
Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Spotlight On Savni

Spotlight on Savni

He was the flamboyant, charismatic, ultra confidant flirt who oozed enough charm to charm the birds off the trees and to wrap most girls around his little finger. He was also emotional, impetuous, and sometimes uncaring of whom he hurt and took things too far in his quest to achieve his goal, whatever the goal might be.

You can love him or hate him but you can never ignore him. And that is Sameer.

Avni, on the other hand is a shy, sweet, innocent, reticent, generous hearted, “gharelu” kind of girl, unsure of her looks and certain of her inability to attract members of the opposite sex, but strong in character and convictions, whose world consisted of her home and her loved ones.

Sameer thought he had everything planned and that he was in control of the situation. He was going to have his revenge. He thought he could make Avni, fall in love with him, and then just use her as a tool for revenge. And while Sameer was making all his revenge plans and machinations, little did he know and suspect that love was making its own plans for him.

“And think not you can
Direct the course of love,
For love,
If it finds you worthy,
Directs your course. " - Khalil Gibran

And as love had so destined, love happened between Sameer and Avni and thus began the saga of Sameer and Avni, the two opposites of a whole, bound together first by destiny and then by love.

And whatever their characters may be, the magic of this pair has a lot to do with the way they were brought them to life by the people who enacted them. Karan Tacker as Sameer brought his character to life in such a way that he managed to make most either love or hate his character, depending on the things performed by his character. Same goes for Perneet Chauhan, who brought the character of Avni to life in such a way, that she made everyone empathize with every feeling that her character went through. Kudos to both of them for a job well done, and for making these characters so real to their audience that these characters would never have been so loved and sometimes hated if not for the way they have been brought to life by them.

Author: Raji K


Telly Tadka


  1. rt yaar...........a big clap for karan tacker and perneet chauhan....

    i am just crazy foe savni and karneet.....

    karneet rockz :)

    love u both a lot :)

  2. rt yaar...........a big clap for karan tacker and perneet chauhan....

    i am just crazy for savni and karneet.....

    will miss them a lot after d show ends.........i hoping to get our karneet back very soon ....

    karneet rockz :)

    love u both a lot :)

  3. soo ryt bwt karan 'you can love him or hate him but you can never ignore him' and i love u karan!!

    im really gona miss savni scenes they were the best couple ever and will always remain for me! i would love to see them togther in another show. TT can u please get karan-perneet interview together for the last time PLEASE!!


  4. ah karan and perneet thanks for giving us such two such memorable chracters and an awesome jodi thanku for all those extremely romantic and savnilicious scenes

    @tellytadka-thanku so much for ur support to lnmdj media coverage

    Muah love u karan, perneet, savni and tellytadka

  5. hats off to u karan perneet for playing savni so efficiently

  6. while reading i cud c da journey of savni made me cry.yeah dis is how mcu i was attached 2 savni or karneet.....well written!!!!!!!!!!
    if karan nd perneet read dis dey will b satisfied dat dey ve done deir job......
    i wanna say plz karneet cum 2gether again nd recreate savni magic again
    tt plz gift us deir last interview as savni.....plz!!!!!
    its a request from all savnians


  7. thnx so much for dis ode..its ws 2 gud..luvd savni 2 much..n missig d show mainly coz of dem..

    lets hope PC n KT go on to do such meaningful shows

  8. Thanks a ton TT for this wonderfull article....
    Yes Karan tacker and Perneet Chauhan deserve a huge round of applause.....for enacting the characters of Sameer and avni so beautifully and setting the screen on fire with their magical chemistry.....i am certainly not wrong if i say that these two are the best newcomers i have seen in a long time...or wait a minute...are they really newcomers???with the kind of performances they have given it's difficult to believe it.
    Savni has truly driven me crazy and they are the main reason i watch lnmdj....

