
Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Kuch Toh Log Kahenge

 Kuch Toh Log Kahenge

Well let us see what viewers have to say about the new serial on the Sony channel
which was on air from 3rd of October, the immense number of the promos have
already had the viewers hooked on to their telly sets to watch the show unfold its
story line.

The first week of the show was great with introduction of leads actors of the show
Dr. Ashutosh (Monish behl) and Dr. Nidhi Verma (Kritika kamra) well known
names of the telly world which shows why viewers connected so easily with the cast
and the character.

1st episode begins with Dr. Ashutosh who is standing at the closed gates of an old
bungalow. we are introduced to him through flash back of his childhood memories
with his baba who brought him to this bungalow when he was 8years old. He was
an orphan but his baba always treated him as his son. Ashutosh has immense
attachment to the house which now belongs to someone else. He wants to buy the
house back but the owner doesn’t have any intention of selling it. On the other hand
we see a very bubbly and vivacious character Nidhi who is praying to god that she
fail in her M.B.B.S exams but her dreams crash down as she comes to know that
she has attained 14th rank all over India. She tries to explain to her father that she
is not right for this profession but her Baba is adamant that whether she likes it or
not, she has to be a doctor as it was her dead mother's wish.

What add’s to the fun is the first meet of Ashutosh and Nidhi as their cars collide
and as usual after little bit of quarrel our gentleman hero hands a generous sum
of money to our naughty heroine making her all happy and giggly about it but the
happiness is short lived when she comes to know that he is her boss.

The serial portrays Dr Nidhi as not efficient, struggling with her work and
afterwards trying to persuade Dr. Ashutosh that he should throw her out of the
hospital but to her dismay this is not to be.
Well for now the chemistry between the two really seems brewing with little
quarrels hope the serial keeps up to the level of the expectation in the coming weeks

Author - Ayushi Sinha
Telly Tadka


  1. luving this show
    kittu rockssssssssss n so does MB

  2. Nice article...Thanx Ayushi.
    Keep on posting more of such articles.


  3. wonderful description

  4. loving the show...its really awsome...

  5. Kritika is doing an amazing job :) Nice show for all types of viewers. Great going :)
