megha that she belonged to him only( methinks he forgot a minor detail that Manav’s name also starts with the letter M.) Mohan seems to be in an awkward position with his chance meeting with Riddhima----hope he can smooth talk his way out of this one!

Guru the Great seems be instrumental in sowing the seeds of self doubt in Induji’s head ,that Mohan had been a happier man before the elders started interfering and deciding who should marry whom.

Nanhi on the other hand also acted upon Guru’s advice by pulling off an emotional and dramatic act with Papaji in the hope that Papaji would reconsider marrying Megha off to Manav, once he was aware that Nanhi not only disliked Manav but didn’t want to leave them all and go to the US----thereby cancelling the wedding. Nanhi’s plans were foiled when Bunty magnanimously announced that he would relocate his practice to India, in order to prevent Megha and her kids from becoming homesick. His ultimate “sacrifice” so moved Papji that he offered Amar’s house in Bhopal to Manav as a sort of thank u gift. This Manav is really turning out to be one smart cookie----(at least smarter than his beloved sis Renu) setting his sights upon Amar’s FDRs and then his house( I’m just guessing at his motives here)---- The net seems to be closing around Mr. Clean now, and it seems that the elders have much food for thought regarding the correctness of their decisions ------waiting eagerly to see how events unfold to unite our Molly and Majnu !

Author - Tazeen Siddiqui
Telly Tadka



  2. beautiful chemistry mohan and megha love

  3. i love the Mohan & Megha s on screen chemistry

  4. great show Na Bole Tum Na Maine Kuch Kaha awesome actors - Kunal Karan Kapoor - Akanksh Sing - and all cast the rocks

  5. Kunal and Akanksha are magical the show

  6. Mohan love Megha Megha love Mohan

  7. good show great story m fv mohan megha nanhi guru addu jiji i love all Na bole tum na maine kuch kaha rocking