  9. Thnx 4 this very well written article....Karan and Perneet truly rockz......Love SAVNI...Love Karneet!!!

  10. amazing performance . really sad the show is ending but hope to see parneet and karan in other other show. Love them both . gr8t job. :)

  11. Thanks for this TT! Yes surely Savni were phenomenal!

  12. Thanks u so much Telly Tadka for this beautiful article
    I can't express in word how much i love Savni.No other television jodi has made me this crazy.Now the only thing i do is dream about them all day and night.
    I don't know what i'm gonna do after 26th of feb....will miss my Savni very badly

  13. TT....u guys are the best.Can't stop thanking u for all the articles and interviews of lnmdj you have given us and a special thanks this time because the article is about my favourite savni

  14. Word to what has been said in the article.Karan Tacker has did make everyone love him with the nautanki Sameer and make everyone hate him for portraying the negative shades of character as well.He is truly one of the best newcomers and a star in the making.Very rightly said "you can either love him or hate him but cannot ignore him"
    Same goes with Perneet chauhan for potraying the character of avni gujral with so much of conviction.She made everyone cry and laugh with the character
    Hats of to both these wonderful newcomers

  15. Karneet\Savni are the best!!!!!

  16. “And think not you can
    Direct the course of love,
    For love,
    If it finds you worthy,
    Directs your course. " - Wow!!!

    This defined the essence of SaVni and LNMDJ as a whole.

    Thank you TT soooo much. This was really very sweet.

    What a journey it has been for SaVni. Karan and Perneet were fantabulous. Newcomers??!!!

    Am so gonna miss SaVni and LNMDJ. Here's wishing you both the very best. Hope to see you together in a future project.
    Keep smiling, dearies.

  17. thanx m sad dt v wont get 2 c des awesum jodis.......i hope dy all do a shw 2gethr.....

  18. thanx TT fr all d coverage n importance u hv gvn 2 our fav shw ws such an awesum shw...all d jodis rock....savni luks cute....thanx agn.....

  19. Awwwwwwwwwwwwww..

    Thankooooooooooooo TT for making such a gawjus post, infact such a gawjus mini tribute to the most beautfiul jodi in this universe!..Savni are the best..And its all thanx to Karan and Perneet..My Karneet! Love you!..

    I am the BIGGEST Savni fan and Karneet fan in this Universe and would just want to say a few thingz to them..

    Karan-Your the best newcomer in years and i feel as if we are sooooooooo lucky to have seen such a brilliant actor like you in are the BEST in ever category whether its looks, personality, intelligence or acting!..May god give you all the happinesses in this world and may u always shine on my tv screen as an amazing actor!..You definitely have made your own niche and i will pray u reach the heights of success and are always happy..Theres no-one like you and i will always love you!..Hope to see you in your amazing show soon! *Hopefully with Perneet*..

    Perneet-Your a delight to watch and u are definitely one of the finst and most flawless actresses in indian television!..No one could have done Avni better than you and I am definitely your biggest fans!..May god give you all the happinesses in this world and may u always shine on my tv screen as an amazing actor!..You definitely have made your own niche and i will pray u reach the heights of success and are always happy..Theres no-one like you and i will always adore you!..Hope to see you in an amazing show soon! *Hopefully with Karan*..

    To My Karneet:
    Savni are the BEST Jodi on Television NO DOUBTS and will always be for me!..Ive named yours and Perneets jodi as Karneet and for me your off-screen chemistry is absolutely *adorable*..LOVE you both Together and wish to see more and more of you both together..

    Loads and Loads of Love and Best Wishes

    Hinal (London) x x x

    *TT thankooooooooooooo soooooooooo much for being the BEST people in this world and always keeping us and thses gawjus actors in contact!..I can never ever forget how may happinesses uve given us in the forms of videos etc, the only last favour i would want to ask is a group interview of Gaurav, Chandana, Simran, Dishank, Karan and Perneet. And in addition 3 jodi interviews too..Pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!..This would minimise our pain of loosing this gawjus show..Pleaseeeeeeeeee do try to do this favour for us..Thankooooooo for everything TT!..

  20. absolutly true....savni were alwayz natural and will alwayz b clost 2 my heart....

  21. TT pl v all wanna c 1 interview of d entire starcast.....gaurav,chandana,karan,
    perneet,simran n dishank...if poss dn ila as well.......

  22. one last karan-perneet interview? PLEASE?

  23. 100% agree with the analysis penned down. Savni will forever remain a golden couple of telly thanks to the chemistry and charms of Karan-Perneet. They were a made-for-each-other jodi and every scene enacted was so believable! Going to miss them so much but they will forever be cherished in our hearts and fond memories.

  24. Thanks TT for understanding Savni's fans feelings !!!

    I m missing Savni like hell....

    I love them so.........much

    Savni/Karneet is the best jodi on television....I have never ever loved any jodi to this extent...

    Please give my this message to Karneet!!

    Please one last long interview of Savni....Plz Plz Plz........!!

    Please give them a msg as well to come together on a new show !!

