
Saturday, September 17, 2011

Voice of Audience - Fans Fight for their Show's Sequel

Kitani Mohabbat Hai and Rang Badalti Fans Fight for their Show's Sequel

Television Daily soaps and their future have become very unpredictable these days with the growing competition among rival channels and the number of shows getting launched every week. If a show fails to perform in the trp chart, then it does not take time for the channel to show the door and bring in fresh new shows as replacements. Many good and popular shows have also faced the same fate because of low ratings despite having a huge fan base for it.

But the loyal fans of these popular shows have never given up hope and have kept fighting to bring their favourite show back on air with a sequel. Since Telly Tadka have always tried its best to present the viewers voices in front of the channels, so once again we are back with two such popular show demands which have gone off air but its huge fan base are still fighting tooth and nail for it to bring its sequel back.

One of the popular Imagine show Kitani Mohabbat hai had already seen a sequel as the fans have managed to get their favourite show back for a season 2 on same channel last year. Once again the loyal fans of Kitan Mohabbat hai are trying for a season 3 of this same show and have send us mails in huge numbers with their pleas for a season 3. Telly Tadka Team have decided to present the viewers voices once again in front of all with a hope that the fans of this show are yet again successful to get another season of their favourite show. Here is what KMH fans have to say about their show.

Buna Rai says "Hey, I am a big fan of Karan Kritika and i want them back on-screen. The romance they created with kitani Mohabbat Hai 1 and 2 is everlasting and has made Indian Television brighter. It has also introduced the 'season concept' on television. Please let it continue and bring kitani 3 "

Aanand Chaudary says "We fans, want Kitani Mohabbat Hai 3 with karan and kritika back on Television. Such great actors along with the cast and crew made an awesome journey through kmh2. these kind of entertaining and love-stories should be made on Indian Television. Please get us another season of this show "

Narayani Desai says "I would like to request for Kitani Mohabbat Hai 3. Kitani 2 was brought back on public demand but the promises made were not fulfilled eg: In one of the articles it was mentioned that kitani 2 would run longer than kitani1.. which did not turn out true as kmh1 held 170 episodes and kmh2 happened to be just 153. Kitani2 lacked in promotion as well. As well careless mistakes were made like uploading the episodes even before the telecast on tv. Kitani is very dear to be and i was very furious by its abrupt it. Please cast us Kitani Mohabbat Hai 3 with Karan Kundra and Kritika Kamra but with justice. Thankyou "

Pratibha Sharma says "Love changes people in the most unbelievable way.Two completely opposite individuals, who think and behave differently, come together in this powerful and heart-warming love saga.n kitani mohabat hai is d best luv saga ever shown in indian telly world....d journey of arjun n arohi n their magical chemistry is always a treat to watch.... n we fans wanna experience dat journey n dat magical chemistry of arjun n arohi once plzzzzzzzzzz give us d 3rd season of KMH.....plzzzzzzzzzz help us bring karan kritika n kmh backkkkkkkkkk "

Garima Poudel says "Love changes people in the most unbelievable way.Two completely opposite individuals, who think and behave differently, come together in this powerful and heart-warming love saga and "Kitani Mohabat Hai" is d best luv saga ever shown in indian telly world.
The beautiful story, heart touching n humorous dialogues and more over the talented lead pair with awesome acting skills n magical chemistry between the two stole d hearts of millions of viewers. Karan n Kritika truly set the screen on fire.The journey of arjun n arohi n their magical chemistry is always a treat to the eyes and we fans really miss it after d end of KMH-2.
So its a humble request from d viewers to bring "Kitani Mohabbat Hai" backkk ....plz give us 3rd season of "Kitani Mohabbat Hai" with our favorite stars Karan n Kritika as leads....plzzzz
Thank u"

These are some of the messages we received from the KMH fans demanding for its season 3. Messages are still flooding in for the demand of a season 3 of this show and we really hope that Imagine channel really considers the voice of the fans this time too.

Coming to the other show which went off air few months back was Star one's popular show Rang Badalti Oodhni which might have failed to get the ratings but its fan base has proved that they are no less when it comes to demanding a sequel for their favourite show.

Few fans have send us  really good emails representing the sentiments of 1000 other fans of this show who wants the sequel of this show back again on star one. Here is the mail we received.

Shyani Banerjee on behalf of RBO show fans have written to us that "Dear Telly Tadka, we are happy to know that u are starting a new column Voice of Audience..we read ur msg..congratulations on that..WE are all loyal and sincere fans of the fabulous show Rang Badalti Odhani which ended on 22 july 2011 after 365 episodes of was a very good show..with unique storyline ..romantic pair of SHANAK portrayed by fantastic on screen pair of Yashashri Masurkar and Karan Tacker popularly known as YASHARAN by fans .. infact the entire show was very nice with not much rona dona..and very entertaining too..It was placed at a competitive place of 10 p.m by star one..but still managed to win the appreciation of Fans so much, but unfortunately due to the revamp plans of star one this fabulous show was taken off air with a very minimum short notice of just 10 days or less..we the fans did not even have the time to request the channel at least for an extension..o.k leaving all that behind ..Now please we would make an humble request ...We would definitily want a New Season Of this well appreciated ..awesome show Rang Badalti Odhani with the same Onscreen lead pair of Yashashri Masurkar and Karan Tacker..Or as an alternative atleast we want the same fabulous brilliant young talented actors Yashashri and Karan our beloved YASHARAN TOGHETHER in a new show ..Please Yash Patanik ji/Swapnaji and all those who are involved consider our humblest request favorably .. Thank you.
Very Important:- Various good reasons for which we want our RANG BADALTI ODHANI back like
1.It is an unique show with a good story
2. Fantastic acting by Yashashri Masurkar and Karan Tacker also the ensemble cast.
3. Magical on screen chemistry by our beloved YASHARAN aka Yashashri & Karan.
4. Not much melodrama wid unreal stuff."

Shriya Suresh says “Dear Telly Tadka first of all appreciation for ur  proposed new column :"voice of the audience"!!! 

seems to be a good idea..and thanx for the same..Well we are sincere fans of the popular show Rang Badalti odhani (RBO)which ended recently on july 22 on starone..This was a fabulous show with good story line.. .entertianing with popular romantic on screen couple shanak  which was brilliantly portrayed by  talented young actors Yashashri Masurkar and Karan Tacker. Their romantic on screen pair popularly called as yashran .. is very much liked by fans all over the world..Infact the whole cast   and all departments  of rang Badalti Odhani were very good!!!!!The show was placed at a tough slot of 10 p.m had a good run of 365 episodes and would have been there for much more time with huge  appreciation from audience  had not starone brought on plans of revamp..Because of the revamp plans of starone... This fantabulous show RBO went off air with just a short notice of 8 days or ten days..This time was so short for fans even to take some concrete the barest minimum  atleast requesting for an extension..o.k that is all happend ..But now  we would definitely want a New season of RBO with the same cast specially the young talented and awesome on screen  pair of yashashri Masurkar and Karan tacker back together on screen !!!!We want a new season of RBO!!!if that is not possible then atleast we would very much want the brilliant actors yasashri Masurkar and Karan tacker being cast together as leads in a new show ...WE really are misisng the show and especially yashran as they (yashashri Masurkar and Karan tacker) are affectionately Mr.yash patnaik ji, mrs. Swapna Waghmare Joshi ji and all those who are invloved please consider our humblest request ..Thank u!!!”

