
Friday, August 21, 2009

Questions for Sukirti Khandpal & Smita Bansal

Hey Fans,

Great news for all of you :) TellyTadka has arranged for a special interview with Sukirti Khandpal from Agle Janaam on zee tv & Smita Bansal from Balika Vadhu on colors tv.

So Post all your questions time is running out! And don't forget to e-mail us with your suggestions.

For Eijaz Fans, we will bring the interview soon. Thanks for understanding.

TellyTadka Team


  1. Hey Sukirti My name is Aaisma and i am a big fan!!
    My question is .. what has been the best and worst moments of your life?

  2. Hey Sukirti iam Hina from Canada.Iam your biggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggggg fan & i love you sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much.I want to ask you why you leave DMG u was perfect Riddhima.Please come back please shona lzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz & u roxxxxx in Agle janam.

  3. Hey Sukirti im ur Biggggggggggg Fan.
    My Question is....Which is the current daily soap u enjoy to watch ? ?
    Love u soooo much u r the Perfect Riddhima for us....but u Rock as Sidheshwari too :)

  4. Hi Sukirti,
    I'm a huge fan of yours and loved ur acting in all the serials you've acted from Ssh koi hai to Dil Mil Gaye

    Wanted to ask...did you ever plan to be an acteress?...did you have any idea that u wud be such a successful acteress one day? have you always wanted to go into acting? If not an acteress, then what would you be?

    Also what is your fitness regime?

    Thank you for reading (and thank you Tellybuzz for giving us Sukku fans this oppurtunity)!


  5. Hey Sukirti,

    My name is Saleem and I'm a very big fan of yours. Loved the way u played the role of Riddhima and now doing an awesome job as Siddheshwari.

    I wanted to ask that besides agle janam, will u do any other show soon or will keep doing agle janam only?

    Best of luck for your future and hope your sister is fine now. God bless u and your sis!

  6. Hi Sukirti! This is my first time asking any celebrity a question. I have a question, would you be willing to work in star one's serials again because we would love to see you in more youth shows that too in a lead :D. And also I would love to see you in straight hairs again, that too done properly :D if you dont mind :P. We would love to see you again in a youth show like Dil Mil Gaye with you in a lead. Oh and I have another question, if you were offered a film in a role would you do it quickly, or think before you sign because some people forget to look at the script and do it for fame reasons.
    Thanks for taking your time out to do this. Please keep checking your fanclub and your dmg thread on India forums because you have a lot of fans like me :D

    oh and sorry for the long post but cant help it for a sweet person like you :D

  7. hello sukirti
    im probably the biggest fan of yours

    i luv u soooooo mch n i miss us o much in dill mill gaye

    y did u leave yaar

    u n akarn look sooo good together miss u 2

    i dont like jennifer i want u there

    how could u leave such a show for a show like agle janam
    thats not you

    you need something looking more younger

    and on top of that y is laali snatching shekar away
    i dont like her
    tell her to go away

    onloy u n shekar r good

    but i miss kasu though

    i mean u and karan
    u no karan suku

    kasu r da best n u r da bestest
    i luv us ooo mch n i really want to see u in dill mill gaye

    or something more big

    i was hoping to see u in bollywood

    hope my dream comes true

    luv u


  8. Gr8 questions all, do keep posting more questions :)

  9. Hey sukirti
    I am a huge fan of urs and karan. your onscreen chemistry with him was superb. u r the true riddhima for us.
    Just wanted to ask u a question. is there anychance of u coming back in DMG, or signing up a new romantic serial with karan again??? u two created history with electrifirying chemitsry..!!!

  10. Hello sukirti,
    This is priya from chicago.All ur fans in india forums call you SUNSHINE & SHONA.
    How was ur working experince with karan?? in a recent interview KARAN SING SAID THAT U WERE A COMPLETE BABY ON THE SETS OF DMG. BUBBLIEST OF ALL AND YOUNGEST OF ALL..
    We all miss u like hell. plz take some new and fresh serials like DMG with u and karan in the lead.
    thanks and God bless you

  11. Hey Hi Riddhima,
    karan says that u were a baby on the sets, like him we all miss u alot. any plans of signing up a serial with karan singh grover? you look awsome with him

  12. hi sukirti
    this is Masood from Muzafrabad. i loved ur acting as riddhima in DMG. karan and u look the best with eachother. is there any new project in the pipeline esp with karan?????????
    plzzz sign up a new project with him.
    thanks and tc sister

  13. Hi sukirti ^_^

    first of all i wanna say that I am a huge fan of urs and karan & i miss u soooooo much.. plzz come back in DMG we really want u there & for me is KaSu 4ever & u look perfect with Armaan as Riddhima u Guyz are Awesome Yaar "God Bluss You All".. ^_^
    & my QUESTIONS is .. i just wanna know that are you coming back in DMG as Riddhima??

    Bye..Awatif ^^

  14. Hi Sunshine!
    -first of all, miss miss miss miss u as riddhima!
    -plz try out for the new show in star one! u would be perfect fir it! plz do it for your huge fanfollowing.
    -plz try to ¨work with Karan again, cause no matter what who u'll co-act with in future or who karan works with , no one can match up with u guys 2gether, what u guys had is rare and special, so plz will u be working with karan again?
    -will u be accepting the new show in star one, if they reach out for u?
    -how is ur sister doin?
    lots of love!

