
Friday, November 13, 2009

Episode 18th

Meet Gaurav Khanna, Dishank Arora & Vivan Bhatena.


  1. Thanks so much for GK's interview!
    Absolutely loved it!

    please do a GK-chandana interview as well!

  2. Thanks a lott for such wonderful interviews with Gaurav & Dishank! Ab yeh dil maange morrrre :D Joint interviews of Gaurav-Chandana .. Karan-Perneet & Dishank-Simran!

  3. thanx very much 4 GK interview

    its awesome!

  4. Thank you soooo much for Gaurav's cool interview .... Loved it ..

    Can you plz give us Gaurav-Chandana joint interview ?? It will be lovely ..

    LNMDJ Rocks !!!


  5. hey.....thanks for such wonderful interview of Gaurav and Dishank.....I just loved them......please v need a chandana-Gaurav...Karan-Perneet interview too....plzzz...can't wait...
    Thanks tellytadka once again...

  6. GK roxxxxxxxx.... He is such a sweetheart... Thanxxxx TT...:D

  7. thanks soo much for the Gaurav and Dishank interview!!! Please keep showing more interviews of the LNMDJ cast, especially the jodis together!!! Also it would be nice if u can cover some shootings and other happenings on their sets!!! :)

  8. The interview was amazing! Thank you so much. Please show more interviews of the cast and Please, do an interview with Karan-Perneet as well?

    As well as a MJHT interview. We are missing Arjun Bijlani so much.. Is there possiblity of an Arjun Bijlani-Sanaya Irani combined interview in the future. Would love to how their friendship started, how much they know about each other and what do they do on the sets of MJHT together?

    Thank you so much..

  9. We are trying to bring Chandana and Gaurav interview together, and also the other cast as well. This interview is not done, soon you will see more interview of the cast. Its little hard to cover the set, but we will try our best to fulfill your wishes.

  10. Telly tadka rock...

    I would love to see GK and Cs interviews. ...and the whole cast of LNBDJ...thank you TT

  11. Thanks a million for GK's interview..Loved it..It was awesome..GK is an absolute sweetheart..

    And thank you for interviewing Dishank too..He sounds sweet..

    Please give us a Gaurav-Chandana interview, and some behind-the-scenes footage of the whole cats of LNMDJ..Demanding, I know..:-)

    Love you for this tellytadka..

  12. Oh, I meant the 'whole cast of LNMDJ' above, not 'cats'..:-p

    *embarrassed for the typo..sowie*

  13. thanx sooo much 4 GK interview.
    can u plz interview d whole cast n show behind d scenes 2.

  14. O we will be eagerly waiting for the cast interviews!!
    We really appreciate your work! =D

  15. GK is such a sweetheart!just love him.Hope we get GK-Chandana intrview soon.

  16. Thanks TT for the interviews, GK and Dishank, GK rocks.
    He is the best.
    Please bring us GK&CS interveiw too.

  17. thanks so much telly tadka for GKs interview! hes the best! GK you rock as prithvi in LNMDJ! love your pairing with chandana! please ggive us an interview of pritvi damini as well! thanks!

  18. Plz interview karan tacker-perneet chauhan alone plz
    Telly tadka
    And thanks so much
    Muah dishank!

  19. Telly Tadka defintely fulfill your requests. Its a fans show from fans, just be with us to cover more of your favorites :)

  20. LNMDJ is totally awesome. Thanks for the interviews. The cast and story is unique and a pleasure to watch. Was little bit tired of watching childish college stories otherwise. Guarav Khanna is brilliant - looks, acting, character portrayed, etc.
    Please show more interviews of him, and with Chandana Sharma. Other cast is awesome too....

  21. thank u 4 da interview of Gk..

    pleaseee can we have a gaurav-chandana interview as well???

  22. Thanks soo much for giving us a Gaurav Khanna interview!! Love ne cast interviews are sooo hard to come by! Please do give us more cast interviews, especially one with Gaurav and Chandana together.

  23. Please do a Arjun Rati together interview. And one suggestion-can you please ask your interviewer, Rakesh(I think) to be a bit more confident and prepared when he's doing interviews. Thanks