Anaa Asif says “We Love You Telly Tadka As You Are The Only One Who Are With The fans :) Thanks A Lot For This,We Want To See Our Rang Badalti Odhani Back,Cause This Was The Show Which Was Having A meaningful Story,And It Was An Unique Show,Everyone Loved To Watch This Show,As Everyone Loved Shaan-Khank Jodi Onsreen/Off screen. And Fantastic Acting By Yashashr Masurkar & Karan Tacker,And It Was Ended Without Any Reason,Please Ask To The Production Team (Yash Patnaik/Mamta Patnaik/ Swapna Waghmare Joshi) And Channal For A New Seaosn With The Same Casts.

Thanks A lot :)Looking For Co-Operation Rang Badalti Odhani Fans.”

We really hope that voice of the RBO fans are also heard by Star one Channel since online viewers have always been the real strength of star one channel..

This was a small attempt from Telly Tadka Team to make the voices of our viewers heard to the respective channels and we hope that the fans also get their favourite shows back on air again .We will be more than happy to present the voices of the viewers of other shows as well since Telly Tadka have always tried to reach to its viewers and help them out in every way possible .

Disclaimer: The Content of article is from Fan's viewpoint, and Telly Tadka holds no responsibility for it.

Author - G.Ganguly
Telly Tadka


  1. yes pls give us a third season of kitani mohabbhat hai with karan kundra and kritika kamra... we kmh fans wanna see thm again as new avtar of arjun arohi...kitani has a huge fan following and all r demanding for season 3...

  2. hey don't u think that bairi piya fans r also trying alot to bring their dear actor sharad kelkar and bairi piya back!!They have made India's first ever fan site dedicated to a Tv serial......!!But nobody is listening to us!!

  3. ya plz we want third season of kitani mohabbat hai.....karan and kritika create magic on scren wid their spell-bounding performances n superb chemistry.....kmh is among such shows which has not only touch our heart but also ruled it...kmh will always alwayz remain in our hearts n mind.... in todayz competitive enviornment every channel seems to b runing after TRPs without considering viewers emotions n sentiment.......coming to kmh, its an incredibly popular show not only in india but globaly....such show must come back wid new season .....

  4. plsssssssss give us rbo back its a gud or i should say best serial of indian tv ..................the chemistry between lead pair was out of tis world.......the content , starcast all were fab

  5. Thanks a lot Telly Tadka for voicing RBO Fans views
    Please we want Rang Badalti Odhani Season 2
    Karan Tacker and Yashashri Masurkar are the best jodi ever...
    We love RBO Yashran Shanak and the entire team of RBO the most missing them badly :( :(
    Please Yash Patnaikji,Swapna Mam and everyone those who are involved consider our humble request
    Thank you

  6. kitani mohabbat hai season 3!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! kk ty

  7. plzz we want rang badalti odhani sequel asap....... want our yasharan back vth dr sizzling chemistry.........

  8. yesssssss v wan V WAN KMH 3 ATNE COST As it wz ended abruptly de didn giv us nice propr endin >.js fr d sak of stupd trp imagin ppl ended der best bful n only gpopulr show kmh 2 Wich hs huge fan followin acros d world ol d milons fanz of kmh r vry disappointed bcz oof its abrupt endin n Waitin fr Its 3rd Season lyk Hellllllll...V r fightin hard 2 get bak r der kmh wid r Karanika ..Kmh desrvs its 3rd Season widout ne doubt ...It must com hs huge fanz base rules d heart of milion n milon ppl v ol lov kmh aloott n vl lov it olwys We js wan kmh bk at ne cost Life seems incomplet Widout kmh n r Arjuhi/karnika...Kaise kahe kitanii mohabbat hai kmh se

  9. Thanx TellyTadka for voicing KMH fans demand and views. In last both season channel was ended KMH abruptly. In this season KMH3 we want complete story of KMH.It's achievements are a proof it being a CLASSIC and BEAUTIFUL concept.The show that has EVERYTHING PERFECT is our KMH ONLYYY!!! FLAWLESS PORTRAYAL OF ARJUN & AROHI by KARAN KUNDRA & KRITIKA KAMRA. BRILLIANT TITLE SONG AND BACKGROUND MUSIC..we cud go on and on lyk this..OUR KMH has THAT POTENTIAL to come bk as SEASON3.All the fans have only one wish and request that is return of our ARJUHI with our AWESOME COUPLE KARAN KUNDRA & KRITIKA KAMRA !!!

  10. true we want karanika in kmh3 ..
    we got km2 agree.. bt d second yme also we were treated badly by he channel..
    it was d frs shw to be a sequel bt d channel dint giva appropriate promotion to d sw n dey end it rapidly fr sm crap reality show..
    we need justice.. wecdnt get enuff of our arjuhi togeher.. we want kmh3 wth eka+karan+kritika..
    we cant say hame kmh se kitani mohabbath hai.. plz help us fr ds

  11. Thanks a lot Telly Tadka for ur effort..........we really want our RBO back wid YASHARAN & d same cast.....missing them too much.........

  12. Thanx TellyTadka for voicing KMH fans demand and views....we reallllly luv karan n kritika from our hearts..n want thm back againn...plzzz...bring thm backk....they'r like our breth...n...we just die widout thm !! we just can neverr explainn...hame kmh , karan n kritzz se KITNI MOHABBAT HAI ....plzzzzzz we r just horribly having hopes helpp us !!!!we want our ARJUHI , KARANIKA..N DA CUTE SWEET COUPLE BACKK !!!! PLZZZZZZZZZZZ...HELP US TELLY TADKA...

  13. Hello telly tadka thanks for dis column we really want our rbo back wit karan tacker n yashashri -d awesome couple n most romantic jodi of tvpur.once again thanks for d idea

  14. thnx a lot telly... that u made our demands or requests shw on ur article.... really kitani mohabbt he is the bestest shw ever made on indian televison nd when v viewvers lyk such shws lyk crazy the channels make thm go off air... this is not done!!! really tears rolled down my cheeks when i heard that my favourite shw kmg is going off air... reaally its pathetic to live without kmh nd karan kritika .... i miss thmn a lot plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz brng it backk coz u dnt knw HUMIEN KITANI MOHABBAT HAE SE KITANI MOHABBAT HAE... LOV U KMH.. COME BACK SOOOON-------------- MILI MEHRA I'M CRAZY 4 KITANI MOHABBAT HAE AND KARAN ND KRITIKA

  15. please yash g,swapna g and star one.we millions and millions of die hard yashran fans are dying to see yashashree masurkar and karan tacker together again in RBO sequel.the magic they have created will never be possible again by anyone ever.even both of them opposite other co-stars is just not acceptable by us. plzzzzzz its a very humble request to bring that magic back for our(the fans) sake

  16. Thanks alot for putting up kitani season 3 topic. Kitani mohabbat hai has started the 'season' cocept and it should continue it as well. We want Karanika back in kmh3

  17. Hope they do bring back Kitni Mohabbat Hai back, we miss it loads

  18. plzplzplzzzzzzzzzz give us KMH backkkkkkk
    its d best show i ever watched n karan n kritika r d most talented n rockingggggggggg couple in d whole world...watching them is always a treat to these eyes
    the journey of Arjun n Arohi n their magical chemistry stole d hearts of millions of audience across d me "Kitani Mohabbat Hai" season 1 n 2 is d best luv saga ever aired in Indian Telly world n we fans want it backkkk

  19. we want karan kittu n KMH back at any cost coz they r simply d best n we love them loadsssss...