  15. Go away sukku worst riddhima ever!

  16. Karan hated Suks so why would he want to do a show with her?
    He likes Jens

  17. If you do not like anyone or any characteristics then please do not comment. We don't want to hurt other's feelings.


  18. Hope to see you soon again as a main lead! And as for the bashers, keep out, if you dont like someone then why r u taking the time to write....

  19. sukku luv 2 see u and karan singh 2gether again hate jennifer,please come in another drama with kara singh ,kasu forever and ever.

  20. Hi Sukirti (Hope I got your name right, there has been loads of speculation about the correct spelling of your name LOL)
    Neways, firstly I want to say that I love you as an actress, you manage to bring a charm to any show and it is a delight to watch you perform. I just wanted to ask you if we would be able to see you in any other serial coz AJMBHK is a bit too serial for younger auidences like me and moreover you have very little screen space.
    Best Wishes

  21. Sukirti, We love you as Riddhima! Please come in a new show called Kya Yaahi Pyaar hai as a lead because we know you will be awesome in it!! And please come on more shows if you can :D

    Your fan from U.S

  22. Sukirti, I would like to ask you a question, what did you plan on doing if you werent an actress, like what was your dream when you were a child or in college?

  23. Sukirti, I would like to ask you a question, what did you plan on doing if you werent an actress, like what was your dream when you were a child or in college?

  24. Hi to start wth, i miss u really really much.

    I really don't think i have evr loved an actress tht much.

    U r just the best.

    Im one of ur biggest fans!!!

    So my question is:

    IS there a serial u really wanted to in??? But nvr got a chance.

    Will we evr see u in a B-wood movie??? Or u don't want to be an actress in the b-wood industry.

    And the last one.

    Will we evr see u in a reality show????? If we do then which one reality show??

  25. We love u Suku!!!
    Keep rockin!
    u and karan look heavenly sent with each work with him in future! we r eagerly waitin!
    we would badly want u too take the main lead in star ones new show kya yehi pyar hai....will u accept if they approach u?
    and as long as bashers r considerd, sweety, they r just jealous!thats just it!

  26. Hi sukirti! u r awesome!
    hats of to handle the AJMB role so well!...any development of your character in near future in the show? or will it mainly be focused on laali and shekar?
    lots of love/dori

  27. hi suku sunshine!
    We badly want an interview of u and KAran 2gether....will u accept if they approach u abt it...belive us its just enough to see u 2 sit next to each other...u dont even need to talk ...and we love it...loooooolz!
    take care and keep rockin!

  28. Sukirti!
    a huge group r tryin really hard to approch star one abt their new show...kya yehi pyar they'll cast u....plzzz accept if they did, will you? we miss u so much in a youthshow..more than that we miss u next to karan!

  29. Hi Sukirti!

    This is Yamini Kapil here from Facebook, remember i spoke with you and Manjul over the phone :), i live in Canada and as you know very well im ur BIGGEST fan! I've never been so crazy about any actor or actress as i've been about you, you totally ROCKED as Riddhima Gupta & are doing a FAB job in Agle Janam, but pleaseeee tell me has Cinevistaas given you a call yet for Kya yahi pyaar hai?

    Pleaseeeee pleaseeeeeeee be a part of it, love you so much!! and im dead sure this show with you will be the biggest HIT ever!

    Love you Suku, you rule!!!

  30. Sukirti love you so much!!

  31. Dear Sukirti..
    I haven't commented here before beacuse my school started..but i'm a big fan of yours..and i realy hope to see you in the new show on star you rock in youth shows, and in agle janam..i'm realy forward to your interview..i just can't wait..

    Love Lana From Norway

  32. I seriously cant wait for this interview!! Dear Sukirti, tell us about your future TV plans, because we are eagerly waiting to see you. :D

  33. Whn will the interview be taken????

  34. Hey really want to ask u one more question. Can u tell something abt ur self which ur fans don't know???

  35. Hi Suku sweetheart!
    Just so u know....we strongly want u too co-act with Karan again in future! seeing u 2gether is like a dream! will u work with him?

  36. Hello sukirti! When is ur add comming out?

  37. Hi Sukirti! how is ur sister doing?

  38. Hi, wanted to ask u if u did any prepations to get into Siddeshwaris character? cause u r very very natural!

  39. hey sukirti Di,Im Zafirah from Singapore...LOL yup S'pore..nobody would even think u have a fan from here...
    First of are simply superb as an actress...i must say one of the finest actress ever..i have never been that crazy for a television must say hats off to your performance which just make me fall in love with u as a performer and as a person too. have heard great stuff about you from ppl..miss you a lot..hope to see you in a show which will boom your name,and also award you the best television are such a versatile actress..and not to forget pair you up with a guy which be the best on screen and popular television jodi for decades!

    One Question: Di how do you handle criticism and failure in life,or maybe at times when things aren't going your way,surely you will feel how do you tackle this issue,as im facing it myself at the moment..

    Miss SUKIRTI u rock!...wish i could chat with you one day..but my handphone bill is surely gonna burst hehe...overseas call..hehe..but hope to meet u in person some day..take care...Bigger opportunities heading for you....!! we hope to see you more in youth shows!!


  40. Aw Zafirah, such a nice message! I cannot wait to read the interview. I have another question for Sukirti, have you watched any fan made videos on you and Karan from Dil Mil Gaye because I think you will definitely like those since they are all so creatively good. :D

  41. hi sukirti

    please come back to DMG without you. DMG is boring jennifer is too old for DMG your the perfect riddhima

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