
Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Post Questions For Arjun & Rati

Please post your question and messages for your favorite couple Arjun Bijlani & Rati Pandey......


Telly Tadka


  1. Love you Arjun and Rati.... You guys are looking as lovely as husband wife as u were when u were couple..

    Dear Rati. How did you celebrate your Holi?
    when do u plan to get married? i am almost your age, n am working towards good career, but always fighting the marriage pressure from the family? do u go through all that too? how do u handle it?

    Dear Arjun,
    Are you single? i know u r still too young and a guy too.. but still.. when do are you planning to get married? :-).. will u get married to a girl of ur choice or ur mother's choice..??

    - Love you both a lottt.... :-)

  2. Hey arjun and rati... u guys are my favorite couple in telly wood and i am really in love with you too.

    Rati: are you single, who is your most closes costar on mjht set?

    Arjun, are you single, and how close is Rati to u in real life. Do u share ur problems with each other or r u just costars who work with each other?

    Once again i love u guys alot and i hope u get all what u guys both want in ur life!!!!!!

  3. Hi Arjun & Rati...OMG i cant believe u both are giving ur interview soon..I so cant wait to see you both on tellytadka..i remember the last time you both just sizzled our screens on fire with your both's amazing OFF screen chemistry.

    My question to Arjun : Hi Arjun...can you please tell me whether you are single or not? Im totally heads over heels in love with you...not only because ur handsome but you have a great thinking, you are really honest, charming of course and most importantly so down to earth and intelligent..By the way this is Yamini from Canada...!

    You and Rati are so amazing together that we fans just want to see you two together even in real life...i hope you and Rati get together soon..please dont be mad at me..this is a crazzyy ArTi fan sharing her feeling with you!

    I love you Arjun!!! you and Rati ROCKKK! i never imagined i would get so obsessed about you both....!!

    Question to Rati : Hi rati...i totally admire you as an actress and a person..i have seen how hard you stuggled to get to TV...and now as Nupur you are simply the vivacious, beautiful, bubbly and down to i wanted to ask you...

    How close is Arjun to you..Do u both share ur problems with each other..and who is the closest to you from MJHT actors..

    I love you sooo much rock!

    Love you both are MY fav couple ever...Loads of love

    Yamini from Canada

  4. Hi Rati & Arjun,

    I m a fan of urs from Bangladesh.Thanks a lot fror bringing Myaank & Nupur into life.they r a part of my life now!!!!!

    Question to both of u....
    Does it bother u when for a particular track ur character hv to behave in a completely different way than their original characteristics? Like it hurt us fans a lot when we c mayank & nupur r behaving in a way for a particular that they shouldn't. U c we know them from last 1.7 years ,so it bother us. But i know its a job for u.still u also hv connected with Myank & nupur na! so , does it matter to u?? if it does how do u convince urself to act in those scenes which u feel will not justify the character???
    do u guys talk it out with each other?

    Thanks a lot.wish u two all the best in life, u two deserve it.

  5. Arjun and RAti we want to see u in commercial adds can we get tht plzzzz

    Rati : Do really want ur dream guy to be like mayank intelligent and sadu types

  6. I looove you both Rati and Arjun sooooo much...both of you are sooo amazing on screen,charming and ..would just say you two are very special in my life!!!
    Watching MJHT has become a routine for me...and all the other fans here....You guys are such an adorable pair..In other words, you guys are SIMPLY THE BEST!!!

    Rati, I adore you!!!
    I love the way you act, with perfect poises and timing!!!
    ..and here question to come you are soo beaytiflu, with the perfect expressions and the perfect smile and the perfectly blessed eyes..??

    Are you two asked to join any reality shows as of now...?
    I would love to watch you both in some show together!!!
    If you two had a choice to visit some place together, where would you go? Why?

    Love you two...Loads!!!
    Keep rockling and all the best!

  7. Hi Arjun & Rati
    I'm Nidzy I'm a great fan of yours....Love your acting....the way you project the characters is simply Unique....
    Thanks for giving us Mayank & Nupur who have become a part of my life......
    You both look really good together.....Hope to see you both together in more shows.....Love you ARTI

    I loved you as Alekh ...I loved you as Mayank.....But I love you more as Arjun....You are really a kindhearted & down to earth person.....I wish you all the success in life
    One good quality of Rati which makes her different from others.....
    I've never been so mad about any actress as about you ....not even Bollywood not Hollywood....You are the most Elegant & dignified actresss I've ever seen...I love you for that....May all your wishes come true
    One good quality of Arjun which makes him different from others.....

    You both are very good dancers I'm just fida over your dance...Please can you do a short dance for us.....

    Love You both......

  8. Its unfair with u both in the show as more screenspace is given to samarat gunjan scenes and very few mayank nupur scenes we get to see and tht too with repeatetive cloths epecially nupur's cloth why dont to talk with cv regarding thiz matter

  9. hey arjun and rati!

    am a huge fan of urs. i think u both share a fantastic chemistry.

    two questions from my side :

    which was the most difficult scene to shoot till date?

    and which is tat one scene of urs together which touched ur heart deeply after u saw it?

  10. Hi Arjun & Rati
    I love you both to bits
    I'm just Mad about you both
    You both Just look so Perfect together like a Jodi made in Heaven
    Is there any teeny tiny possibility of you both becoming a real life Couple
    I wish you both do a Karan Johar movie one day bcoz you are the only two who can beat the chemistry of Sharukh & Kajol

    Keep rocking MJHT
    Love ya

  11. Heyy Arjun and Rati!!
    I bet u've heard this all a billion times, but still..!
    I'm a hugeeee fan of yours from UK
    You both are such great actors, and are totallyyy amazinggg.

    The chemisty between both of you is totally mesmerizing and when your both on screen, I cant take my eyes of you! lol..

    You have taken the characters Mayank and Nupur to a whole new level..!

    I only watch MJHT for you guys!

    arjun - Hi Arjun..OMG...I love you sooo much, one of the cutest actors on TV with the most adorable smile! Andd I always say..I actually love ur arms.. LOL!!

    Rati - Hey Rati..You're def the best actress on TV, you look totally awesome, and ur acting, expressions and everthing reallyy blow me away!..

    My questions for u both:
    Who takes the longest getting ready? Be honest lol...

    What is the nicest/sweetest thing that u've done for each other?

    Love you both,
    Keep rockingg MJHT
    Kajal x

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. hey arjun and rati. im form pakistan .first of all u guys are doing a gr8t job just love ur chemistry onscreen. I just love how you too fight onscreen . i watch ur show everyday and it makes my day. keep up the good work. my questions are:
    1)would you eat earthworms for a million dollar?
    2) one thing you like about each other and one thing you hate about each other?

  14. hey arjun and rati. im from pakistan and i watch ur show everyday and it makes my day. ur chemistry onscreen is amazing and i just luv the way you too fight onscreen . Keep up the good work.
    my questions are :
    would you eat earthworms for a million dollars?

    one thing you hate about each other and one thing you like about each other

    any embaressing moments?

    luv you too xoxo
    take care

  15. hye guys I am shamsa from united arab emirates:))i am a big of you to guys love u lots

    Firstly Gosh ArjuN i love u u are sooo cute and sooo adorable:)))

    Hye ArjuN & Rati OMG I love u both guys very much u are my fav couple telly and forever and ever:)))

    u two made my day just by watching u together smiling:)))that what i want in my life see you both together:)))may god give all the happines in the world:)))

    Question for you both:))

    1 ArjuN which is the cutest thing on RaTi? & same for RaTi?

    2 Do guys would love to work with each others in different shows once again together:)))?

    3 To you both Arjun&RaTi which of MJHT would u love to play or you enjoy playing mayank&Nupur:)))?

    4 Could u Pls sing a song for me:))any of your fav:??

    Love u guys Keeep Rocking:)))


  16. thanx to telly tadka for arti interview....n plz its a request tht arjun n rati read my whole msg...plz

    to arjun n rati di, this is surbhi juneja frm delhi...

    i jst want to say tht u the best couple on tv...i jst luv u both....u r my fav couple on tv...n i watch mjht only for u...<3
    u r fabulous, excellent, superb, marvellous, fantastic, on

    u both r 1 of the finest actors on tv..jst the prefectionist actors...u both act so well tht it seems tht u r always feel its for real...u r a natural actors...i jst luv ur jodi

    to rati di:- di i hav sent u a frnd request on tv for the last 6 months, n u havnt accepted it yet...knw tht u r bsy bt plz do accept it till may plz...i was born in may so...plz

    to arjun:- i hav sent u the frnd request it got deleted...dont knw whn i checked my frnd list 15 days frm pending frnd request to u wasnt there...n knw i am sending u the request bt 1 pop up msg is comin tht u hav so many frnd request jaa nhi i hav sent u a mail in ur fb inbox plz do check reply arjun...i am waiting....plz do reply

    u both r jst the best....
    keep rockin in mjht n luv u both... <3

    take care

    frm:- surbhi juneja, delhi

  17. thanx to telly tadka for arti interview....n plz its a request tht arjun n rati read my whole msg...plz

    to arjun n rati di, this is surbhi juneja frm delhi...

    i jst want to say tht u the best couple on tv...i jst luv u both....u r my fav couple on tv...n i watch mjht only for u...<3
    u r fabulous, excellent, superb, marvellous, fantastic, on

    u both r 1 of the finest actors on tv..jst the prefectionist actors...u both act so well tht it seems tht u r always feel its for real...u r a natural actors...i jst luv ur jodi

    to rati di:- di i hav sent u a frnd request on tv for the last 6 months, n u havnt accepted it yet...knw tht u r bsy bt plz do accept it till may plz...i was born in may so...plz

    to arjun:- i hav sent u the frnd request it got deleted...dont knw whn i checked my frnd list 15 days frm pending frnd request to u wasnt there...n knw i am sending u the request bt 1 pop up msg is comin tht u hav so many frnd request jaa nhi i hav sent u a mail in ur fb inbox plz do check reply arjun...i am waiting....plz do reply

    u both r jst the best....
    keep rockin in mjht n luv u both... <3

    take care

    frm:- surbhi juneja, delhi

  18. thanx to telly tadka for arti interview....n plz its a request tht arjun n rati read my whole msg...plz

    to arjun n rati di, this is surbhi juneja frm delhi...

    i jst want to say tht u the best couple on tv...i jst luv u both....u r my fav couple on tv...n i watch mjht only for u...<3
    u r fabulous, excellent, superb, marvellous, fantastic, on

    u both r 1 of the finest actors on tv..jst the prefectionist actors...u both act so well tht it seems tht u r always feel its for real...u r a natural actors...i jst luv ur jodi

    to rati di:- di i hav sent u a frnd request on tv for the last 6 months, n u havnt accepted it yet...knw tht u r bsy bt plz do accept it till may plz...i was born in may so...plz

    to arjun:- i hav sent u the frnd request it got deleted...dont knw whn i checked my frnd list 15 days frm pending frnd request to u wasnt there...n knw i am sending u the request bt 1 pop up msg is comin tht u hav so many frnd request jaa nhi i hav sent u a mail in ur fb inbox plz do check reply arjun...i am waiting....plz do reply

    u both r jst the best....
    keep rockin in mjht n luv u both... <3

    take care

    frm:- surbhi juneja, delhi

  19. Hey Arjun and Rati!
    I'm SO glad that we are having a TT interview of you two again! It will be such a pleasure! I remember how much I loved...oops make that STIL LOVE the first one!