  20. ya KMH is d best show ever aired on indian tv giving us d most awesome n lovely couple Arjuhi.......arjun n arohi wid their magical chemistry n amazing acting skills set d screen on fire...watching them is always a pleasure n we want them back
    karan kittu n kmh rocks

  21. Please Bring Rang Badalti Odhani Back with the same casts!And everyone loved shaan-khanak jodi a lot.And everyoneis demanding for new season.

  22. Yes we want KMH3 back with Karan and Kritika as they both rock together and KMH always comes with new ideas and new story....


  24. thx alot TT 4 dis article i dont know hw 2 thnk u 4 dis.v al hv cried alot n abrupt end f kmh bt nw dis article hs arised sum hopes n us thx alot plzz help us n spreadin d word abt kmh3 2 al including imagine n balaji n karan kritika n particular plzz n thx once agin 4 dis article

  25. please we want RANG BADALTI ODHANI back with the same cast.. we really luv shaan-khnak(karan-yashashri)jodi.. & we want a new season of RANG BADALTI ODHANI

  26. Yes!! KMH has all the potential to come back for the third season.

    The seasons were interesting throughout as in there was not a moment of boredom.
    There was & still is a lot to see about this jodi Arjun & Arohi.
    The show is axed without giving a proper end, the end is rushed & butchered in order to close it on the given date not meeting the expectations from the show.
    Hence we viewers are left for wanting more.
    KMH is still fresh & will be welcomed whole heartedly when it comes But with Karan & Kritika as Arjun & Arohi again.
    They are stars individually & make one of the most popular jodis. If Imagine TV was ever in news for good things then that was because of Kitani Mohabbat Hai, Karan Kundra & Kritika Kamra. But the channel never acknowledged that fact instead did a lot of injustice to the show & its viewers as mentioned by some fans above. As a die-hard fan of KMH & KaranIka, i want KMH3 but not on the channel that does not deserve them. Imagine TV has to raise its standards to bring back Karanika as Arjuhi in KMH. If thats not possible, then i want to see Karanika on a different channel, because THEY, are The BEST & deserve THE BEST!! Wish them Good luck in their current ventures & want to see them rocking the TV screens together again & soon :))

  27. plzzzzzzz v want our rbo back!!!
    the best show evr which had our cutiepies karan tacker and yashashri masurkar:):)
    hope tis happens soon...
    and a special thanks to telly tadka fr taking all such efforts......

  28. please we all want kmh3 from egypt


  30. We wnt our arjuhi bak no matter wat we hav 2 do as long as all kmh fans r 2gether(no doubt) seriously kmh is my lyf I watch it 24/7 on YouTube all s1 n2 evry single person knows how much I luv dat show n I'm m 100% sure dats d st8 of all us kmh fan! Mwaah luv kmh! It was clearly d bes coz of which it came bak on public demand so ekta Plz bring kmh s3 bak wiv arjuhi/karanika coz der's no kmh wivout dem both! Plz Plz Plz Plz ..... Jus wnt dem bak lyf seems incomplete wivout dem! Jus luv dem 2 much


  32. PLS BRING BACK KMH with KARAN AND KRITIKA! It is one of the best shows on television, and really brings in a younger audience. PLEASE PLEASE!!! IT IS JUST WHAT THE CHANNEL NEEDS!

  33. kitni just rokzzzz we wnt karnika magic back plzzzzzzzzzz

  34. Kitni mohabaat has the right to cm back karan nd kritika just rokzzz they r awsum lv karnika wnt kmh backkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

  35. kitni just rokzzzz we wnt karnika magic back plzzzzzzzzzz

  36. we want KMH soon back with KARANIKA as ARJOHI,love this series a lot,n KARANIKA rock o n off screen both!!!

  37. plzzzzzzzz bring back yashran the BEST JORI ever to hit indian television. no one before them and no one ever again will be able to create the kind of magic yashashree and karan tacker created. please bring this awesome jori back in a new season of RBO or a new show . pleaj grant us this wish and ASAP

  38. Miss Kitni So Much! Please Bring It Back! We Want Kitni 3! Arjuhi Rocked The Screen! And This Time We Want It For A Long Time! And On A Better Channel. Please!

  39. We want KMH Season 3 with Karan Kundra and Kritika Kamra back on TV. They are both awesome actors and Ekta Kapoor's serials KMH1 and KMH2 were classics. Please do not disappoint us.

  40. KMH was the only serial i ever watched on television. The reason being the AWESOME KARAN-KRITIKA and the fabulous storyline. The season 2 was not only about love, it was fun, entertaining, fresh, connecting to the youth, hot and totally romantic!!! Young viewers are not interested in watching just family dramas with scheming women, or emotional atyaachars and tragedies about some unfortunate souls. KMH2 was a hit with viewers since it had a totally out of the box approach to entertain us.

    I miss the show too much as there is pretty much nothing on tv that compares to this kind of shows. Audiences like me donot want to watch typical drama serials. It also started off the trends of "seasons" which is followed internationally with any of the shows like friends or dexter etc. The serial actually made us look forward to the next episode EVERY SINGLE DAY!!!

    This show has an amazingly HUGE INTERNATIONAL FAN BASE. The season 3 should come on some other channel as imagine does not realise the show's potential or respect the viewers demands. Also the fans abroad too donot get Imagine channel from their cable operators. Also the time slot and reruns are not right. Fans abroad and in india too end up watching the show on the internet which also affects the trp's.

    The season 2 storyline had loads of potential and the characters had developed beautifully in the end, esp kritika's character potraying a modern day woman who was completely confident about herself and was totally fearless to fight for what is right and for her love. These kind of things donot reflect in any other series.

    Not only the lead characters but each and every person in that series was well defined and potrayed. But thanks to Imagine they didnot get a proper closure :( KMH2 ROCKED COZ OF KARAN KRITIKA, THE STORYLINE AND THE ENTIRE CAST!!! SEASON 3 SHOULD HAPPEN AND IM SURE EKTA WILL COME UP WITH A FANTABULOUS CONCEPT :)))

    Thanks to Telly Tadka for giving KMH fans a platform to shout out their demands. I hope our wishes are heard and we get a season 3 SOOOONNNN!

  41. go hell wid rbo,we want dmg back........

  42. Ya we want our fvrt show Kitani Mohabbat Hai with Karanika back .. plzzzzzzz .. we want Kitani Mohabbat Hai 3 plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz .. we love Karanika <3

  43. thank u telly tadka
    Dear ekta ma'am we billionssss of fanssss are desperately waiting for Kitani Mohabbat Hai 3 ♥♥♥♥♥ So, pleaseee ma'am fulfill our request.♥..♥..♥..
    Thank u

  44. WE WANT "KITANI MOHABBAT HAI-3" with our fav stars Karan and Kritika as leads pleaseeeeeeeeee bring them backkkk
    Thank u

  45. kitni ke diwano ki pukaar sunlo kitni ke diwane kitni ke bina nahi jee sakte...aap please facebook mein jara dekho kitni ke diwano ka haal... kitni ke intjar mein pagal ho gaye hai log... please ekta mam we want kmh 3 ki gunj sunlo... kuch socho, kuch karo... kitni ke bina jeena bahot mushkil hai... ek naye look mein arjun arohi ko jaldi wapas laao please... ab aur intjar nahi hota agar dil ki kadar karti ho toh hum diwano ki dil ki aawaj sunlo...
    we want kmh 3 please please please
    Thank u

  46. tv pur ki sabse youth serial kitni jo sabke dilo mein basti hai jo dilse chahte hai kitni ek great serial hai jise bar bar dekhne ko dil karta hai lakho serial dekhi lekin ek na jachi lakho jodiya dekhi lekin ek na jachi ek hi serial dekhi kitni jo dil mein ghar kar gayi ek hi jodi dekhi jo dil mein bas gayi please ekta kitni ko jaldi wapas laao please please kuch karo we want kmh 3 ki gunj sunlo please…
    Thank u

  47. We want kmh back!!!!!
    We want Karan and kritika back!!!!!
    We want kmh back!!!!
    We want Karan and kritika back!!!!
    We want kmh back!!!!
    We want Karan and kritika back!!!!

