
Friday, February 12, 2010

Valentine On Telly Tadka

Meet your favorite stars only on Telly Tadka on the day of Valentine!!!!


Telly Tadka


  1. bring it on.........thanx tt.........

  2. thank u soooooooooooooooooo much telly tadka.....

    cant tell u how grateful i m to u guys.............

    prida in valentine special is such a dream come true..........

    we ll always remain grateful for this

    can we plzzzzz send them any msgs

  3. dats not fair..............we want savni as well.......u can show bits of every1.......dis is not done.......xpected to c u guyz on da sets of love ne showing offscreen chemistry of da whole cast.........plz do visit deir sets b4 it goes offair

  4. the tt teaam rocks!!
    lovee u guyssss

  5. Yes!!! ArTi are going to be there!! Best V'day ever!!

  6. TT Team rocks! Thanks! It will b nice to see PriDa together b4 d show goes off air!

  7. Thanks a lot TT.Its going to be Gr8 to see PriDa on Valantine's Day.
    I would also like to request TT to interview the whole cast of LNMDJ as this show is ending soon.Would love to see the off-screen interactions of the whole cast.And ofcourse more PriDa interviews are always welcome-))

  8. plzzzzzz put up d interview of Savni as well.....

    i wud luv to see prida, savni , varni on Valentines Day.....plzzz

  9. we appreciate your effort!!!! many savni fans like us wud wat to see a long interview of them b4 the show ends.....plz.....plz...plz....plz.....plz....plz.....plz...plz....plz.....plz....plz.....plz...plz....plz.....plz....plz.....plz...plz....plz.....plz....plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz........its a request!!!!!!plz.....plz...plz....plz.....plz....

  10. Thank you so so much TT for giving us a prida segement! you guys rock!!!

  11. Will you interview Mohit Sanaya as well ? pls do an interview with them we have been waiting for too long .

  12. THANKYOU TT...... i am very happy that ARTI will be there in the interview........plzzzzzz show a long interview of arti....plz.....plz....plz.

  13. We want a Mohit Sehgal & sanaya Irani interview ....pls fulfill our wish TT !

  14. luv ya TT !! oooooooooo me waitngggg 4 prida aka GauCha intrvw !!

    waitng 2 see Gaurav n CS !!

    n yaa wishing evry1 a HAPPY VALENTINES DAY !! :D

    -luv niki :D

  15. Really appreciate your efforts TT....but please give us Savni interview as well.
    please please please...we r dying to see them on valentines day

    Savni has so many crazy fans like me....please don't disappoint us

  16. This is not fair TT....we need Savni interview as well....Savni\karneet fans are eager to see them

  17. plzzzz TT, dont disappoint us....plzzz v ned Savni interview.....a loooooog one.....

    plzzzz even prida interview shud b loooong......

    im eagerly waiting for Savni interview....plzzzzz

  18. Thanks a ton....tellytadka!!! Can't say how much I appreciate u guys giving us a PRIDA interview before the show ending....and that too on Valentine's Day!!!

    U guys really rock and PRIDA is just awesome....please ask them to get back together for another show...Plzzzzzz. and thanks again!!!

  19. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  20. this is not fair we want savni/karneet interview aswell, please we savni fans are pleading to see savni interview on valentines day plzz

    if possible just a short interview of LNMDJ couples before it ends!!!

    but neways thank a ton TT

  21. Savni, Sajan are there too, and many many more celebrities, but some are individual messages, some in Jodi, so don't be disapointed, your favorite actors are there to wish u, so stay with us and enjoy ur valentine day. There are not long interviews of any couples, whom we already covered in past.

    LNMDJ is going to end and actors doesn't have time to give long interviews together, cause they have to wrapped up the show in a very short time.

    We always tried to entertained you with your favorite Couples interviews, and messages specially where LNMDJ was concerned, so please cheer up, and enjoy whatever is coming in your way.

    Keep Smiling!!!

  22. Thanks TT. Looking forward to the interviews and the messages.

  23. Oh yes yes Telly Tadka !

    Thanks sooooooooo mcuh for covering our FAVOURITE show LNMDJ !

    We'll miss the stars very much. could you please feature in ALL THREE couples for the Valentine Special as we all are eager to see them ONE last time before the curtians fall down !

    We love all the three couples very much and its really sad that other than TT and E24 ... none of the channels have covered them in their special segments.

    All our hopes ARE ONLY ON YOU NOW ... TT ! Please please please dont disappoint us !



  24. thanks a ton TT!!..appreciate your efforts in getting us messages from our fav stars!..looking forward to the video :)

  25. Thanx a Alot tellytadka.u guys doin a wonderfull job...lookin forward to the video

  26. thanx soo much telly tadka but plz plz plzzz can u also hav sanvi and varun and roshni interview. plzzz its not fair i really wana see them offsreen b4 the show ends. plzzzzzz try getting them in the interview tooo.

  27. Thanks so much TT!! Can't wait to see PriDa!! Thanks always for covering LNMDJ, while it is ignored by others!! Please give us more coverage of the full cast b4 the show ends!!

  28. plzzzzzz TT show us an interview of maan n geet.....then it will b the best valentines day ever...plzzzz