    Anyways there's this hotpix poll in which you guys are leading by 1 lakh!! WONDERFUL!

    Coming to my questions please do answer them.

    1. Arjun describe Rati in one word.
    2. Rati describe Arjun in one word.
    3. Do you miss each other when either of you on sets? :D
    4. Do you consider to be each others bestestest friends?
    5. Arjun it's a BIG BIG BIG request from me! P L E A S E sing Sajda to Rati! We MNians/ArTians would LOVE that!

    By the way I'm Nidheya!

  20. Hi Arjun and Rati,
    firstly,love u both!!u guys make the most hot and sensational couple in tellywood.Arjun u have the most cutest smile in the whole world and Rati u are a true indian beauty with talent unmatchable.u guys are incredibly good at what u do-whether it is fight,emotion or romance.Mayur seriously define love for me.since u guys are so special,i have written something which cannot be called poetry,but nevertheless, i have tried-
    The world seems anew one
    and the thoughts
    lend the dreams their new wings
    The newly awakened
    aspiration came out of slumber
    The heart which was
    till now a lonely soul,
    under your warm touch
    arouses and regains
    it's regal beauty.
    The heart beats only
    for u,is for u!

  21. Okk, i hv to ask u something more...........
    I simply adore u not only becoz u r a brilliant actress but also as a human being .in each of ur interviews u come across such a genuine person.& i love u for ur honesty.U make a place in the industry on ur own hard work & as a women i respect u a lot for that.
    My question u think after doing a character like nupur u can again do any saas bahu kind of shows????.i mean any gal of today can easily connect with nupur..coz she is so real & not at all like those saas bahu show heroines. so whats is ur thoughts abt it?

    I hv liked u in LRL.& now u r doing an amazing job as mayank..I love mayank in all his avatar.but u tell me what phase of mayank u really enjoyed to perform as an actor??i mean first he was a akdu sadu guy.then he became a romantic guy.then we saw his emotional side during the shaadi track(by god.u were at ur best during that track.....hats off to u!!!) & now mayank is doing comedy too. So which role of mayank u enjoyed most while acting??

    & a request to both of u..u hv created a very high standard for urself..plz don't do any movies or reality shows which cannot do justice with ur capabilities.

    I simply love both of u....once again wishing u all the very best.

  22. Hello Arjun and Rati,
    I am Rinky your fan from kolkata. Before I go into further questions I would like to tell you that you two are marvelous actors, par excellence.I am fan of you both not only because you are so talented because I connect to you as a person. Your grounded nature and commitment towards every aspect of life moves me.Kudos to you both and your awesome chemistry.

    Question to Arjun-
    Other than Mayank's relationship with Nupur which other relationship of Mayank do you endear the most and why?

    Question to Rati-
    Nupur's love for Gunajn is a very pleasurable watch.What is your relationship with your sibbling and are you as loving and protective towards your younger sibbling as Nupur?

    Thanx and love

  23. This comment has been removed by the author.

  24. hiiiii Arjun and Rati .... i am stuti ... a big of both of you ......... just love your acting .... you both are the best actors on tv till i have ever seen .......

    i had a small request to make .........especially to Arjun ......... Arjun can you plz sing the song sajda for Rati ........ you both had performed on it on valentines day ..........and it was fantabulous ....... so Arjun plz can you sing two three lines of sajda for Rati ................

    and i a question for both of you .......... when you both are not shooting then how do you spend your time on the sets ?? and can you tell me where do you all usuallyy shoot ......... i am also from mumbai and would love to come to the sets to meet you both .............

    thanx alot

  25. Hey Arjun and Rati,

    My questions to you both,

    Questions to Arjun-

    What do you think a serial should do? try to give a social message or endorse light hearted entertainment? I am a mother and I used to think of Mayank as a role model for my son but recently have been unable to do so.Do you think serials can actually create a positive influence or is it just meant for fun and frolic?

    To Rati-

    I love you as an actress and think you are one of the best in the tellyworld. my question is-

    How important is it for an actor to be seen in parties or award ceremonies or is working well and hard good enough to create popularity?

    With love from your ardent fan.

  26. hi arjun and rati
    i'm a very big fan of ur's. Hey arjun love your dimpled smile. Arjun it's my first try to write a poem here is the poem written by me which describes what we all fans feel about hope u would like it.i don't know may be you have read it.
    " You have got million dollar smile ,
    which makes us forget our sorrows for a while.
    your eyes itself say's,
    u r best in every way.
    when you smile,
    our heartbeats stop for a while.
    when u wink our hearts sink."

    hey rati sorry could not write a poem for u just wanted to say that you are a versatille actress.The way you show the expressions are just marvellous.
    Guys you both are the srk and kajol of telly world. love u both

  27. Message:
    Hi Rati and Arjun, I love you both very much. Wish you both all the success in your life

    I really loved the eve-teasing track. You both were superb during that track. As some viewers didn't like it, the creatives had to end it soon. Though I appreciate their respect towards their audience, I felt bad with the way they transited it from serious eve-teasing track to comic Holi sequence. I mean they could have given at least one more episode in between with some proper ending emotional scenes. What are your views about it??

    In MJHT, Mayank and Nupur are married at an early age when they are still studying. In real, life will not be as simple as it is shown in the serial for the couple who are married when they are not yet settled. What are your views about early marriages??


  28. Dear Arjun & Rati,
    Before MJHT came in to my life I never thought I would literally fall in love with a female character of an Indian soap..But Nupur actually changed my entire outlook..Before we used to watch a soap only if the male lead is super hot or good looking cuz the heroine only used to cry buckets..But Nupur she was such an adorable doll from the start funny,spunky,cool,smart,impulsive yet intelligent and caring.. I found myself rooting for her to deafeat "monkey mayank" hehe ,supporting her in each decision..She brought out the confident person in me-who taught to speak our mind no matter what..U know most girls can relate to Nupur so much cuz there is nothing FAKE 'bout her yet she she is so poerful to have influenced our lives in a positive way-a female protoganist we rarely get to see in Indian TV..And for me the entire credit for such an effective potrayal of my chulbuli Nupur goes to the one & only Rati Pandey..Your electrifying perfomance,charismatic persona,most importantly every enchanting expression of urs are what made Nupur win our heart..So for me u are indeed the QUEEN OF tellywood:)))))
    Questions 4 Rati
    1.The best compliment or reward u had ever got for ur acting?
    2.If u get a chance to select ur co-star in ur next show which actor u wud select among the following?
    a.Harshad Chopra
    b.Gaurav Khanna
    c.Arjun bijlani himself
    3.Your favourite television personality?
    You are a great actor & its amazing the way u transformed into intelligent,cool & sarcatic Mayank from a street smart Aalekh..Ur smile is infectious & ur eyes reflect honesty & genuiness..Those are the reasons I started liking you..Hats off to u for potraying a very sober Mayank who is so different from the real life hyper cool dude Arjun Bijlani!!!
    questions 4 Arjun:
    Arjun which show is more closer to ur heart? MJHT or LRL?
    As an actor what aspect do you think u can improve in ur perfomance?
    Who do you consider ur toughest competitor in the industry?

  29. love you arjun and rati.........mee just mad about are the first onscreen couple i have loved in my guys rock ....i am Surbhi from india........Guys your chemistry is bring magic on the are the soul of mjht................guys me wanna ask a question too..........
    Can you please tell your favourite colour and the season you like the most ????????

    and a request too..........guys can you please say love you too to mee.........i know you guys have many fans .........and each and everyone want this.........i would be really really thankful if you spoke those words.

    lots of love

  30. This comment has been removed by the author.

  31. hey Arjun And Rati..!!
    I would like to tell u that u guys rock in mjht...i watch mjht only to c mayank n nupur..
    m a huge fan of both u...i love ur chemistry..
    i would like to tell u that i have 1024 pics n 920 videos of mayank and nupur in my cell...frankly m really proud of that...
    tell us something about both of ypu..that we dont know..
    arjun and rati...plzz accept my friend request on facebook...m waiting from 2 months..

    regards and love
    shweta govind..

  32. Hey Rati and Arjun,

    My names Naina. I'm a huge fan of yours thanks to a friend of mine who introduced me to this show. Since then, I have been addicted only because of Mayank and Nupur.

    1) What did you think of the baby and political track? Which was your favorite?

    2) What do you like most about being on the MJHT sets?

    3)Whats your favorite comedy scene since there have been a lot since the political track? Any funny incidences related to them?

    4) Do all of you MJHT costars hang out outside of shooting. I know you guys are constantly working with each other but do you find the time to just chill out together?