  48. ya KMH is d best show ever aired on indian tv giving us the most awesome and lovely couple Arjuhi.......arjun n arohi wid their magical chemistry and amazing acting skills set d screen on fire...watching them is always a pleasure n we want them back
    karan kittu n kmh rocks .............. and i luv karan and kritika like blindly ..........plz help us Telly Tadka plz...............

  49. Thanks a lot Telly Tadka for voicing RBO Fans views Please we want Rang Badalti Odhani Season 2 wid same star cast Karan Tacker and Yashashri Masurkar ..we r badly missing them...plzz do dis favor on us,hoping we will get RBO season 2 very soon...we want our magical pair to hit d small screen once again...

  50. We Rang Badalti Odhani Backkkk,It was unique Show on Star One,pleassseeeeeeeeee

  51. i luv karan and Yashashri ..........plz help us Telly Tadka plz.We want back Rang Badalti Odhani Backk,We Want Our Lives Back Pleaseeeeeeeeee

  52. RBO is d best show ever aired on indian tv giving us the most awesome and lovely couple Shanak.......Shaan n Khanak wid their magical chemistry and amazing acting skills set d screen on fire...watching them is always a pleasure n we want them back
    Karan and Yashuu n rbo rocks .............. ..........plz help us Telly Tadka plz...............

  53. RBO is d best show ever a

  54. We want RBO Back!!!!!
    We want Karan and Yashashri back!!!!!
    We want RBO Back!!!!!
    We want Karan and Yashashri back!!!!!
    We want RBO Back!!!!!
    We want Karan and Yashashri back!!!!!
    We want RBO Back!!!!!
    We want Karan and Yashashri back!!!!!
    We want RBO Back!!!!!
    We want Karan and Yashashri back!!!!!
    We want RBO Back!!!!!
    We want Karan and Yashashri back!!!!!
    We want RBO Back!!!!!
    We want Karan and Yashashri back!!!!!
    We want RBO Back!!!!!
    We want Karan and Yashashri back!!!!!
    We want RBO Back!!!!!
    We want Karan and Yashashri back!!!!!
    We want RBO Back!!!!!
    We want Karan and Yashashri back!!!!!
    We want RBO Back!!!!!
    We want Karan and Yashashri back!!!!!

  55. We want RBO Back!!!!!
    We want Karan and Yashashri back!!!!!

  56. Rang Badalti Odhani has the right to cm back karan nd Yashashri just rokzzz they r awsum We wnt Rang Badalti Odhani backkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

  57. would b on cloud 9 if RBO returns wid yasharan as leads again :)

  58. Many Thanks to Telly Tadka for the column.....and too Shyani, Shriya and Anaa for the initiative and to give us RBO fans to join you in your ardent request.....It indeed will be dream come true if we can get a fresh season of RBO with same cast and crew!!!!
    Shanak...Yasharan...they ignited the screen with their amazing chemistry...and to give the rest of the cast and crew its due too, without them ShaNAk wasn't totality RBO ROCKED!!!!
    Hope Yash Ji and Swapna mam are reading this along with Yasharan!!!

  59. thanxxxx tellyyy tadka it ws seriouyslllyyy a very sweeettt gesture...
    we loyal fans are desperately waiting for KITANI MOHABBAT HAI 3
    plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz consider n fulfillllll our request dear ekta ma'am plzzzzzzzz....we loveeeeee karan kritika n arjun arohi lodzzzzzzzzzzzz...we want dem backkk plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz asap..<3

  60. my love for karan n kritik noes no bounds. Its good tht the voice of audience is being displayed bt what I desire fo is tht it shud b back. n I'm sure enuf tht the audience will have the same zeal !!!

  61. telly tadka kitni mohabbat hai ke saath hamari ek kahani hai jo do labjo mein bayan na ho paye arjun arohi ka saath humhe kitna pyara do labjo mein bayan na ho paye kitni ke bin jeena mushkil hai yara do labjo mein bayan na ho paye yeh koi gana nahi kitni ke diwano ki dil ki juban hai agar telly tadka dil ki pukar sunta hai toh please hum pe ehsaan kar do kitni ko wapas laao ab aur intjar nahi hota jaldi wapas laao balaji ka darwaja jorse khat khatao kitni ke diwano ke liye please we want kmh 3 ki gunj suna do hamhare dilka haal bata do sabko please telly tadka
    we want KMH-3 wid our beloved Karan n Kritika

  62. kyo hamhara dil jala rahe ho kitni ke diwane ro roke kitni ka intjar kar rahe hai kitni ke bina jeena bahot mushkil hai... hum diwano ka kitni ke bina kuch bhi achha nahi lagta...imgine ki sabse khubsurat serial hai kitni jise log dilse chahte hai...yeh sirf meri nahi kitni ke sare diwano ki dil ki aawaj hai we want kmh 3 please please kuch socho kuch karo hamhare liye please

  63. lakho serial dekhi ek na jachi lakho jodiya dekhi ek na jachi ek hi serial dekhi jo dil mein ghar kar gayi ek hi jodi dekhi jo dil mein bas gayi hey telly tadka tum dil ki baate samajhte ho yoh please hamhare dil ki pukar sunlo kitni hamare liye na hi koi film hai na hi koi serial yeh ek khubsurat bandhan hai jisse hum band gaye hai kitni ke bina jeena bahot mushkil hai her dil ki aawaj we want kmh 3 please telly tadka hamare liye balaji ka darwaja jorse khat khatao ab aur intjar nahi hota we want kmh 3 please please

  64. kmh3 lekin kmh1 jaisa kyonki uske jaisa koi nahi

  65. We Love You Telly Tadka As You Are The Only One Who Are With The fans :) Thanks A Lot For This,We Want To See Our Rang Badalti Odhani Back,Cause This Was The Show Which Was Having A meaningful Story,And It Was An Unique Show,Everyone Loved To Watch This Show,As Everyone Loved Shaan-Khank Jodi Onsreen/Off screen. And Fantastic Acting By Yashashr Masurkar & Karan Tacker,And It Was Ended Without Any Reason,Please Ask To The Production Team (Yash Patnaik/Mamta Patnaik/ Swapna Waghmare Joshi) And Channal For A New Seaosn With The Same Casts.

    Thanks A lot :)Looking For Co-Operation Rang Badalti Odhani Fans.”

  66. want RBO back plzz... n yashashri n karan together !!
    want RBO back plzz... n yashashri n karan together !!
    want RBO back plzz... n yashashri n karan together !!
    want RBO back plzz... n yashashri n karan together !!
    want RBO back plzz... n yashashri n karan together !!
    want RBO back plzz... n yashashri n karan together !!
    want RBO back plzz... n yashashri n karan together !!
    want RBO back plzz... n yashashri n karan together !!
    want RBO back plzz... n yashashri n karan together !!
    want RBO back plzz... n yashashri n karan together !!
    want RBO back plzz... n yashashri n karan together !!
    want RBO back plzz... n yashashri n karan together !!
    want RBO back plzz... n yashashri n karan together !!
    want RBO back plzz... n yashashri n karan together !!

