Dahej, Maayka, Bhaskar Bharti, Dill mill gaye, Geet Hui Sabse Parayi one name is common to all these shows, who worked behind the camera to bring the best shots to our television screen. Whether it was intricacies of sister’s relationship in Dahej, or if it was nuisance of Bharti in Bhaskar Bharti, or just the sizzling romance of Maan Geet in Geet Hui sabse parayi, all those flawless emotions were made possible by one man, Rahul Agarwal, the man behind the scenes. This versatile director has proved his versatility with such wide variety of work he has done till now. TellyTadka had privilege to talk to this versatile director Rahul Agarwal about his journey and his experience as director from Dahej to latest Geet Hui Sabse parayi.