  33. Hey Arjun and Rati! I love you guys as actors and let me tell u something, despite of some drawbacks u r doing really a fabbbbulous job on MJHT! Keep rocking like this, always!

    Straight to questions:

    To both of u- Who is the better one as a companion Arjun? Rati or Nupur?
    And who is the better companion according to u Rati? Arjun or Mayank?

    To Arjun, except Rati who could have played the role of Nupur properly? Any other names from tellywood?
    Same goes for Rati too, any other tellywood actors except Arjun to play Mayank?

    Okay, one last question to u two- Tell us about the most difficult shot u carried on together for MJHT.

    Wishing u all the best in reel and real life.


  34. Hi Rati,

    I love your acting very much.You look gorgeous. I have only question to you.

    1) Well, for us Your acting comes first (You are so perfect in giving all kind of expressions), then only we bother about the costumes given to you. I observed that, after marriage track ,Nupur is given only 3 or 4 repeated dressess and all are of same design.
    Are you not bored of wearing same repeated colors and designs of dresses after marriage track??
    Can we hope for a makeover for Nupur in the future??
    Please change your hair style also once in a while .You look so beautiful if you leave your hair open.
    It is just a suggestion . please don't mind yaar.

    With Love,

  35. Hi Arjun and Rati.. This is Preeti from the US of A. When I see the two of you on my screen, I forget the world around me. This is the impact you two have on people all across the Globe. I have never been so mesmerized by any onscreen couple TO DATE! You guys are simply the best. Better than SRK and KAJOl I must say...

    Dear Rati: After watching you in MJHT for a year and a half..I want you to knw that "You are my favourite actress only Second to Madhuri Dixit!! " :). I would like to ask you if you dont mind sharing that is...we would like to know the sentiments behind the rings you wear on your left Hand. We have all noticed it on you since day 1. Any special meaning to them??

    Dear ARJUN : My name on your blog is PREETI-USA :) Arjun, you have the most Beautiful smile.. so what brings a smile to your face when you are on the sets?and please dont say PACK UP!

    ARJUN and RATI: One nicest thing about each other that you would like to share with us?? :)

    Lots of LOWES in the Worlds.. and I adore you both to BITS!!!


  36. Rati and Arjun,

    You both rock together. And your chemistry with Shilpa Aunty was awesome during last year. You three make perfect family.
    Now I am missing that trio.(Mayank, Nupur and Shilpa Aunty)
    During marriage track, It was shown that she would get transferred to Mumbai.

    Is there any chance of her coming back in the show??
    Can you please Request your creative heads to bring her back on behalf of us??


  37. hi arjun anjun and rati
    i am a big fan of urs
    just a simple question
    rati i just want to know ur all time fav movie

  38. Hi Arjun-Rati,
    U both are my bubblypies!!!!!! I love n adore Arjun-Rati jodi offscreen more than mayur cos u guys are just 222222 adorable,sweet,sute,HOTTTTTTT,beautiful mesmerising couple k words are falling short..I see MJHT only for Arti as other couples dont even have 1% chemistry of u both..
    So plssssss answer my question
    1.If Arjun-Rati debuts in bollywood which movie wud u choose as launch vehicle?
    Hum tum or Jab we met!!
    2.Arjun which attire do u think Rati looks hottest?
    3.Ur fav song sequence-Sajda or Pehli baar?
    Ur biggest fan ever<3

  39. Hey Arjun amd Rati
    MJHT is the first serial that i saw before that i hated serials a lot.....but you guys changed my openion Now I c't believe that this became a deauty for me I c't effort to miss this for noe even one day my will will be incomplete without it and I watch show just for Mayur you guys share a rocking chemistry which is very very rare to find on tv thanx a lot.....for such jodi

    1)Of you both who enjoyed more with Zara?
    2)who is most funnies guy on sets and can you share one incident


  40. Hey Rati
    You told that you raged many of your juniors I am one of them I was so...afraid of you them and now it is good to see you daily on tv I never missed ur show now I really feel proud to be ur junier in college and adore you and love you a lot.....

    Rati can you please sing "tera hone laga hu" song for me


  41. Hi Arjun and Rati!
    I found this video on youtube with ArTi and its just awesome!You guys should really watch it!It was great!
    Here's the link:
    It's about the scenes behind set with you guys, it was veryy cutee!!
    And i love u guys veryy muchh!The show is soo great!You guys are one of the best on screen couples and the best actor and actress ever!Your off screen chemistry is alsoo very cute and magical!I really love u guys!!Nupur you are very pretty and Arjun is veryy handsome(hot)!I would really love to meet you guys somedayy!You guys are the total opposite of your characters in MJHT!Arjun talks sooooooooooo much and he looks very mischievous which is great!!


  42. Hi Arjun & Rati I'm a great fan of ours I watch mjht only because of you both for me MJHT is nothing without ARTI ....
    I wanted to ask you both both work 14-15 hours a day for 28 days & in the end your hard work gets edited Its not just once or twice its become a trend now only Mayur scenes are edited ....why dont you guyz talk to your creatives about the screen space please do it for your fans we have to watch the entire episode just to see 2 mins of Mayur ....
    LOve you both
    hope to see more of Mayur in the coming episodes

  43. Arjun n RAti u r the best couple in tellywood u both rock together .

    My question is tht dont u feel lot of unfair is done to nupur and mayank in the show they give whole song of hey shona to samrat and gunjan and 30 sec to u 2.... r u not the leads .... y dont u both talk with cv regarding thizz w...plz ans thiz question

  44. hiiiiiiii arjun n rati i luv u both as pair in offscrean and onscrean u r my favourate couple till date n will be forever i luv u n mjht like anything i adore u sooooooo much rati di u r a versatile actress i have ever seen n arjun u the most talented actor in tellywood u r the best romantic jodi in whole world luv u both plzzz tell me that r u both single ?????? good luck n have a good life

  45. Hi Arjun & Rati,i m a big fan of urs & i love to watch mjht just bcz of MAYUR jodi & i think among all the jodis of mjht even among all the jodis of tellywood Mayank & Nupur are most rocking & wonderful couple. Rati u r such a natural actress on tv . Each & every expression u give in any situation looks like original & it never seems like u r acting & in ur shaadi track ur crying bring tears in my eyes such a natural actress u r. & Arjun u r the most handsome, talented & hot guy on tv. My questions for both u are:-

    Do u both hang out outside of shooting when u r not shooting?
    any common characteristics u guys share?
    Who do you think can take care of babies better? Arjun or Rati?
    Who is your closest person on the sets of mjht among all?
    Plz give me ur facebook accounts & also add me as a friend whenever I’ll send u friend request.
    Just luv u ARTI…………. u r the BEST.

  46. hey arjun rati iam a great fan of urs and i love both mayur as well as questions are.....
    1. why cv's are not concentrating on exams track..or something related to studies. its been ages that we haven't seen a single class room scene...please do talk about this with cv's. its just a sincere request.
    2. are u guys a couple in real life too?.... sorry if it is a personal question.........
    with lots of love to arti

  47. Rati n Arjun u both r excellent actors...!!!! You both r actors par excellence.... u can do any scene with perfection …be it an emotional scene…or comedy ..... They say comedy is the most difficult thing to enact for actors…But u both do it with such ease…This proves what great actors u both r..!! Frankly speaking no one could have done justice to Nupur's character like Rati does n no one cud hav don justice to makyank's character lik Arjun does..u bring Nupur n Mayank to life..!! u make Nupur n Mayank so lovable that even an episode without either Nupur or Mayank in it seems lifeless..Nupur n Maynak are 2 characters which will never be forgotten by anyone of us …And the credit entirely goes to both of u. u r excellent dancers too..!! even ur presence onscreen makes the scene a treat to watch..!!......I think the biggest thing that goes out to prove what gifted actors u both r...everyone is doing a fair job but it is the very fact that an episode without u seems dull and lacking.... when u comes on the screen, u take any scene to an unparalleled level......u r the kind of actors who puts a lot of effort into ur work and bcoz the effort is so sincere, the end result looks effortless and smooth...the amount of dedication n passion tht u put into ur work which sets both of u apart from the rest of the actors rite now in Indian TV..2 amazing actors, beautiful prsns, a girl n a guy wid so much talent n one can recreate ARTI a pair u both r the most adorable pair 2 watch....As a person u both r very genuine, kind-hearted, very honest, hard-working n respect ur parents a lot......u hav reached here after so much stuggle n on ur own.....such a xample of what a guy n gal today shud b....u deserve much more lov n respect.....i wish u all the best both in ur pro n private life........may u get all the success in life......god bless both of u.......

    Acha i know every actor has a dream to work one day in my 1st question to both of u is:
    1. If u don't mak it to the B-towb, wud u still b satisfied wid ur careers?

    2. Do u bliev that reality shows are a must for any actor to show his/her skills n to rise his/her popularity?
    3. What r ur plans for marriage?i mean alag alag.....u both r in ur 28...that is y i hav asked this question?

  48. hey arjun n rati ....diz is hiba here.....i love your performance on screen n da comfort level you share..... my question is 1.we all love the mayank maa scenes....i really admire vaishnaviji n your bond on screen is incredible so do you have da same bond offscreen n rati what is your view abt her? many siblings do you both have and rati do yiu share the same sisterly bond wid sanaya offscreen?

  49. Hi Arjun n Rati

    my name is Ayesha Baig n im 4m Karachi !!

    n um ur big fan ...i know every fans says that hehe ....but truely u 2 r just AWESOME ....i dont have words to describe ur acting !!

    Arjun 1stly i love u ....u r such an amazing actor i have never ever seen anybody like u in tellywood !!

    Rati what can i say about u ....u r a Queen of expressions in oder words u r Queen of Tellywood none is like u ....i never saw ur 1st serial cuz i dont like saas bahu shows that much but i watch MJHT u were just outstanding !!

    1) Arjun plz sing 1 song 4 Rati (song would be of ur choice)

    2) Rati we all know that u were approached as a participant in ZND but cuz of dates u wont be able to continue but my qs is ....r u ready to do sum reality shows as an anchor or participant ?