  67. We want RBO back. It was the best of best soap on tv with different story line, no saas bahu drama. Loved watching it. What to say abt lead pair, they are superb. after the show is aired off also we are haunting to see them back. plz RBO with karan and yashashree as lead. They are wonderful actors

  68. KMH is d best show ever aired on indian tv giving us the most awesome and lovely couple Arjuhi.......arjun n arohi wid their magical chemistry and amazing acting skills set d screen on fire...watching them is always a pleasure n we want them back
    karan kittu n kmh rocks .............. and i luv karan and kritika like crazzy !!! they r choo chweet ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥...foreverr...:)

  69. rbo forever shanak <3 dey r d best we wan rbo back we want our shanak bck

  70. i want kmh3. they are the best couple.

  71. Karan Tacker and Yashashri Masurkar are currently doing other shows...But we would really like to see them back as ShaNak and the return of Rang Badalti Odhani...Love this show and their amzing chemistry...

    Perhaps in the the near furture we can see how life is like for ShaNak as young parents....Or perhaps we could start the RBO story with a fresh start....There is still alot of potential to explore....Would really like this show to have another chance...

  72. Kitani Mohabbat Hai 1 & 2 Both have created a positive change in my life and gifted me with the best moments and happiest memories of my life....its a journey that I never want to end, so please bring back the 2 most important people of my life - Karan n Kritika - cause life is not the same without Arjun n I want Kitani Mohabbat Hai 3 to be aired on screen as soon as possible!!!! Love KMH,it Rocks!!!!!

  73. RBO and Shanak/Yasharan have to come back! This show was so different to anything else out there, it was truly unique and the chemistry/acting of the lead pair is just something else!

    Would love to have RBO Season 2! <3 <3 <3

  74. RBO..we want RBO..
    not only the leads the ensemble cast were just marvelous..
    it is no rona dhona..
    sizzling chemistry between karan tacker n yashashri..

  75. we want KITANI MOHABBAT HAI 3 back soon with Karan Kritika as ARJOHI..........

  76. plss i m dieing too see RBO and yashashree and karan to gother to r outstandingg pls bring back

  77. WE ALL PURE PAAGALS WANT KMH 3,pls its a very good n cute love story n the ARJOHI JODI IS JST ROCKING!!!


  79. RBO and Shanak/Yasharan have to come back

  80. PLSSSSSS i m dieing to c KMH & D MST NAKCHARI JODI arjohi!!

  81. i love odhani soo much really missing the showw pls!!!!!!!!!!!!!we wonnt RBO season 2


  83. basically i hate daily shows for the first time i fall in love with RBO the leads r fab in the show......pls bring them back


  85. i love kitani so much,specially ARJOHI JODI,PLS KMH 3 come soon!!!

  86. plss we want RBO season 2 deing to see yashu and karan


  88. i m gr8 of odhani without odhani my is sssssssoooooo boring and dull plss starone make my life colorfull and bring back RBO 2

  89. i m frm tamil nadu odhani is my fav show not only me all my clgmates fav show we really missing RBo soo much plss we want RBO season 2

  90. hiee i love odhani soo much i really missing odhani and mainly the leads karan and yashu they make the show perfect plss i want RBO 2

  91. I love yashashri soo much she is superb as khanak i really miss her as khanak and the odhani too

  92. Karan Tacker and Yashashri Masurkar are currently doing other shows...But we would really like to see them back as ShaNak and the return of Rang Badalti Odhani...Love this show and their amzing chemistry..

  93. plss bring back my magical pair karan tacker and yashashree backk i m deing too see them................missing the like the hell we want RBO 2

  94. We want RBO Back!!!!!
    We want Karan and Yashashri back!!!!!

  95. RBO is my fav show i really miss RBO soo much plss bring back RBO season 2

  96. We want RBO back.want RBO back plzz... n yashashri n karan together !!missing the show madllyyy plss telly tadka

  97. We wnat Kitani mohabbat hai 3 with Karan and Kritika.. Please bring them back

  98. days r pass and i m missing my most romantic couple in the whole world........thts yashashree and karan want Rang badalti odhani 2

  99. want RBO 2 plzzzz
    want shanak
    wank yasharan

  100. i m gr8 fan of Rang badalti odhani.........missing odhani soo badly want RBO season 2 plssssssssss and want my shaan and khanak

  101. we want rbo back.yasharan is the best onscreen couple on tv in terms of chemistry as well as talent.

  102. i luv karan and Yashashri ..........plz help us Telly Tadka plz.We want back Rang Badalti Odhani Backk,We Want Our Lives Back Pleaseeeeeeeeee

  103. i luv karan and Yashashri............and Rang badalti odhani is is the best show ever plss telly tadka help ussssss

  104. Missing Odhani soo much its an outstanding show with fab cast the whole show is superb every character is superbly narrated we want RBO 2

  105. RBO..we want RBO..
    not only the leads the ensemble cast were just marvelous..
    it is no rona dhona..
    sizzling chemistry between karan tacker n yashashri..

  106. i want my wholes best pair karan and yashashree backk plssssssss...............i really miss them badlyyyy

  107. We the Pure Pagal gang is crazy after karan-kritika .... so we all desperately wanna a season 3 of kmh wid dem.... & everybody knows dat the superb chemistry b/w the two onscreen made quite a heads turned during both the seasons of kmh.... so ekta mam i wud humbly request to plzz consider our request dis tym also & we karanika fans assure u dat you wont regret ur decision waiting fr Arjuhi magic to create again ..fingers crossed with a hope to get a +ve response frm u soon!!!

  108. We Rang Badalti Odhani Backkkk,It was unique Show on Star One and the leads rr outstanding fab and rockingggggggg

  109. can not image life without RBO i really missing them like hell...pls telly tedka bring them back

  110. Rang Badalti odhani season 2 pls!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Rang Badalti odhani season 2 pls!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Rang Badalti odhani season 2 pls!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Rang Badalti odhani season 2 pls!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Rang Badalti odhani season 2 pls!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Rang Badalti odhani season 2 pls!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  111. only show i used to watch is Odhani............i really want Odhani season 2

  112. Ever since RBO went off air I've tried to survive by watching fan-made videos and by reading Fan Fictions. However, nothing can replace watching Rang Badalti Odhani on television. The chemistry, the natural flow of emotions...everything about the show was simply amazing. If daily soaps by definition are said to mirror everyday life then RBO is the only show I have seen which makes one feel that whatever happening is real. My day feels empty without watching Karan and Yashashri on-screen together.

    To the TellyTadka, to the producers, to anyone who wants to be known for making the best show in Indian televison - I sincerely request you to bring an RBO season 2. Whether its the continuation from where the show ended or a new storyline altogether....just please bring the whole cast together! We all shall be ever-grateful!

  113. RBO is d best show ever aired on indian tv giving us the most awesome and lovely couple Shanak.......Shaan n Khanak wid their magical chemistry and amazing acting skills set d screen on fire...watching them is always a pleasure n we want them back
    Karan and Yashuu n rbo rocks .............. ..........plz help us Telly Tadka plz............

