
Friday, January 22, 2010

MJHT: Mayur Settled and Now here Comes Sajan

MJHT: Mayur Settled and Now here Comes Sajan

Mayurains can sit back and enjoy because Mayur have been tied in the sacred relationship of marriage. Though Nupur's father let them get married, he is still not happy with this relationship and wants to see how Mayank supports Nupur. Last but not the least, some good news for sajan fans. The creatives are now working on a very good track for Sajan so in the coming days we will get to see more of sajan.

Reporter: Surabhi S


Telly Tadka


  1. thnxx u soo much for dis grr8888 news... was waiting eagerly for d sajan track... i'm soooo happyyy.. party tym nw..!!!

  2. finally..thx for the news.I hope sajan get a second date soon like valentines day date they had last year.NO marriage n all for sajan.

  3. shit! mayur airtime finished...time 4 me 2 go 4 vacation...c u in may coz the cvs will happily give 3 mnths 2 sajan oh! adhi-suh is also dere...
    bye mjht c u in 2011!

  4. no plz mayur shld still be shown.... cvs will hve 2 mk up 4 mayur lost time way bk in nov. so agn vday will b of sajan....shit ya

  5. no plz mayur shld still be shown.... cvs will hve 2 mk up 4 mayur lost time way bk in nov. so agn vday will b of sajan....shit ya

  6. thak u sooo much for dis gr888 news...was eagerly waiting for sajan track to after dis news m more impatient...not being able to control my excitement.. oh god...such a gr888 news...lets party sajanians...!!!

  7. wow good news..after a long time there will be some focus on Sajan..they were completely ignored for a long time

  8. ommg
    i m really happy
    part time for sajanians

  9. OMG I am so marriage track for Sajan please CVs

  10. yipppiieeeeee.. i'm sooooo happyyyy.. finally cvs ko yaad aa hi gaya dat sajan r also d leads... n nw dey shud focus on dem too..!!! yayyyyy... nw we'll get more of sajan scenes.. ws badlyyy missing dose dayss..!! thnxx for d grr8888 article.. tt, u really made my day..!!!

  11. Thank god sajan will be back soön... Quite bored from mayùr shaadi track..

  12. oh thanks a lot 4 d gr8 news but can u give more details bat d SaJan track

  13. ohh i still want more mayur track cause i dont really like sajan, i want more mayur scenes plzzzz i want to see what happens after there marriage!!!!

  14. yay!..i am so excited..finally the sajan track is gonna start..cant wait!..thanx for the info!=)

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