    Guys can u plz dance a lil bit 4 all MayUrianz n ArTianz !!

  50. Hello Guys,

    I have couple questions for each you....Both related to MJHT serial

    1) what is the most challenging scene for each of them? Please answer individually ..LOL

    2)In retrospect, one scene you felt like you could have done better ..again lease answer individually ..LOL

    3) last one...what is creative satisfaction for you? When do the feel you had a challenge and after enacting felt like you met that challenge?

    Thank you


  51. hi Arjun and Rati!!!
    I love you guys a lot.
    Arjun, you are one of the most goodlooking people I have ever seen. and Rati, currently you are the most talented actress on Indian television. I never thought I will ever be watching any Indian daily soap. but you guys have made it possible.

    I simply love and adore you both. I would like to see you two in many more shows in future.

    with lots and lots of love,

  52. hey Arjun and Rati...i am shafiz
    Guys i love u a lot...Mayur/Arti rocks together...
    u both are soooooo talented...and Arjun I LOVE UUUU!!!!!! U r a fantastic actor...

    Guys..i have 2 questions...
    1) kya ap dono MJHT ke siwa aur koi bhi programme karne ka plan hai..??
    2)..and guys...ap dono ko Mayank aur Nupur ke bare main kya sabh se accha laghta hai???

    tanx very much...ur biggest fan uuu guys..!!!!

  53. hey Arjun and Rati...i am shafiz
    Guys i love u a lot...Mayur/Arti rocks together...
    u both are soooooo talented...and Arjun I LOVE UUUU!!!!!! U r a fantastic actor...

    Guys..i have 2 questions...
    1) kya ap dono MJHT ke siwa aur koi bhi programme karne ka plan hai..??
    2)..and guys...ap dono ko Mayank aur Nupur ke bare main kya sabh se accha laghta hai???

    tanx very much...ur biggest fan uuu guys..!!!!

  54. the two of you have created a truly undefined chemistry that is to last for eternity in this tv industry...aap dono ki toh rab ne bana di jodi yaar... ur speciality is that u redefine and portray a different dimension of love wid each and every of ur scenes...u dont need special effects, song sequences,roman tic dialogues...nothing...just the presenceof the two of u set our screens on fire...u cant even imagine the growing no. of fans u have all across the world...god bless u both...plssssssss none of u shud ever leave mjht or we'll die!
    ok so here r mine... us sth the fans dont know abt arjun-rati--the sizzling couple?
    2.arjun:what do u like the best abt rati?n rati the same question fr u...
    3.wen can we get our paasionate mayur back?
    4.u guys often keep on having nok-jhoks isnt it?so what causes these mostly? unforgettable off-set moment u both shared..

  55. Hi Arjun and Rati,

    Questions to you..

    1. What is your typical day and a typical holiday like ?

    2. If at any point in time you feel the other isnt doing justice to a scene do you discuss it with the other person ?

    Thanks and hope you get everything in life.

  56. Hey Arjun and Rati!!!

    I Love u both a lot!love youll both very much!! youll rock onscreen as well as offscreen!!hope to meet youll
    a we're in the same city!!

    a question for arjun and rati - you favourite episode till now in mjht??
    Favourite colour??


    love both

    hugs and kisses

    love pebbzzyy

  57. Hi Arjun and Rati...I'm Aisho, I wish this time you both read my msg today? OK fine...ArTi you both are amazing actors,talent and rocking couple together? OK i'm saying this because me and all your fans love to see you both together in real life! Your chemistery kills me and really i love you both too much.

    My question to Arjun: What is the most thing you love it about Rati? Mention one thing ,

    My question to Rati: You're great and beauty actaress, I like ur smile so much...I just want to ask you that? Is Arjun smile makes you blush ? Or mention one thing you love it the most about him ? haha.

    Ok Arjun dear, Do watch the VMs i make it for you and rati in your blog ? My id is Aisho.

    Love you both,Keep rocking ArTi

  58. Hi Arjun & Rati
    well...I think all say d same bt dis is TRUE dat I am ur BIGGEST fan.I juss love u both....u r d most HOT n HAPPENING couple I huv ever seen.juss love u sooo much......
    I juss thank u both frm d bottom of my heart fr cuming into my life n spreading d MAGIC of MAYUR.U both ROCK!!!! n keep rocking :)

    I did send soem que last tym also t I ws vry disaappointed as u didnt read my que bt I hope u do dis tym :)

    que to both of u
    1.Which is one BOLLYWOOD movie in which u wanna act if it is remade??
    2.Who is ur role-model in life??

    ur biggest fan frm HYDERABAD

  59. hi arjun and rati i m anne from pak ,,,u guys really rock...lov u both...
    Arjun:wat is the most cutest habbit of rati???
    Rati:did u ever met a craziest fan???if yes then how did u handled it??
    lov u guys...may ALLAH bless u both...thanks

  60. Hello Arjun & Rati
    first of all.....Arjun a que to u
    WILL U MARRY ME??.....I juss love u a lot my dear...hehehe
    n Rati...wat cn I say.U r d best dear...u r QUEEN OF EXPRESSIONS....n a superb actor ever on television. Naina n I am Hyderabad.I watch d show juss fr u both...u both juss rock d show....u r a jodi made in heaven...u r SRK-KAJOL of tellywood.
    I huv a request fr u both evn if MJHT ends also IU wanna c u 2gether in a show once again....soo pls try to wrk 2gether again fr ur FANS like me.

    1.wat is d most craziest thing u huv done ever?
    2.If a gene appears n ask u fr 3 wishes.....wat dey wud be?

    ok bye
    hope u read my que
    lotss n lots of love
    Naina :)

  61. ahhh Arjun Rati i loveee youu guys so much <3 lol

    Ok Do you guys have any common friends from the industry?

    wat will you name the movie based on mayank nupur's life??

    Arjun any one bolly actress you would love to work with??

    Rate each other on the basis of acting on the scale of 10 !!


  62. hi arjun, i m sriya khan from bangladesh.i love u very much and never miss ur show and sbs or inter view. arjun i just want to know that IF U HAVE ANY BLOG? AND SECOND ARE U GOING TO MARRY SOON? BECAUSE ONE OF UR FAN HAS CLAIM THAT U HAVE TOLD HER KE U R GOING TO MARYY SOON.PLZ SAY SOMETHING.

  63. Hi ARJUN and RATI! I just want to say that I am a HUGE fan of both of you. I love you as a couple, and you guys are the ONLY reason I watch MJHT! Rati I really love your onscreen portrayal of NUPUR, I don't think that anyone else except you can bring Nupur to life the way you do. Rati I also love the way you carry yourself offscreen, you seem extremely sweet, elegant and dignified.In an interview of ABHISHEK(Benji), he said he considers you as a second mother, i think that's really cute. You know exactly what to say and when to say it. I hope you guys will always stay in MJHT and it never ends, because for me MAYANK and NUPUR is what MJHT is.

    1) Arjun! do you think the role of NUPUR can be played by anyone else, but RATI? same question goes for RATI!

  64. hai arjun and rati ,its a ong time we got an interview of u'rs.really thanks to u both and telly tadka.
    who according to you is hot telivision actress?.mohit seghil in a intrview said that nobody is good except snayairani,so what's u'r choice.even you will second to your friend?
    do you prefer to work with a co-star refering to all physics and chemistry or u see to other factors?

  65. Hey Arjun and Rati! My sister and I are big fans of both of you. My sister loves you both so much that literally in her free time she sits on the computer viewing each and every MAYANK NUPUR scenes in MJHT, be it as old as the Ahmedabad trip scenes. She adores you to bits. And Rati she always talks about how sweet and down to earth you are, because she never ever misses a interview of yours. However, in the past few days she has been a little upset over the lack of MAYANK NUPUR scenes being shown, many of your scenes are shown in the precap but we never get to see them due to the editing. But still as long as you guys are in MJHT we will continue to watch it no matter what. Please both of you continue to be the sweet, caring, and down to earth people you are.

    I know you are very close to your co-stars, especially Abhishek (Benji) who recently in an interview said that you are like a second mother to him, that's really cute. Your equation with Arjun, Jaskaran, Navina, Mohit, Sanaya is really cute and touching.

    I love your personality and sense of humour.
    Do you remember any funny or wierd fan incidents? same question for RATI.

  66. Hello Arjun and Rati di !!!
    Firstly thanks a lot Rati di and Arjun for accepting my friend request on fb!!! I hope u reply mssgs too..... I have sent u both a heart that I have made it for u both..Do reply me..(remember Rati di??)
    Love u both a lot.

    I'm Divyanshi from New Delhi. A big fan of yours.
    Your both are just outstanding in Mjht.
    Mayur is Best Couple i have ever seen on Indian Television....I see mjht only because of you both. Even my mom likes you both.
    The chemistry rocks. No words for that.
    Rati di, your truly the diva of expressions. I wish I had a sister like you.

    My questions are as follows -

    1. Whose your inspiration and will we see u both together in any other reality or soap show?
    2. Tell me a thing about each other that no one knows till now!!

  67. the two of you have created a truly undefined chemistry that is to last for eternity in this tv industry...aap dono ki toh rab ne bana di jodi yaar... ur speciality is that u redefine and portray a different dimension of love wid each and every of ur scenes...u dont need special effects, song sequences,roman tic dialogues...nothing...just the presenceof the two of u set our screens on fire...u cant even imagine the growing no. of fans u have all across the world...god bless u both...plssssssss none of u shud ever leave mjht or we'll die!
    ok so here r mine... us sth the fans dont know abt arjun-rati--the sizzling couple?
    2.arjun:what do u like the best abt rati?n rati the same question fr u...
    3.wen can we get our paasionate mayur back?
    4.u guys often keep on having nok-jhoks isnt it?so what causes these mostly? unforgettable off-set moment u both shared..

