
Saturday, February 27, 2010

Episode 33rd

Episode 33rd

Meet the strong lady Ela Gujral aka Sujata Sehgal in todays episode, also covered the golden moments of Love Ne Mila Di Jodi.....


Telly Tadka


  1. Hey Muniza and TT team ..

    LOVED LOVED LOVED Sujathaji's interview ... She is such a sweetheart ..Hugs back to yaa too ..Sujathaji .. Hope to see you back on screen

    -- Mru

  2. Loved Sujathaji as Ila in LNMDJ. She is so sweet. Thank you very much for this interview.

  3. TT u guyss d telly tadka lodzzzzz.


    i just wanna hv d adrees of anyone frm TT gonna send smthing for perneet and karan...i know sirf telly tadka ko he trust kar sakti hu...
    i know they will send my gftss to both of them when ever possible

    plzzzzzzz cn i hv d frm kolkata so will post the gifts :)

    telly tadka guys u r d bestttttttttt :)

  4. Loved the interview with Sujata she is such a sweeeetheart.....She said she missed her daughters.....tell us abt it....we will miss her ...her daughters and her son in laws much....
    Hoping to see her on screen soon.

    Thanks a ton TT for getting us this interview....Sujataji's happiness in recieving all those messages from fans made me feel so good. U guys rock.....keeping rocking TT.

  5. Thank you so much TT for bringing us Sujathaji's interview. It was lovely hearing from her. She is the best. I was happy to see that she was thrilled with our messages. She also spoke of missing her daughters and sons-in-law. We understand because we miss them too.

    She is such a sweetheart. I love her even more because she is frank and outspoken (just like me apparently). Thanks a lot TT once again for giving us a chance to get to know her.

  6. Thankyou TT for giving us a Sujata Sehgal interview..she played an amzing role in love ne...loved her character a lot!..

    Shes an amazing individual. love her!

  7. Thank u TT for this wonderful interview...i jus loved it......

    by the way, this is a question to Muniza di n TT : is it true that the actors wont accept their fans in facebook???? plzzzz reply.....

    there r lot of fake id' really confused....plzzz reply...i want to knw dis....if they r ignoring these fan's request,why are they doing like this????

    plzzzz reply...awaiting for your reply.....thank u...