  114. seroiusly want RBO 2 missng them soo is soo boring without RBO

  115. missng odhani soo much telly tadka plss help us........we want odhani season 2

  116. mea nd all my frnds r big fans of shanak and RBO....we really missing them soo much and even my classmates(guys) r also missing them(shanak)......we want season 2

  117. we want Rang Badalti Odhani season 2 plss miss shanak soo deeplyyyyy and hardlyyy

  118. we want rang badalti odhani back plzzz missing shanak baddly we stop waching star one

  119. plsss halp us telly tadka bring our shaank back plsssssssssss

  120. rbo is best show on star one now days star one is boring

  121. i luv karan and Yashashri ..........plz help us Telly Tadka plz.We want back Rang Badalti Odhani Backk Pleaseeeeeeeeee

    We Want RBO
    We Want RBO
    We Want RBO
    We Want RBO
    We Want RBO
    We Want RBO
    We Want RBO
    We Want RBO
    We Want RBO
    We Want RBO
    We Want RBO
    We Want RBO
    We Want RBO

  122. RBo.............RBO ............RBO............RBO.............RBO


  123. RBO is d best show ever aired on indian tv giving us the most awesome and lovely couple Shanak.......Shan n Khanak wid their magical chemistry and amazing acting skills set d screen on fire...watching them is always a pleasure n we want them back
    karan Yashuu n RBO rocks .............. and i luv karan and Yashuu like crazzy !!! they r choo chweet ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥...foreverr...:)


  125. i luv karan and Yashashri ..........plz help us Telly Tadka plz.We want back Rang Badalti Odhani Backk Pleaseeeeeeeeee

    We Want RBO
    We Want RBO
    We Want RBO
    We Want RBO
    We Want RBO
    We Want RBO
    We Want RBO
    We Want RBO
    We Want RBO
    We Want RBO
    We Want RBO
    We Want RBO
    We Want RBO

  126. yes..very true tellytadka..thanks a lot :) we want kmh 3!!! Karanika is a wonderful jodi..we miss their jodi onscreen a lott..plzz bring thm back

  127. we want KMH-3 back wid karan n kritika at any cost
    we want KMH-3 back wid karan n kritika at any cost
    we want KMH-3 back wid karan n kritika at any cost

  128. Kmh is d most amazing show ever giving d most talented, gudluking n amazing couple arjun n arohi to d telly world whose sizzling chemistry n amazing acting skills stole d hearts of billions of viewers...
    KMH had d fresh n youthful concept n beautiful storyline...n d fun factor was never missing in d show...i never got bored watching it through out both season 1 n 2 coz it was so rocking n awesomeeeeeeeee......
    n arjuhi r d best couple in d whole world...the show has every qualifications to comeback wid a new season
    so plzzzzzzzzzzz bring KMH-3 wid karan n kritika as leads
    thank u

  129. °ღ• ●•٠ρℓєαѕє вяιηg "кιтαηι мσнαввαт нαι 3" ωιтн συя вєℓσνє∂ נσ∂ι "αяנυнι"٠•●•ღ°
    °ღ• ●•٠ρℓєαѕє вяιηg "кιтαηι мσнαввαт нαι 3" ωιтн συя вєℓσνє∂ נσ∂ι "αяנυнι"٠•●•ღ°
    °ღ• ●•٠ρℓєαѕє вяιηg "кιтαηι мσнαввαт нαι 3" ωιтн συя вєℓσνє∂ נσ∂ι "αяנυнι"٠•●•ღ°

  130. missing karan & kritika n KMH loadss... soooo plzzzzzz give us a third season of "Kitani Mohabbat Hai" as soon as possible!! plzzzzzz!!

  131. Yeah exactly...we r missing our adorable couple Karan Kundra n Kritika Kamra loads... we want to see them their cute nokjhoks n sizzling n magical chemistry once again so plzzzzzzzzzzz pretty plzzzzzzz give us d 3rd season of KMH wid our beloved arjuhi aka karan n kritika

  132. plz bring Kitani Mohabbat Hai season-3 wid our dear karan n kritika plzplzplzzzzzzzzz
    we sosososososooooooooo desperately want them backkkkkkkkkk
    days r lyk hell wid out KMH

  133. KMH is d best show i ever watched rest r all ghisapita saas bahu drama full of rona dhona n litres of glycerine
    so plz bring KMH backkkkkkkkk
    tv mein koi show toh youthful, fun n interesting honi chahiye na.....
    we want KMH backkkkk wid karan n kritika
    kittu is very cute n beautiful...luv her loadsssss

  134. hehe agree wid u Nitin KMH is a full fun n youthful show unlike other ghisapita shows...
    n wow kittu is reallyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy cute super cute...
    missing was d only show i watched wid ma interest n... no remote fights wid ma mom n sister as they also luvd d show so much
    It deserves d comebackkk
    we want KMH-3

  135. Karan Kritika n KMH r d best thing ever happened to indian telly world...
    superb show wid amazing actors n magical chemistry...ya d fun factor n d luv never missing in d show..
    the best show i ever watched
    so plz bring Karan Kritika n KMH backkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
    me Shanti is krazyyyyyyyy for karan kundra n KMH

  136. pyasa mange pani we want kmh 3...
    bhuka mange roti we want kmh 3...
    maut mange jindagi we want kmh 3...
    yahi hai kitani ke diwanoki dilki aawaj we want kmh 3 we want kmh3...
    telly tadka dilki juban samajhte ho na toh sunlo we want kmh 3 ki gunj...
    her dilki aawaj we want kmh 3

  137. hey telly tadka hum pe ek ehsaan kar do hamhari kitni humhe wapas dilado agar aapne hamhari kitni wapas dila di toh humhe jeene ki khushi mil jayegi such mein kuch bhi achha nahi lagta kitni hamhara saathi hai uske bina jeena bahot mushkil hai kitni ke diwano ki dil ki pukaar sunlo aur such mein hum pe ehsaan kar do we want kmh 3 please please

  138. I am a big fan of Karan Kritika and i want them back on-screen. The romance they created with kitani Mohabbat Hai 1 and 2 is everlasting and has made Indian Television brighter.
    PLZ bring Karan Kritika n KMH backkkkk

  139. ya bring KMH back plzplzplzzzzzzzzzz
    we miss it so much
    arjun arohi n KMH r d best.......luv them n now miss them sososososoooooooo much

  140. Karan Kritika wid their awesome acting skills, magical chemistry n their khatti meethi nokjhoks rockkkkkkkkk d screen..watching them is always a pleasure n after d abrupt ending of KMH-2 we fans miss them sooooooooooooooooo much plzzzzzzzzz bring them backkkkkkkkkkkkk wid 3rd season of "Kitani Mohabbat Hai"

  141. we want Karan Kritika n KMH backkkkkkkkkkk
    we want Karan Kritika n KMH backkkkkkkkkkk
    we want Karan Kritika n KMH backkkkkkkkkkk
    we want Karan Kritika n KMH backkkkkkkkkkk
    we want Karan Kritika n KMH backkkkkkkkkkk
    we want Karan Kritika n KMH backkkkkkkkkkk
    we want Karan Kritika n KMH backkkkkkkkkkk
    we want Karan Kritika n KMH backkkkkkkkkkk
    we want Karan Kritika n KMH backkkkkkkkkkk
    we want Karan Kritika n KMH backkkkkkkkkkk

  142. pleaseeeee...........bring kmh back with karan and kritika...............