  68. Hello Arjun and Rati

    I'm a big fan of your jodi..Mayur is the first telly couple I fell in love with..Thanx a ton for giving life to my favourite characters
    .Arjun, who among the 2 do you think is prettier- Shwetha Salve or Rati Pandey?
    .Rati do you feel bad when Nupur is shown in bad light often in MJHT for glorifying others?
    .ARrjun dont u think PR agent of an actor should have the basic manners to respect his co-stars as well..?
    1 request please try to interact with ur fans more often especially u Rati cuz many sources claim to be close to you both are spreading unnecessary rumours in online forums:(
    Love you guys!!

  69. firstly,i simply luvvvvv u arjun!!!!!and both u n rati r doing a fab. job in mjht...
    1.ur fav. passtime(separately for both of u)wen u're not shooting?
    2.ur fav. colour(separately again)
    3.what is the meaning of ur name arjun?and what is the meaning of ur name rati?

  70. another question from disha:
    1.arjun: which song would you choose to describe rati?
    rati: which song would you choose to describe arjun?

  71. hey! i have given my name as "cornia & sadia" not "cornia&sadia"

  72. i jus wanted 2 say 1 thing.....
    I LUV U BOTH!!

    important[in ma lyf]
    elder sibblings in ma lyf
    Full of life
    Head turner
    gr8 frnd
    mind blowin
    fun lovin
    fantastic person


  73. hi Arjun, i m farhan from bangladesh.arjun i like u very much because of ur straight forward personality.arjun some of ur fans are claiming that they are very close to u personally and they know that u and neha are dating. and both of u r going to marry soon.but u doesn't want to say it to ur fans. and u r keep lying to ur fans about ur and neha's relationship.r u really dating with neha and r u going to marry her soon.plz tell about friends and i are eagerly waiting for the reply from u.take care.

  74. hiii.... Arjun and Rati. my name is Nilekha. love u both. im also one of biggest fan of u both.
    Though Mayank and Nupur r fictious characters, they r now part of my life...not onlu mine.... every Mayurians/ Artians have tha same feeling. For us it is very difficult to spend whole Saturday and Sunday. though we hv hectic weekdays, a single glimpse of u both on screen makes our day complete. u both r such a addictable, lovable, januable persons. acually words r very short to describe u both.

    my questions:-

    For Arjun:-
    As u said earlier that Rati cooks very which is one dish u like to eat made by Rati?

    For Rati:-
    First of all, though ur very embarrass for shooting Pehi baar song........for us u done Sajda.....thanx alot. we all know Arjun is a PRANKSTER.....tell us one of his prank which u hated most.

  75. Hi RATI I am a big fan of you, you and Arjun make MJHT worthwhile to watch. Rati I understand that your family is in Patna, and you live in MUMBAI due to shooting. So I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for working in MJHT and giving us NUPOR, as I understand it might be very difficult to be so far away from your family. THANK YOU. And please both ARJUN and RATI continue doing a fab job, as MJHT is nothing without you guys.

  76. hi arjun and rati,
    im gurpreet aka preety and i am from the united states, California. im a huggeee fan of mjht. i always watch mjht and make my mom watch too lol. and that everyone in mjht is tooo goooodddd and keep up the good work......wat i want to from both of u is that how much do u guys get along with the other stars on mjht and wat is the funniest thing that happened to u both on the sets of mjht......thanks and love u guys and mjht....
    lots of love,

  77. Hey Arjun and Rati!
    First off, I just want to say that you are both mindblowing and are two of the finest actors on Indian telly today. But, im sure this is nothing new for your ears!
    Anyways, I didn't have any question. I simply wanted to request that you continue to make us live, love, laugh through your characters in MJHT because Mayank and Nupur mean the world to thousands of fans!
    We love you loads! Keep rocking as you always have!
    With love, Roshni

  78. Arjun n Rati u both r 2 of the best actors on tv.........i hav never seen such gr8 actors in my life.......the chemistry that u share can never be recreated by any1.....u both set the tvs on fire......if one of u quit the show so wud we.....every1 is doing a fine job in mjht but u 2 r acting in som other league.....u both r class apart from others.......u deliver ever single scene with such ease n effortless n naturally......u r flawless actors.....u both never make us feel that u r acting....everything seems very natural n straight from ur hearts.......Rati u said that u were enjoying doing the "eve teasing" track but on fans demand production house had to wrap up the track earlier......u also said that fans shud also c some serious stuff n not lov n romance all the time.....rati di we were not angry wid the track...we were angry wid the way the track was shown....mayank's character was assasinated every single day during that track.....mayank's character was handled very badly by the cv's...we never wanted the track 2 end but we wanted some sensible script n specially sensible mayank.......n we don't wanna c lov n romance 24*7....we just want a separate track for mayank n nupur n cv's shud show them more sensible n concentrating on their careers..........we want shilpa aunty back in the show....the reason y i m saying all this to u is that every mayur fan write cv's at indian forum,bombard messages to them at facebook,giv feedback to productions house but of no use..........this is the link that i m giving u on behalf of all the mayur fans.....plz make cv's read this n convey our message to them to sit n watch old episodes......
    Rati u r the best actress i hav ever seen on tv.....u r the queen of expressions.....a natural beauty...Arjun, i m a big fan of u n u r no different.........u r the best actor i hav ever seen on tv......u r the king of xpressions n the king of romance.....a very handsome guy......u hav got million dollar smile......u both improves wid every single day........u both r natural a person Arjun n rati u both r very honest,sincere,down 2 earth,hardworking n very dedicated towards ur work..........never ever change urself.....

    Now coming 2 questions:
    To Rati n Arjun: 1. How do u rate eachother on the scale of 10?
    2. I know that no one is perfect n there is always room for improvement so my question to rati is in which area of the acting arjun needs to improve? n my question to arjun is in which area of the acting rati needs to improve?
    3. If u r given a chance to choose ur co-actor in the next show, who wud she/he b: a). Aastha chaudhry a). Harchad Chopra
    b). Rati pandey b). Arjun Bijlani
    c). Neha Swami c). Anas Rashid
    4. Hav u got offers from reality show or from somewhere else, if yes then plz tell us about it ? (both)
    5. We all know that u both hav struggled a lot to reach where u r now... n u hav reached here on ur plz tell us a bit abt it?

  79. hey iam amna hi arjun and rati i hope u 2 r fab i just want 2 tell that dis is my first time in life iam loving some1 on tv and dis much that i cannot leave a day without seeing u 2 and 4 this world there r only 2 king and queen shahrukh and kajol but 4 me its only arjun and rati u 2 r mindblowing and ofcourse arjun ur perfect and ofcourse rati ur perfect and to gether u 2 are fantastic mindblowing and hooooot my questions arjun tell us the funniest moment in skool and tell me why ur so hot and perfect?ur my dream boy rati ur gorgeous tell me do u enjoy and miss the romantic scenes between u and mayank iam not asking nupur iam asking rati do u miss it? for both why r u 2 perfect with eachother? thats it love u

  80. Hi Arjun & Rati,

    This is Pranathi, I am a die hard fan of your jodi :). This is my first ever post on web, as I am very shy to express my feelings in any way. But the love for you both made me write this to you.

    I'm just Mad about you both. I used fight with my brother earlier and now with my hubby for watching MJHT but I never missed an episode of MJHT just to watch you both. You both are awesome. Rati just for you I watched your telugu movie twice. I tried to send a facebook request to you people but it bounced back saying too many friends, I am really very upset on this.

    my question for you both: Can you share something about your family, about your bond with your parents, brothers and sisters.

  81. hi arjun and rati... i m a big fan of you both.. if arjun reads all the comments on his blog then u must have noticed my signature... "keep smiling,be happy,stay healthy".. thats me... and i wish that even now for both of you..!!

    My question for rati..
    are u thinking of starting a blog or yours or being on twitter because facebook doesn't work for get soo many friend requests and its tough to accpet everyone.. i sent request to u both 5 months back and still waiting for u to accept it..
    arjun has a blog atleast to communicate but rati please consider it.. u can be on twitter atleast.. that time saving and easy too..

  82. my question for Arjun..
    arent you missing your mom(Vaishnavi Mcdonald aka shilpa aunty) on the show?? u know we are missing soo much.. mjht is not the same without her..please bring her.. i know its nnot in your hands but please convey our concerns to the CVs..!! please get mayank's mom back into the show!!

  83. hey
    im ur fan frm pakistan im 19 year old girl.
    my name is ur biggest fan
    arjun and rati i luv u both alot
    rati i lyk only two actresses one is kareena kapoor n the other is rati pandey ....ur gr8
    n the only actor i lyk is arjun bijlani
    keep up ur bestest work
    for arjun ill say u ve the bestest smile n laughter i ve ever seen in ma whole lyf Mashallah may God bless u wid ds smile n laughter for ever n rati u act really very well n i luv ur beauty...n my queation for rati is
    "wat kind of life partner do u want?"
    luv u
    take care

  84. hey
    im ur fan frm pakistan im 19 year old girl.
    my name is ur biggest fan
    arjun and rati i luv u both alot
    rati i lyk only two actresses one is kareena kapoor n the other is rati pandey ....ur gr8
    n the only actor i lyk is arjun bijlani
    keep up ur bestest work
    for arjun ill say u ve the bestest smile n laughter i ve ever seen in ma whole lyf Mashallah may God bless u wid ds smile n laughter for ever n rati u act really very well n i luv ur beauty...n my queation for rati is
    "wat kind of life partner do u want?"
    luv u
    take care

  85. hey
    im ur fan frm pakistan im 19 year old girl.
    my name is ur biggest fan
    arjun and rati i luv u both alot
    rati i lyk only two actresses one is kareena kapoor n the other is rati pandey ....ur gr8
    n the only actor i lyk is arjun bijlani
    keep up ur bestest work
    for arjun ill say u ve the bestest smile n laughter i ve ever seen in ma whole lyf Mashallah may God bless u wid ds smile n laughter for ever n rati u act really very well n i luv ur beauty...n my queation for rati is
    "wat kind of life partner do u want?"
    luv u
    take care

  86. hey
    im ur fan frm pakistan im 19 year old girl.
    my name is ur biggest fan
    arjun and rati i luv u both alot
    rati i lyk only two actresses one is kareena kapoor n the other is rati pandey ....ur gr8
    n the only actor i lyk is arjun bijlani
    keep up ur bestest work
    for arjun ill say u ve the bestest smile n laughter i ve ever seen in ma whole lyf Mashallah may God bless u wid ds smile n laughter for ever n rati u act really very well n i luv ur beauty...n my queation for rati is
    "wat kind of life partner do u want?"
    luv u
    take care

  87. Hi Arjun and Rati
    I stay in Delhi and am a huge fan of you both. You both are the ones who make me sit in front of TV and watch MJHT honestly.
    Rati, of all the actresses i've seen on are the best of them all. You pull off each and every scene with such perfection...! I also want to say that you look very beautiful in open hair...! Looking forward to seeing you more and more...All the best for your future..!

