
Sunday, August 14, 2011

Happy Independence Day India


Happy Indepedence Day India

August 15th is a day of celebration, a day when Indians all over the world rejoice in the freedom and pay homage to those who laid down their lives winning the freedom. A festival every Indian holds dearest to his / her heart.. Independence Day commemorates the arduous journey that was undertaken by millions of brave Indians to break away from the shackles of colonial rule.

India, a nation that has undergone complete transformation after it got independence from the British Rule...but somehow the influence from the west never ceased to affect the culture and the growth of the nation.

The advent of Television started in late 1950’s in India but reached masses only in early 80’s. India, that used to depend on radios and newspapers changed after the arrival of a medium of mass communication. Television is most probably one of the biggest landmark and achivement after the Independence!

From the Doordarshan days to the era of reality TV shows media industry has come long way. They have exprimented a lot and because of it made progress as well. So whats store in future of the television industry next? Only time will tell but in meanwhile lets celebrate the freedom - Happy Indepedence Day INDIA!

Author - Sneha Kothari
Reporter - Nikhat Khan
Video Maker - Hasini Prasad
Video Editor - Graphic Surendra Fogat

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