  143. we want karan kritika n kmh back at any cost coz they r d best.....superb show n awesome actors wid magical chemistryyyyyyyyyyyyyy
    they deserve a comebackkkk they deserve season 3
    we want kmh-3

  144. PLEASE bring back Rang Badalti Odhani back as soon as possible as it is will never say was to hit indian television. the magic that yashashree and karan created together is just simply out of this world. please someone,anyone have a heart and bring back this magical jori on screen. we fans shall be highly obliged. thanx

  145. best jori ever karan and yashashree and best show ever RANG BADALTI ODHANI

  146. •» ρℓєαѕє ∂єℓινєя συя яєqυєѕтѕ & ∂ємαη∂ѕ тσ вαℓαנι тєℓєƒιℓмѕ тσ вяιηg тнє мαgι¢αℓ ℓσνє ѕтσяy σƒ "кιтηι мσнαввαт нαι" вα¢к ση ѕ¢яєєη ωιтн тнє мαgηιƒι¢єηт נσ∂ι σƒ αяנυη & αяσнι αкα кαяαη кυη∂яα & кяιтιкα кαмяα....ωє ƒαηѕ αяє мιѕѕιηg тнєм α ℓσт & αяє ∂ιєιηg тσ ѕєє тнєм тσgєтнєя σηѕ¢яєєη ѕσ ρℓєαѕє нєℓρ υѕ ιη ¢σηνєyιηg συя ℓσνє ƒσя кмн тσ тнєм « •
    ♥♥♥♥ ωє ωαηт кιтηι мσнαввαт нαι ѕєαѕση 3 ♥♥♥♥

  147. kitni ke diwane kitani ka besabri se intjar kar rahe hai kitni ka...
    kitani hamhare liye ek khubsurat ehsaas hai ek family hai jinke bina jiya nahi ja sakta...
    ekta please kitani ke diwano ki dilki pukar sunlo kitani ko jaldi wapas laao... tum dilse serial banati ho toh hamhare dilki pukar sunlo please we want kmh 3 please please
    we want karan kittu n kmh backkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

  148. ♥..♥..♥..♥..♥..♥..♥..♥..♥..♥..♥..♥..♥..♥..♥..♥..♥..♥..♥..♥..♥.. ♥♥♥ LOVE IS IMPERISHABLE ♥♥♥ Love is self
    less and does not want anything in return
    . ***~~Real Love cannot be expressed by feelings alone,
    it goes beyond this level and embraces ones personality in a pure bond of intimacy and commitment in selfless service~~*** These lovely lines perfectly suits the most LOVABLE,
    ADORABLE, BEAUTIFUL, MESMERIZING, N HEART WARMING COUPLE ♥ Arjun Arohi ♥ Please ekta ma’am we request for ***~~~KITANI MOHABBAT HAI 3~~~*** Please ma’am consider n fulfillll our request. . .!!! ♥..♥..♥..♥..♥..♥..♥..♥..♥..♥..♥..♥..♥..♥..♥..♥..♥..♥..♥..♥..♥..

  149. as we all know that rbo was a great show becao of the best cast n crew morover the actor so we want rbo season-3 as soon as possible plzzz thia a humble request from all the fan oh rang badalti n we want the same cast,crewn actors in the show.... rang badalti odhani rocks hope that we will bo on telivision soon.

  150. hi we want kmh3 with karan and kritika luv them alotttttttttt

  151. i am die hard fan of Rnag badalti odhani and mad fan of shanak and their chemistry plss give us RBO 2

  152. karan and yashashree and best show ever RANG BADALTI ODHANI is fav show in starone Im crazy fan of shaan and khanak

  153. we want karan and yashashri and Rang Badalti Odhani back!!!!!
    we want karan and yashashri and Rang Badalti Odhani back!!!!!
    we want karan and yashashri and Rang Badalti Odhani back!!!!!
    we want karan and yashashri and Rang Badalti Odhani back!!!!!

  154. dieing to see RBo 2 and shanak jodi plss telly tadka make this possible for us

  155. we r missing Odhani soo much even my sis miss the show soo much plss we ned season 2.......RBO 2

  156. I m frm AP(andhra) and first show i start to watchh without any failure even in my xams is Rang badalti odhani basically i hurt daily shows but odhani is different and completey beautiful sho with great actress.plss telly tadka brig RBo back

  157. Please starone and beyond dreams we r horribly miss odhani we want RBo 2

  158. As a clg student all my clgs girls r gr8 fans of odhani and mostly the leads pair they also used to talk abt this show.Now a days all my girls r missings this show so much I think the channal and production think about of season 2 beacuse this pair shaan and khanak came create magic

  159. RBO is the rocking pls we want season 2...missing my fab couple shanak aka yasharan soo much they made odhani soo colorful

  160. It seems to be funny but plss i m badly missing shanak soo much life is soo dull and boring without seeing them as a pair and without odhani.Pls telly tadka help us

  161. I word chemistry correctly suits for shanak such a cute romatic and innocent pair i have never seen a pair like them really miss them so much we need RBo season 2

  162. Its my humble request from all the fans of rang badalti odhani n we want the same cast,crewn actors in the show.... rang badalti odhani rocks hope that we will bo on telivision soon.plssssssssssssss

  163. RBO is d best show i ever watched rest r all ghisapita saas bahu drama.......odhani is superb show wid amazing actors n magical chemistry of karan and yashashree....pls bring them back

  164. plzzzzzzz v want our rbo back!!!
    the best show evr which had our cutiepies karan tacker and yashashri masurkar:):)
    hope tis happens soon...fingurs crossed

  165. bring our shaank back rbo is best show

  166. we r missing our shaanak telly tadka plz do samething for us plzzzzzzzzzzz

  167. Rang badalti odhani is my fav show and the cast and crew of the show was perfect....i m really missing them whole khandelwal family

  168. missng odhani soo much ang the most hottest couple and coolest couple shanak plss bring then backkkkkk

  169. I m a house wife but still hate daily shows only show i watched is odhani such beautiful couple and such a beautifull show ii really miss the show soo much want RBO 2

  170. please we want RANG BADALTI ODHANI back with the same cast.. we really luv shaan-khnak(karan-yashashri)jodi.. & we want a new season of RANG BADALTI ODHANI

  171. Rang badalti odhani is my fav show and the cast and crew of the show was perfect..

    plzz v want it bak

  172. RBO ROXS....missng odhani soo much ang the most hottest couple and coolest couple shanak plss bring then backkkkkk

  173. plzzzzzzz v want our rbo back!!!
    the best show evr which had our cutiepies karan tacker and yashashri masurkar:):)

  174. RBO is d best show i ever watched rest r all ghisapita saas bahu drama.......odhani is superb show wid amazing actors n magical chemistry of karan and yashashree....pls bring them back//// plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  175. PLEASE bring back Rang Badalti Odhani back as soon as possible as it is will never say was to hit indian television. the magic that yashashree and karan created together is just simply out of this world. please someone,anyone have a heart and bring back this magical jori on screen.

  176. we want karan kritika n KMH backkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
    we want karan kritika n KMH backkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
    we want karan kritika n KMH backkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

    we want karan kritika n KMH backkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
    we want karan kritika n KMH backkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
    we want karan kritika n KMH backkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

    we want karan kritika n KMH backkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
    we want karan kritika n KMH backkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
    we want karan kritika n KMH backkkkkkkkkkkkkkk

    we want kmh-3 at any cost

  177. karan kritika n KITANI MOHABBAT HAI r our life...
    we mohabbatians r nothing wid out our King Queen n Mohabbat Mahal i.e Karan Kritika n KMH
    so plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz bring Kitani Mohabbat hai season 3 wid karan n kritika...
    give our palace wid our king n queen backkkkkkk plzzzzzzz

  178. hey ekta kaha ho tum!!!
    apne facebook mein jara dekho kitni ke diwano ki tadap, unke dil ki aawaj...
    'we want kmh-3' ki gunj tumhe sunayi nahi deti??? kitni ke diwane kitani ka besabri se intjar kar rahe hai kitni ka...
    kitani hamhare liye ek khubsurat ehsaas hai, ek family hai jinke bina jiya nahi jaskta.
    ekta please kitani ke diwano ki dilki pukar sunlo... kitani ko jaldi wapas laao... tum dilse serial banati ho toh hamhare dilki pukar sunlo please...
    we want kmh-3 please please...
    pyasa mange pani we want kmh-3
    bhuka mange roti we want kmh-3
    maut mange jindagi we want kmh-3
    kitani is life kitani is family kitani is saathi...
    tum dilse serial banati ho toh dilki aawaj sunlo ekta... we want kmh-3...we want kmh-3