    Arjun, before i say anything else...i want to say that your smile is just gorgeous..! Its infectious and it always makes me smile as well...
    I absolutly love the way you played Aalekh in LRL and now Mayank in MJHT. And just so you know...BOTH these characters were my fav in their respective shows...Aalekh's bindaas attitute and tapori slang to Mayank's Mr. perfectionist make both of them rock..! And even in Mohe Rang De...though you played the role for a small time...i had loved your retro look in looked very dashing..!

    I really wish to see you and Rati in a show other than MJHT...maybe a dance show or some other...please do consider doing more shows together..!

    Mayur have been my favourite since MJHT started and i've been crazy about them since then....but i want to know Arjun and Rati who make them come alive on screen...

    Please do tell us more about yourselves na...your likes, dislikes, are you both single..?,

    Love you both loadssss and looking forward to seeing you both together craeting magic on screen..!!

    My questions :
    1. Where did you two first meet and what was your first impression of each other..?
    2. If you could play one character apart from your own in MJHT...which would it be...?
    3. If you both had written Mayank and Nupur's story, what changes would you have made to their storyline...?
    4. What is your one memorable moment with each other...?
    5. What are the qualities that you both want in your life partner..?

    HI ARTI!!!!!
    Questions for Rati
    Hi rati im sonia please start your blog soon :) You have tons and tons of fans tht want to talk/chat with you.
    When is your new movie coming out?
    Im sure it'll be a hit
    im one of your biggest fans and you both act so well you guys are
    King n Queen of EXPRESSIONS.....
    Both-what is most embarrassing
    thing tht has happen to you
    Do you guys like your character mayank and nupur?why?
    For Arjun - who would it be
    alekh from lrl or mayank from mjht
    For Rati- who would it be Prathna
    from har ghar kuch kehta hai or nupur from mjht
    For rati-Which co-star is fun to work with Vineet or Arjun?

  89. Hi Arjun and Rati!
    I cannot describe you guys. You are those kinds of actors that blow their fan's minds away! The sheer amount of emotions you convey through your characters, Mayank and Nupur is REALLY what captures your fans. You really have no clue how many people look up to you as their idols (and I am VERY proud to say I am one of those people :D).
    My first question goes to both Arjun and Rati: If you were to play a role as any actor/actress in Bollywood who would you choose to be? and why?
    2nd is for Arjun: Though Mayank's character is VERY pure, he does have some flaws(as every human being benefits from improvement). How do you portray such a character? In other words, is it hard to dwelve into the character (as apposed to the ones you have played in the past?) of Mayank or are you close to Mayanks character in real life?
    Rati: If you could re-play any scene of MJHT that you did, what scene would you choose to react? and why?
    ArTi: What is your favorite scene so far in MJHT?
    ArTi: If you weren't actors/actresses, what field of study would you be in?
    Thanks for your answers :)
    Take Care and keep shining like the diamonds that you are :)

  90. Hi Arjun and Rati!
    I cannot describe you guys. You are those kinds of actors that blow their fan's minds away! The sheer amount of emotions you convey through your characters, Mayank and Nupur is REALLY what captures your fans. You really have no clue how many people look up to you as their idols (and I am VERY proud to say I am one of those people :D).
    My first question goes to both Arjun and Rati: If you were to play a role as any actor/actress in Bollywood who would you choose to be? and why?
    2nd is for Arjun: Though Mayank's character is VERY pure, he does have some flaws(as every human being benefits from improvement). How do you portray such a character? In other words, is it hard to dwelve into the character (as apposed to the ones you have played in the past?) of Mayank or are you close to Mayanks character in real life?
    Rati: If you could re-play any scene of MJHT that you did, what scene would you choose to react? and why?
    ArTi: What is your favorite scene so far in MJHT?
    ArTi: If you weren't actors/actresses, what field of study would you be in?
    Thanks for your answers :)
    Take Care and keep shining like the diamonds that you are :)

  91. hi
    i m from Pakistan
    i love rati soooooooooooooooo much
    i have seemed all your shows
    shadii street,
    student,(in silent mood:) )
    2 song videos,
    and of course mjht,
    all the interviews
    and all the vm, pic and articles available on net

    i just want to know who is "Abdullah"??????
    somewhere written he is your boy friend, is it true??

    don't say a anything, i can judge you, just see in camera :-)

  92. Hi Arjun and Rati

    You both are brilliant actors and make a wonderful couple onscreen as well as offscreen. Your expressions are so wonderful that it doesn't feel like you are acting epecially when you enact as a couple.I watch MJHT just for you both even though i have a busy schedule being a doctor.
    may god bless you and may you achieve much more success in life!!

    My only question for both of you is:
    what is the one (or more) quality about each other that has bonded you in this great friendship over this 1.5 yrs time in MJHT as all your fans can feel the increasing closeness that you share? or is it just our imagination?

    take care

  93. hai arjun and rati
    first of all i would like to congratulate u both on being in first place in starone most romantic couple and top 5 telly wood jodis contest.really wish that u both top in each and everything whole of this year.
    mayur had so many fans and these days mayur fans are very disappointed regarding MN story line,Nupur wadrobe change and certain issues.So what u both will message u'r fans on this matter?
    cv's in their reply to india forums said that they wanted to highlight sajan in love ,trust and romance and all MN fans are fighting on what will u both tell to your fans regarding this?.
    when u'r fans are speaking so much even u both should reply to them regarding these issues .this is a kind request to speak on this.

  94. dear arjun and rati
    i am so happy that after a long gap we are getting a ARTI interview.
    in mjht mayank and nupur's relationship was settled what about arjun and rati.what are u'r plans,views and demands regarding your dream girl and dream boy.
    ARJUN:what u wish to have in your life patner and how will u propose to her?if u have to choose a girl from telivision industry whom will you choose?
    RATI:same question to u also.

  95. hai arjun n rati
    i am a great fan of ur's .i watch mjht for mayur only .its really nice that we are getting a big interview from u both after a long time.thanku so much .
    Both of u are born in the same year 1982 on 31st oct and sep 11th.even i am of u'r age born on aug 7.Generally this a time for marraige and a lot of pressure from even u both face such pressures from u'r families regarding marriage?
    i am a software professional and i stay in office from 8 am to 10 pm.i donot have time for my personal life.even u have u'r busy will u adjust both private and personal life?
    this is my last question.since a few days mayur fans are not hapy with storyline of mjht and response of cv's saying that they would like to highlight sajan in love ,trust and romance.what is u'r view on this matter?so can we get to see mayur with good roles till the end of mjht or mayur will follow the decision of adhiraj-suhani?

    once again thanku for having u'r time spent for fans
    love u both

  96. arjun/rati....u both with mindblowing acting has justified the character of mayank n nupur....

    i think all yr fan has asked almost all qtns...

    i hv only one requet for be regular at yr fb a/c as we want to know real rati....

    and for arjun....i had sent few (gift)araft for him...till date he has not acknowledged tht he has recvd them or not.....if he has then did he liked thm....

    tt ppl ....i will be grtful if u can cnfrm this...

    may god bless you with lots of success n happiness....monica/tanushee

  97. arjun and rati:tell us sum common characteristics u both share?
    arjun:did u ever have any dish made by rati herself?so which among those is ur fav. one?
    rati:do u think u have found out ur dream guy?plsssssssssss tell honestly...


  98. hello ARJUN nd RATI di
    im Raman from ludhiana
    luv u both lot...u both r my inspiration...luv ur expressions
    i completely lost in ur world when u both talked with ur eyes...u used to kill people with ur eyes nd wonderful expressions
    I have never seen such wonderful actors lyk u...u both r KING nd QUEEN of tellywood
    i had stopped watching any other show nd movies too bcoz i got u both...
    every 1 say that u r lyk shahrukh nd kajol but i have never found Magic in any1 else except u both
    i pray to God that both of ur wishes comes true u will get everything in ur life whatever u want
    i don't have any question bcoz every1 has asked u left with no question
    i have a request i know u both r very good srry i mean excellent singer plz sing a song Hey Shona for me nd for all ur fanzz
    luv u

  99. Hey this is Hazel
    Im a huge fan of both of you from London
    I watch MJHT only becoz of both of you. Mayur rocl
    -Do guy guys hang out together outside sets...go out for movies and stuff like that?
    -Are you guys really close to each other or is it just professional
    -what mayur stuff can we look forward to in the show?
    -Who are both of you closest to on the sets?

  100. Hello,
    A couple of Q's to Rati would be:
    1. You are easily amongst the best actors on my opinion, the very best..but unfortunately, you are currently a part of a below average show...which I watch only 'cos of u...would u consider taking up a solo lead role in either Star one or other channels in a more meaningful show where u would have ample opportunities to showcase the phenomenal talent that u have & get the due recognition as an actor that u richly deserve!
    2. For an actor who is the sole reason for most people to watch MJHT, who is the life & soul of the show, the major draw/ attraction in a show..I feel that you get quite a step motherly treatment by the CV's in terms of screen space/ wardrobe, specially the latter.....I have noticed all the other actors being given a variety of well designed & new costumes almost everyday..the sole exception being u, who keeps on repeating the quite sadly designed & tacky costumes day after day..same goes for ur hairstyle..I can understand hair to be tied up in a ponytail when u attend classes in College but not in each & every scene, where as the other girls can flaunt their long tresses or stylish hair cuts....even wigs! You've got the most naturally beautiful hair & I think it's a crime to keep it tied up, all the time....So do u have a say in all this or is it a decision by the CV's...I wonder why..could u pls. do something 'bout it?

  101. Hiii Arjun and Rati,

    You both are fabulous actors...
    Your expressions are just splendid..
    My PC and my Cell is filled with Mayank Nupur photos and videos because I love admiring you both everyday...
    Mayank Nupur is the best onscreen couple we could have ever got thanks to you both... And of course Arjun Rati is the best offscreen couple... Even your offscreen segments are always a pleasure to watch because they provide a full entertainment package just like your onscreen scenes....
    Rati, You are a fabulous singer.. Just love your singing to the core...
    Arjun, You are a fabulous entertainer... Your scenes are the best and are never monotonous... I feel you are Shah Rukh of the television industry... And by the way, you dance very well too...

    Love you both.... Keep on rocking MJHT as always...

  102. Hii Arjun and Rati,

    Love all your interviews... You guys were the best during the last tellytadka interview... You both sizzled the screen...

    Arjun -
    ->When can we have the pleasure to see you on the big screen??
    ->Please mimic your favorite actor.
    ->Please sing 'Kaise Mujhe Tum Mil Gayi' for Nupur.
    ->Your favorite track after marriage.
    ->Your favorite hangout place in Mumbai.
    ->What is the best and worst quality of Rati??
    ->What are your hobbies??
    ->What do you do to irritate Rati??
    ->Is Mayank ever going to recite the poem that he had composed for Nupur when he was Bengalaru??
    ->When is Mayank going to give a ring to Nupur??

    Rati -
    ->Please sing your favorite song.
    ->Your favorite track after marriage.
    ->Your favorite hangout place in Mumbai.
    ->What is your fashion mantra??
    ->Which is your favorite sport?
    ->What is the best and worst quality of Arjun??
    ->What are your hobbies??
    ->What is your fitness regime??
    ->What is the secret behind your glowing skin??
    ->What do you do to irritate Arjun??

    Arjun, please update your blog regularly...Love reading your blog updates...
    Arjun and Rati, please give your e-mail address.

    By the way, Just love Mayank and Nupur after marriage...
    We all are delighted to be Mayurians and ArTians!!!!!

    Love you both,
    Pooja and Shweta.

  103. Heeeeeeeeeeey
    I love you guys you are the BEST!
    So my questions are :
    1)What is your favorite Miley jab hum tum track?
    2)What are we going to expect in mjht?
    I love you arjun, you are sooo cute xD !
    And Rati you are so gorgeous and you sing so beautiful ;)!

    PS. Can I have you email please ;))!
    Luv Ya xxx Rubina

  104. i dont have any questions but i simply wanna say that I LUVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU LIKE HELL ARJUN!!!!!!

  105. Hi ArTi, :-) :-) I m the biggest fan of urs in this whole world. I just love ur jodi. & u r the best & nobody can compete u. Rati ur expressions are always mind blowing & u r the Queen of expressions & Tellywood also. Arjun u r the most handsome guy on tv.
    My questions for ArTi are:-
    Arjun :what was the first thought that came to your mind when you came to know that Rati is ur co-star playing nupur opposite to u or when u first saw her on the sets of mjht ? & Rati the same question 4 u what did u think about Arjun?
    Rate Rati (from Arjun) & Rate Arjun ( from Rati) on the scale of 10:-
    1. As an actor / As an actress
    2. As a co-star
    3. As a friend
    Plz Arjun & Rati give ur facebook accounts (i have searched it alot but i did'nt get it :sigh: ) or ur E-mail addresses.
    Love u ArTi n all the best 4 ur great career & bright future.
    Always Keep smiling ……….. :roll: :roll: :roll:

  106. Hi i m Hina from Pakistan....i m a gr8 fan of both of u ......a bit biased arjun fan though...Rati i lik only 2 is kareena kapoor n the other one is u.....u r the best actress on tv right now.......people rightly call u the queen of expression....Arjun i lik only 2 is Hrithik Roshan n the other one is u.......u r the best actor on tv right.....people rightly call u the king of expressions....arjun n rati u both r the most magical on-screen pair i hav ever seen.....u both r flawless actors.....ur presence mak the screen on fire......i just watch miley jab hum tum just because of both of u........
    My question to Rati: We all know that u hav done 2 tellugu n 1 punjabi movie......Can u plz tell us the names of those movies?
    My question to Arjun: Did u get any offer from other shows n reality shows?If yes then tell us a bit abt it?
    My question to both of u: What do u want in ur ideal life-partners?

  107. Hi Rati and Arjun,

    Your acting looks so real. Love u both and God bless you.

    I have already posted my questions.

    Here is my request to you:

    We have been giving our suggestions to creatives about Mayank and Nupur storyline.. But they miinterpreted everything as we are showing our frustration.

    What we want to see is a simple, sensible and proper story line for Mayank and Nupur , but not some random comedy scenes/fights and romance always. Yes. we like to see their nok-jokes and romance when they go along with a story line ,not random.

    Can you please pass this message to your creatives on behalf of all your fans.


  108. HI Arjun and Rati,
    im die hard fan fan of both of you,because of amazing chemistry you both share as a couple on screen and as friends off screen.Arjun you are among one of the finnest actor and even most good looking actor of tellyworld and Rati you are a power house of talent
    my questions for you both
    1-How was both of your experience
    of working with you little co-star zarra
    2-what is that one thing that you both havent said to each other uptill now?

  109. hai arjun and rati
    i am big fan of ur's and really very happy for this interview.i don't have many questions to ask but only one
    ARJUN:what will u do to cool rati when she gets angry with u
    RATI:same question to u also.

    for me arti is the best couple .i wish to see u both in many shows .hope u both give u fans the same.

    love u

  110. to arti: how did u guys feel during that massage scene recently?the way rati sat on arjun was damn funny!!!!!!so how was the experience?arjun aapko dard hui kya?u seemed stressed duting the scene...

  111. Hi Arjun n Rati
    I am Tasnim from Bangladesh.I am a big fan of both of you.You both have a magical chemistry.Love and respect you a lot from the core of my heart.Thanks to you for giving us Mayank and Nupur.

    To Arjun:
    You have world's best smile and its very always keep smiling.

    I am sure you have heard that many of your fans want you and Rati as real life couple.How do you feel about it?Do you feel bad and think that fans should not do this or you are ok with it as it is very common in this industry?

    To Rati:
    You are a fantastic actress.I have never find you imperfect in any scene and you have a flawless beauty.

    Are you single?When you plan to get married?

    To Both:
    Why can't we see you both in any other show or performing in some weekly shows or award shows?Lots on onscreen couple performs on award shows or in shows for special occasions.But never seen you in one except laughter ke phatke.Can we see you performing together in shows like this?

    1.Nowadays in your interviews you behave like Mayank Nupur.Can we atleast get to see Arjun Rati in interviews?Don't talk like Mayur be ArTi.
    2.Please do perform in some other shows as well.Like reality shows,dance shows or comedy shows...
    3.Please both of you sing the song "Bol na halke halke"..I would love to hear it from you two.Please

    Love you both loads

  112. It's no question guys!
    I just wanted to tell you guys something!
    On a different forum I've made a quote about you both which is well loved by everyone.
    It goes:-
    ~.Magic begins with Arjun and ends with Rati.~

    Also please sing Sajda to her Arjun and Tere Naina from MNIK!


  113. Hi Rati and Arjun,

    Love u both very much..

    I heard that you guys work more than 13 hrs a day for 27-28 days in a month.

    I am a software engineer and i work for 8-10 hrs a day for 20-22 days a month (with offs on sat and sun). Still I feel that I am unable to enjoy my personal life and spend time with my family.

    You guys are really great yaar.

    How are you managing your personal and professional life together??

    Do you get time for your personal matters and to spend time with your family??

    I think at least 6-7hrs sleep a day is necessary.
    It seems you don't sleep that much time. But still you guys give your best in all of the scenes and make it perfect...Hats off to you guys..I don't see any flaw in any of your scenes/expressions. How is it possible yaar?? Please give us some suggestions so that we can also try to be like you.

    Rati, I heard you stay alone without ur parents in Mumbai.. So it will be more difficult for you.
    Isn't it possible for your parents to shift to Mumbai and stay with you??

    I am proud to be a fan of you both.

    Take proper care of your health.

  114. Hi Arjun and Rati.
    you would have heard this a million times but still... i am a big fan of yours and watch MJHT only because of you.
    Both of you are amazing and deliver every scene and dialogue with perfection.
    Your onscreen chemistry is rocking.
    Rati you have very beautiful eyes and Arjun you have a killer smile. BY GOD I LOVE YOU BOTH.

    My only question is which scene was most difficuilt to shoot till date?

    Wanting to see more nok jhok and romance between MAYUR.

    with loads of luv

  115. arti: what r ur heights?

  116. i meant what is ur height arjun n what's urs rati?i know its a weird q. but just wanted to know...hehehe!

  117. hi arjun n rati :this is surbhi juneja frm delhi

    i wanted to ask u sum question i addtition to my above msg posted only for u hope tt team giv my whole msg to u so tht u can read it....