  179. °ღ• ●•٠ρℓєαѕє вяιηg "кιтαηι мσнαввαт нαι 3" ωιтн συя вєℓσνє∂ נσ∂ι "αяנυнι"٠•●•ღ°
    °ღ• ●•٠ρℓєαѕє вяιηg "кιтαηι мσнαввαт нαι 3" ωιтн συя вєℓσνє∂ נσ∂ι "αяנυнι"٠•●•ღ°
    °ღ• ●•٠ρℓєαѕє вяιηg "кιтαηι мσнαввαт нαι 3" ωιтн συя вєℓσνє∂ נσ∂ι "αяנυнι"٠•●•ღ°
    °ღ• ●•٠ρℓєαѕє вяιηg "кιтαηι мσнαввαт нαι 3" ωιтн συя вєℓσνє∂ נσ∂ι "αяנυнι"٠•●•ღ°
    °ღ• ●•٠ρℓєαѕє вяιηg "кιтαηι мσнαввαт нαι 3" ωιтн συя вєℓσνє∂ נσ∂ι "αяנυнι"٠•●•ღ°

    °ღ• ●•٠ρℓєαѕє вяιηg "кιтαηι мσнαввαт нαι 3" ωιтн συя вєℓσνє∂ נσ∂ι "αяנυнι"٠•●•ღ°
    °ღ• ●•٠ρℓєαѕє вяιηg "кιтαηι мσнαввαт нαι 3" ωιтн συя вєℓσνє∂ נσ∂ι "αяנυнι"٠•●•ღ°
    °ღ• ●•٠ρℓєαѕє вяιηg "кιтαηι мσнαввαт нαι 3" ωιтн συя вєℓσνє∂ נσ∂ι "αяנυнι"٠•●•ღ°
    °ღ• ●•٠ρℓєαѕє вяιηg "кιтαηι мσнαввαт нαι 3" ωιтн συя вєℓσνє∂ נσ∂ι "αяנυнι"٠•●•ღ°
    °ღ• ●•٠ρℓєαѕє вяιηg "кιтαηι мσнαввαт нαι 3" ωιтн συя вєℓσνє∂ נσ∂ι "αяנυнι"٠•●•ღ°

    °ღ• ●•٠ρℓєαѕє вяιηg "кιтαηι мσнαввαт нαι 3" ωιтн συя вєℓσνє∂ נσ∂ι "αяנυнι"٠•●•ღ°
    °ღ• ●•٠ρℓєαѕє вяιηg "кιтαηι мσнαввαт нαι 3" ωιтн συя вєℓσνє∂ נσ∂ι "αяנυнι"٠•●•ღ°
    °ღ• ●•٠ρℓєαѕє вяιηg "кιтαηι мσнαввαт нαι 3" ωιтн συя вєℓσνє∂ נσ∂ι "αяנυнι"٠•●•ღ°
    °ღ• ●•٠ρℓєαѕє вяιηg "кιтαηι мσнαввαт нαι 3" ωιтн συя вєℓσνє∂ נσ∂ι "αяנυнι"٠•●•ღ°
    °ღ• ●•٠ρℓєαѕє вяιηg "кιтαηι мσнαввαт нαι 3" ωιтн συя вєℓσνє∂ נσ∂ι "αяנυнι"٠•●•ღ°

  180. missing arjun arohi n KMH loadsssssssss
    my tv is on 6utti after kmh-2 was axed abruptly
    it feels lyk a very imporant part of my life is snatched away from me...
    watching arjun n arohi, their cute nokjhoks, endless luv n magical chemistry was d biggest plaesure in d whole world...
    missing kmh so much.......
    missing arjuhi lyk hell...
    plzzzzzzzz bring them backkkkk
    plz bring KMH-3 wid our beloved jodi arjuhi plzplzplzzzzzzzz
    we mohabbatians r dying widout them...

  181. I love karan kritika.i want arjuhi in kmh 3 in different avtars, i dnt mind if its on other channel than imagine bt this time for longer period( 2 or 1 1/2 yrs)Please...
    please give our kmh3 as soon as possible,waiting eagerly to make kmh happen.

  182. plz bring back kmh3 viewing karan and kritika. thyere on screen chemistry and off screen is so gud and we really want to se them back together. they just make magic on tv and we cant ever take our eyes off of them. without kmh2 weve been watching the older seaons to just see their chemistry. we wuld really appreciate it if u could bring back KMH but on another chaneel because imagine wasnt treating KMH gud. we wuld really appreciate it if u culd plz start KMH3 with a nice and refreshing love story:) thanx

  183. Please give us another season of KMH which will last longer than the previous 2 seasons and we get to cherish the acting potential of both Karan and Kritika.

  184. plz i want kitni mohobat hai backk...... n also only with karan n kritika,,,

  185. We would love to see Arjuhi again with Season 3 of KMH!We miss them..KMH2 was ended abruptly n wasn't given a fair treatment coz of the channel's ignorance..we do want KMH3 but on a better channel!

  186. i definately want kmh3 but on imagine tv,i dnt think its possible 2 hav it on another channel,im sure other channels cant just take imagine tv's kitani mohabbat hai But yeeah,we all want kmh3!
    we want kmh3 at any cost

  187. We want this time a complete story of Kitani mohabbat hai. Karan kundra & Kritika kamra both are brilliant actor, and their onscreen awesome chemistry. We all KMH fans want to see more of 'arjun arohi's love story'. We want KITANI MOHABBAT HAI with KARAN KUNDRA &KRITIKA KAMRA.

  188. we really want another rocking season of kmh3...tht is the grtest joy in our life....

  189. we want kmh3..pls ekta mam...pls fulfill our demand..we mising karan..kittu vbadly......

  190. kaise kahe hume kitani mohabbat hai............. Kindly bring karan-kritika back as a jodi onscreen. We havent got enough of them.

  191. plzzzzzzzzzzzzzz v want kmh3 wid karan kritika n dis time nt 1 r 2 bt d show must run 4 many many many many mnay years 2 cum.plzzzzzzzzzz ye reqyest kubool kar lijiye plzzzzzzzzzzz ekta mam.

  192. we request u 2 plzzzzzzzzzz bring back r favourite show kmh back wid a third season wid karan n kritika.plzzzzzzzzzz make d show run 4 ,any years like kyunki saas bhi ..............kmh deserves 2 run 4 a long n longer period f time.

  193. we want kmh3 .. kmh wasant deserved to be kicked off we wanted a full story and we are really hoping to get one! So please ma there are millions of arjohi fans that want kmh3! Kmh3 all the way<3

  194. i definitely think kmh2 needed a much much better ending.the story was nice,the actors were awesome n the chemistry was out of the world.(never ever before seen such wonderful n magical chemistry)

  195. plsss ekta i miss kmh this is the best show ever i miss karan and kritika i m big fan of kmh plss kmh 3 ko jaldi start kar do

  196. plz ekta ma'am give us a complete story since we never got one........both seasons were ended abruptly.............n it was really unfair to all the cast n crew of kmh n all the plz give them justice by bringing kmh3 with karan n kritika but dis time on different channel..............

  197. plz ekta ma'am we request u from the bottom of our heart .........plz bring back kmh3 with karan n kritika