    1. to rati: u said tht u were embarassed doin pehli baar, bt u did sajda- luvd it, i wanted to ask hw was ur experience workin it...n arjun n rati hw did u felt doin this songs

    2. arjun n rati both: heard many times n read it in many sites tht u both dont get along wid each other, bt after watching u in many interviews including the previous tt interview it doesnt seems like u both dont get along each other, plz clarify

    3. arjun n rati: wht was ur experience workin wid little one: zara...honeslty she is cute n such a sweet baby...hw did u felt workin wid little baby who is jst 9 months

    4. cont to 3th ques: to both: who among arjun rati was able to handle baby zara perfectly....or we can say properly

    5. after the misunderstanding of mayank n nupur was over regarding holi kiss....we saw nupur was sitting on mayank for tht masage..., arjun n rati hw did u felt doin those scenes...actually i luvd those scenes

    6.wht do u think which character is the best or had a greater scope for u as an actor, for arjun: alekh/mayank n for rati: prarthna/nupur...(sorry rati i hadnt watch ur har ghar kuch kehta hai)

    7. for arjun n rati both: in which outfit does rati luks gorgeous n beautiful- sari/ suit/ casuals/ westren dress

    8. plz its a request to arjun n rati: hope u will fulfil my wish as i hav said my bday is in may n want this gift from u...hope u dont mind...arjun n rati i want ur email ids plz...plz giv me ur email ids as i hav mentioned i hav sent u the frnd request jisme se arjun's pending request has been deleted my bro jst to iritate me n its nt goin again to him n rati has nt yet accepted mine on fb so plz giv me ur email ids...

    9. rati : i hav seen arjun in many interviews n hav found u missin in sum of the interviews, n yes arjun has a blog wht abt u rati...plz think of starting a blog so tht we can interact wid u...plz

    10. last congrats to arjun for his new home...rati u liv in delhi or patna...coz my frnd said ur family livs in then u went to patna for holi celebration....

    lastly wht do u want in mjht shld happen

    luv u as a married couple in mjht as mayank n nupur <3

    take care

  118. Rati r u doing any film with Anus rashid ..

  119. i hope this message reaches you because there's a long list of questions posted by your crazy fans but let me tell you one thing I'm the craziest one!!!you are the most lovable onscreen couple and the credit goes to both of you for the magic you create!!Rati i have watched your telugu movie student although i didn't get a single word of it because i don't know telugu at all!!and i also watched Shaadi street it used to be on aired at 2;00am in Pakistan and i kept awake till 2:00am but my bad luck that i couldn't watch the last episode because of the load question for Rati is that which one is your real fb account? because i'm sick of these fake accounts plz give an understandable description!!my question for Arjun is how much are you like Mayank in your real life, are you that generous??and i beg you both not to leave mjht!!plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz*hugs*

  120. Hey Arjun and Rati,
    U both are jst mindblowing i can say u both are among d finest actors on tellywood till date.. AB u have d cutest smile in dis whole world. I must say ur a fab actor. Luv u alot Rati ur jst fantastic Dnt find any words tp describe ur beauty and talent.. Lemme tell u i was never a fan of an actress. Never i had adored any actress nor from hollywood neither from bollywood.
    U both are jst superb. Keep rocking..
    My questions for both AB and RP
    1. Which particular scene is d most memorable one for u? (Not only frm MJHT)
    2. Are u intrested in participating in reality shows? If yes den wat kind of reality shows u ll prefer dance shows/shows like big boss/ shows like fear factor?
    3. In show Mayur are married at vry young age. It is really common in India. Children's are forced by parent to get married at a very young age especially girlz and some are also forced to boycott deir studies. What is ur as in Arjun and rati's take on it?

    keep smiling

  121. i jus wanted 2 say 1 thing.....
    I LUV U BOTH!!

    important[in ma lyf]
    elder sibblings in ma lyf
    Full of life
    Head turner
    gr8 frnd
    mind blowin
    fun lovin
    fantastic person


  122. Hello arjun:
    I m deepshikha from mohali..........i m a big fan of urs.....i think that u r the one of the best actors on tv at the my opinion, the very one cud hav done justice the way u did wid mayank.....i don't think any1 cud hav played mayank's role better than u.......u were at ur best in the emotional n romantic avatar of the character......ur xpressions were always priceless in these 2 avatars....u were flawless in these 2 avatars........but when u did comedy i got surprised.....2 b honest i though that u mit not do comedy but surprised eversingle of ur fan......They say comedy is the most difficult thing to enact for actors…But u do it with such ease…This proves what a great actor u r ..!! U chemistry With Rati is just magical.......
    Unfortunately, you are currently a part of a below average show...which I watch only 'cos of my question to u wud b :
    Q1. Would u consider taking up a solo lead role in either Star one or other channels in a more meaningful show where u would have ample opportunities to showcase the phenomenal talent that u have & get the due recognition as an actor that u richly deserve!???........
    For an actor who is the sole reason for most people to watch MJHT, who is the life & soul of the show, the major draw/ attraction in a show..I feel that you get quite a step motherly treatment by the CV's in terms of screen space so my question is:
    Q2. Do u have a say in all this or is it a decision by the CV's
    There r lots of rumours abt u n though u hav clarified it thrice on ur blog....ppl still claims that u r a lier n u hav lied 2 ur fans......but i wud trust u.......In one of ur interviews u said that "People may lov my character today,hate it tomorrow but i want them to lov me as a person" my question to u is:
    Q3. Do u think a fan wud forgiv a celebrity for lying 2 his fans just for bcoz he feared that he wud lose his popularity n fans?do u bliev a fan wud lov a lier?
    Q4. If u hav to choose between the two of the girls, whom wud u choose? 1). Neha Swami 2). Rati Pandey

  123. hi arjun and rati i am hema frm bangalore i am very crazy fan of both

    arjun and rati u both are really adorable ur expreesions are very cute. i really missed u rati for the holi well we got the wishes frm arjun on behalf of u

    rati my question is if given a chance will u sing in mjht?
    both to arjun and rati how was ur experience working with the baby do u all miss the baby on the sets
    to both pls sing the favourate song frm mjht

  124. hiiiii arjun n rati... i luv u both very very very much. u both luk grat 2gather, u share sizzling chemistry on as well as off screen, rati u r d most pretty n verstaille actor i've ever seen in t.v., i got very angry when u didn't got even nomination in TELLY AWARDS.u do a award winning acting n arjun u r d best. i like u very much..i wanna ask u 1 ques.- don't u feel shy in dng scenes like pehli baar n sajda n r u a couple in real life, if yes then plz tell, m dying 2 hear dis....
    best wishes 4 ur future. u both rock...

  125. hi arjun n rati this is pooja frm mumbai.i love u both n dis i a "muaaahh" for arjun
    arjun i love u tooo much infact ur my fav actor ..ur lyk my RAJ.. for me ur better than any tellywood or bollywood actor..the episode in which mayank n nupur separate during d wedding track n d kal ho na ho n tu jane na song sequence got tears in my eyes.... u both were just amazing
    kep up d gud work :) n love u both always <3<3<3<3 n best of luck for lyf

  126. hiiii rati n arjun, i luv u both very very very much. i m a big fan of mjht.i don't even miss a single episode of it. u both r my favourite. u luk grat 2gather. u both share a sizzling chemistry on as well as off screen.rati u r d most beautiful, verstaille,talented actress i've ever seen n arjun u r just mindblowing on screen.u both make a grat couple.ijust wanna a ask both of u dat-" don't u feel uncomfortable in dng scencs like sajda n pehli baar"???n r u a couple in real life? if yes, then plz tell, m dying 2 hear dis becoz u both r like just made 4 each other..
    best wishes 4 ur future..mjht rocks..
    pooja frm m.p.(indore)

  127. hi guys! how're u both doing?
    1.arjun, whom among ur co-stars did u miss in australia?
    2.who are ur favourite singers guys?

  128. my questions to u guys r gonna b rati: which shampoo and conditioner do u apply on ur hair?i simply luv do u take care of such a long hair?is it naturally this silky?
    2.what r ur fav. perfumes guys?
    shayad kabhi in chiso ki khushboo se aap donoko pehchaanlu;-)
    3.rati can u plss sing suraj hua madhham from kabhi khushi kabhi gham? not for me but for arjun...;-)...just kidding!

  129. hi Arjun & Rati. I am big fan of both of u. u both r just amazing. Personally I like ur romantic scene specially. in serial the current track is brilliant , but please no more misunderstanding. we want to see mayur fulfil their dreams togther . my question is which scene is ur favourite scene in MJHT. please answer this individually.

  130. I have already posted my questions..

    Here is a request to TT team regarding the current MN track... The current track of Mayank and Nupur is the best and most realistic track in MJHT.. The Husband-wife working hard towards their career and for each other's happiness and especially i am loving the charcter growth in Nupur's character.. I am loving the current track to bits..My request to TT team, In case if ur interviewer meets CVs, please request them to continue this momemtum forever.. We want to see these kind of sensible and Quality scenes for Mayank and Nupur , not some random comedy or Romantic scenes...

    If the interviewer don't get a chance to meet the CVs, please tell to Arjun and Rati to pass on this message to CVs on behalf of their Fans

  131. I am Tehmina from canada, and I love you both :D

    Arjun and Rati- you are da besttt couple, no doubt ;)

    since I like to spend all my spare time watching you both, My family kinda gets mad at me sometimes because they think I spend wayyy too much time watching MAYUR or ARTI sbb/sbs scenes all over again and admiring you both Like crazzy...they think I am pagal and you may too, but what can i Do, you both are irresistible.

    I adoree you both and you're one of my greatest role models.
    Rati- I think seeing you has given me strenght to go on, LOL..I dunno why, but you have this kashish in you which makes you stand out from all others, and I really feel that you deserve everything in the world!

    My question to you both:
    Tell us the stupidest thing about each other that you have done, on the sets.
    Don't be shy...we all do stupid things every once in a while ;)

    Mayur have become a part of my life now,and they're the best Telly couple...I have never admired anyone as much as MAYUR.

    Just waiting for you both to get the best actress/actor award....Truly deservable.

    P.S: Rati and Arjun I love your smile and your eyes.

  132. nam is arzoo im leaving in kuwait..well it's hav been so long v were 2 get interview...
    my question 2 arjun:-
    1-what thing u lik most in rati?
    2-what u lik most abt arjun?
    v r waiting eagerly...4 it plzz tt give ue soon...

  133. Hey Arjun n Rati..
    jus wanna ask dat how u both r feeling widout each other after nupur's death track??

  134. ARJUN bhaiya-describe rati as a good frnd and how does it feel to be working without her ?

    RATI di-describe arjun bhaiya as a good frnd and how has your journey been with him till now ?

  135. This was really interesting. I loved reading it
